Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Wind, Vanquisher of Darkness/Story
I must focus. My mission remains unchanged. I will see that no dark spawn threatens our world.

Wind, Vanquisher of Darkness is a Story released on September 4th, 2024 in the Wind, Piercer of Darkness update (v5.9). Episodes of the Story can be obtained through the Wind, Vanquisher of Darkness Event.

The story follows Wind Archer Cookie Wind Archer Cookie on his journey to Beast-Yeast, where he discovers a dark plot.

For additional context, see: The Laboratorium and Towards the Light


Cutscene sherbetBG 04
Some time ago
Back in the Maze Grove
Wind archer angry
How could there be someone who dares to interfere with the cycle of Life?
Wind archer angry
Are you going? To Beast-Yeast?
Millennial Tree Sprite Silhouette
Wind archer angry
Wind Archer Cookie
My mission is to trace and vanquish the Darkness.
I shall catch the northeast wind and leave right away.
Millennial Tree Sprite Silhouette
Wind archer angry
Be careful. Do not get hurt.
Millennial Tree Sprite Silhouette
Wind archer default
Wind Archer Cookie
Millennial Tree Cookie...
I sensed your anguish.
Millennial Tree Sprite Silhouette
Wind archer default
Ah, my faithful wind that brings blessings of Life to all...
Millennial Tree Sprite Silhouette
Millennial Tree Cookie
The roots have brought me a message.
Set foot in the abyss of the Darkness you shall not.
For its whispers will divest you
of your purest Life Force and leave you hollow...
01. Chasing the Darkness
After having arrived in Beast-Yeast, Wind Archer Cookie remembers a conversation in the Maze Grove...
Wind vanquisher of darkness cutscene 3
Wind archer default
The wind has brought me here.
Beast-Yeast. It seems as though the land itself is devouring the power of Life…
The cycle of day and night is… irregular.
There is something… foul in the wind.
Wind archer serious
Wind Archer Cookie
The Abyss of the Darkness and its whispers…
What could this mean?
Did Millennial Tree Cookie Millennial Tree Cookie see something sinister amidst the ever-changing threads of time…?
Wind archer default
Wind Archer Cookie
I must focus. My mission remains unchanged.
I will see that no dark spawn threatens our world.
02. Laboratory of Deceit
It all began with deceit. The first protocol has been commenced.
Wind vanquisher of darkness cutscene 4
Wind archer default
This… seems like an ancient tree stump oozing dark, foul sap…
And yet, inside is an endless maze-like cavern with walls of sleek metal.
Wind archer worry
Wind Archer Cookie
Where does it lead… And what awaits me at the end?
Wind archer motivated
Wind Archer Cookie
Wind Archer Cookie's Arrow
Enemy choco cake warrior
Quick Cake Soldier
Wind archer motivated
Wind Archer Cookie
Wind Archer Cookie's Arrow
Enemy cake warrior
Fast Cake Soldier
Wind archer motivated
Wind Archer Cookie
Wind Archer Cookie's Arrow
Skelecake Grunt
Skelecake Grunt
Wind archer default
Wind Archer Cookie
That was the last one.
Wind archer motivated
Wind Archer Cookie
Click… Clack… Click…
I hear footsteps. Two Cookies
Wind archer serious
Wind Archer Cookie
Smart researcher default
Initiating Life Energy siphoning sequence.
Smart researcher default
Awaiting your signal.
Inquisitive researcher default
Smart researcher default
Smart Researcher
Transmitting signal.
Inquisitive researcher default
Three, two, one.
Machine activated!
Inquisitive researcher default
Inquisitive Researcher
Inquisitive researcher default
Life Energy accumulation rate is within optimal parameters!
Inquisitive researcher default
Inquisitive Researcher
Smart researcher default
Smart Researcher
Energy Vault status normal!
Inquisitive researcher default
Smart researcher default
Siphoning machine is running at full efficiency!
Inquisitive researcher default
Inquisitive Researcher
Smart researcher default
Smart Researcher
No deviations found on all stages of the Deceit Protocol.
Inquisitive researcher default
Smart researcher default
Phew! Whatever for do they need not one but two Cookies to turn the machine on?
Inquisitive researcher default
Inquisitive Researcher
Smart researcher default
Smart Researcher
Life Energy is the cornerstone of our research.
Siphoning it is the crucial first step of the process.
That is why we called it “the Deceit Protocol.”
Inquisitive researcher default
It’s important to ensure that it goes smooth as butter!
Smart researcher default
Yeah yeah…
I can see why they say you never make mistakes, heh.
Inquisitive researcher default
Inquisitive Researcher
Smart researcher default
Smart Researcher
Hurry up!
We have a lot to do!
Inquisitive researcher default
Smart researcher default
Alright, alright…
Inquisitive researcher default
Inquisitive Researcher
Wind archer worry
Wind Archer Cookie
They said that siphoning Life Energy is but the first step…
But to what end are they planning to use such power…?
Wind archer default
Wind Archer Cookie
I must learn more…
03. The Soul Protocol
What makes the Cookies unique: their dough or their souls?
Wind vanquisher of darkness cutscene 4
Smart researcher default
Commence the Soul Protocol.
Smart researcher default
Inquisitive researcher default
Smart researcher default
Smart Researcher
… I said, “commence the Soul Protocol”!
Are you listening to me?
Inquisitive researcher default
Smart researcher default
… Hm?
Oh… Eh heh… Sorry!
Inquisitive researcher default
Inquisitive Researcher
Smart researcher default
Smart Researcher
Focus, FOCUS!
A small miscalculation, and the dough will end up imbued with a soul!
Inquisitive researcher default
Smart researcher default
I know, I know!
Let me turn this thing on.
Inquisitive researcher default
Inquisitive Researcher
Smart researcher default
Smart Researcher
The dough is not reacting.
Next batch.
Inquisitive researcher default
Smart researcher default
Changing specimen…
Inquisitive researcher default
Inquisitive Researcher
… Hey, you know?
Isn’t it odd, if you think about it?
Smart researcher default
Smart Researcher
Is there a problem with the specimen?
Inquisitive researcher default
Smart researcher default
I mean… Don’t you think it’s peculiar?
Inquisitive researcher default
Inquisitive Researcher
The goal was to make a vessel for a Beast Cookie’s soul, right?
And yet, here we are, making sure the dough is NOT imbued with a soul!
Aren’t we doing the exact opposite?
Smart researcher annoyed
Smart Researcher

They would have informed us of any changes.
Inquisitive researcher default
Smart researcher default
Smart Researcher
We are making sure the dough is not imbued with just ANY soul-only those matching the Beast Cookies’ parameters.
The superiors have everything figured out.
Keep your head down and make sure the work is done.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Inquisitive researcher embarrassed
Inquisitive Researcher
Inquisitive researcher embarrassed
A reaction.
Smart researcher default
Smart Researcher
Gloop… Blooob…
Smart researcher default
Inquisitive researcher embarrassed
Inquisitive Researcher
It’s rather… unsettling.
Inquisitive researcher embarrassed
Let’s dispose of it.
Smart researcher default
Smart Researcher
Dough Being Thrown Away
Wind archer worry
A vessel… for a Beast Cookie…?
Dough… Life Energy… Souls…
Wind archer angry
Wind Archer Cookie
Whatever they are trying to achieve goes against the principals of Nature…
04. The Destroyer Protocol
Not only the impurities are eliminated in the process...
Wind vanquisher of darkness cutscene 5
Flickering Lights
Buzz… Bzt…
Wind archer angry
The deeper into the cavern, the more foul it becomes…
I can feel it… The corrupted Life Energy crackling in the air.
The dough vessels promised for the fallen ones must be near.
Inquisitive researcher default
Finally, the last protocol!
Let’s get it out of the way and clock out!
Inquisitive researcher default
This one should be easy.
Commencing the Destroyer Protocol.
Smart researcher default
We will now place the dough in the separator to completely remove the remaining impurities.
Inquisitive researcher default
Inquisitive Researcher
… To “destroy” its last remnants of identity.
How very sinister.
Smart researcher default
Inquisitive researcher default
Good to see you so focused on the job.
You’ve been rather… distracted lately.
Smart researcher default
Smart Researcher
Inquisitive researcher embarrassed
Inquisitive Researcher
… It’s just… I’m surprised you’re so calm!
I’m telling you, something is amiss.
Smart researcher default
Inquisitive researcher default
Inquisitive Researcher
Why do we need so much dough?
There are only five vessels…
Inquisitive researcher default
Oh, it’s quite simple.
To deliver impeccable results, we need to continue our tests.
And these tests require test subjects.
Smart researcher annoyed
Smart Researcher
Inquisitive researcher embarrassed
Inquisitive Researcher
Seriously, why are you so keen on turning a blind eyecing to whatever is going on here…?!
Smart researcher annoyed
You said I was distracted?
I’ll tell you what’s keeping me distracted!
Inquisitive researcher default
Inquisitive Researcher
It’s because we’re no better than these soulless blobs of dough!
Because we’re expected to keep our mouths shut, keep our heads down, and just carry on with all these “protocols”…!
You heard what the other teams have said!
They’ve managed to imbue dough with a soul, it’s a fact!
Inquisitive researcher embarrassed
Inquisitive Researcher
The Beast Cookie’s body was a success too!
One of those has already left the compound, I hear!
And what do you know?!
They oh-so-“conveniently” change all the protocols right after that…? A coincidence?
There’s gotta be something else at play.
Something the superiors don’t want us to know.
But there are signs! I just know it!
Inquisitive researcher default
Inquisitive Researcher
Because I’m not just some soulless dough!
I’m a living, thinking Cookie!
Smart researcher annoyed
Smart Researcher
How many times must I tell you?
Whatever our superiors are planning… It’s none of our business.
Smart researcher default
Smart Researcher
Less talking, more working.
Better help me out with that tray of dough.
… I… understand you’re upset, but we have work to do.
Straighten that tray before the dough spills over.
Smart researcher annoyed
Smart Researcher
No way.
… Not again!
Why am I so keen on turning a blind eyecing, you ask…?
Because if you keep snooping around…
Smart researcher default
Smart Researcher
Smart researcher annoyed
Smart Researcher
Did I not stress this from the very beginning?
… I most certainly have.
How many times has it been?
Perhaps, I should specifically request a… sharper teammate next time.
Smart researcher default
Smart Researcher
Dragging Noises
This sound…
Wind archer worry
Dragging Noises
Wind archer worry
Door Opening
Wind archer default
Wind Archer Cookie
I sense… a sinister presence beyond this door.
Wind archer angry
Wind Archer Cookie
A presence feeding on Life Energy…
Wind archer worry
Wind Archer Cookie
… Foul span of the pitch-black abyss…
Wind archer angry
Wind Archer Cookie
I must unravel the secret of this place!
Door Closing
05. Ominous Incubator
Cruel riddles and dark truth hide in the darkness.
Odyssey cutscene black background
Wind archer worry
Stop hiding amidst the shadows and reveal yourself!
Wind archer worry
Ah, my faithful wind that brings blessings of Life to all!
I have been expecting you.
Wind archer embarrassed
Wind Archer Cookie
Wind archer angry
Wind Archer Cookie
Foul creature, how dare you insult Millennial Tree Cookie Millennial Tree Cookie’s name with your trickery?
Wind archer angry
Oho ho ho ho he he he! Ewww, what’s that smell?
Did someone… PASS WIND?
Shadow milk default ghost
Get it?! Cuz you’re… WIND Archer Cookie.
Phew… Am I not hilarious? Anyhow! HI!
Wind archer angry
Wind Archer Cookie
You shouldn’t have left your prison, spawn!
I shall make you shut your mouth once and for all.
Wind archer angry
Mmh?! Mnnnhmmmhmmn!!!
Oh? I thought you’ve already started making me.
I said, “It’s an honor to be recognized!” Heh…
Shadow milk happy ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
You have one problem, ya green bean!
I’m but a bodiless sprint! You can’t silence me!
Shadow milk curious ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Although, I’m expecting to gain a physical form any minute now!
It is only a matter of time.
Shadow milk default ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Phew, thank creators I know how to bend the other-space to do my bidding. My friends and colleagues do not have that luxury at their disposal… Tsk tsk tsk…
Shadow milk happy ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Wind archer default
Wind Archer Cookie
You are nothing more than a phantom.
Shadow milk happy ghost
Wind archer default
Hey, I’m over here, greeny!
Did no one ever teach you it’s rude to look away when talking to someone?!
Shadow milk curious ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Not to worry! When I finally gain my new body,
I will bring about my very own empire of lies!
Good manners will be of little import there.
Shadow milk default ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Wind archer default
Wind Archer Cookie
Not if I send this abomination back to Nature!
Shadow milk default ghost
Wind archer default
And scene! What a delivery!
Someone’s been practicing their lines!
But I wonder… is that all there is to your role?
Shadow milk happy ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Wind archer angry
Wind Archer Cookie
What are you saying?
Shadow milk happy ghost
Wind archer angry
Mmmm… That won’t do.
Must I really spell everything out for you?
Shadow milk happy ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Listen! Listen carefully!
Seriously, don’t you hear it?!
Shadow milk default ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
… Still nothing? Well, what can you do?
You better thank your lucky stars I’m here to tell you!
Shadow milk happy 2 ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Wind vanquisher of darkness cutscene 6
Shadow milk default 2 ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
The screams, oh the screams!
The screams of countless creatures!
Wind archer embarrassed
Wind Archer Cookie
… No…
Hundreds, thousands of lives…
Cruelly ripped away from Nature’s embrace…
Wind archer embarrassed
Oh? You’re looking a little… green around the edges!
Do you perhaps find this… repulsive?
Shadow milk curious ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Aw, you Elemental Cookies…!
Interested only in the pure, pretty things ‘till the end!
But who am I to blame you, really…?
Shadow milk sing ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Wind archer angry
Wind Archer Cookie
What is going on in this place?!
Shadow milk sing ghost
Wind archer angry
Think, greenie, think!
Really, why would we need SO much dough?
I don’t have THAT many… friends in need of a new body, heh.
Shadow milk default ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Besides, one of them has already got a shiny new bod!
Shadow milk happy 2 ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
C’mon now!
Use that big noggin of yours to figure it out!
Shadow milk curious ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
The answer lies deeper, much deeper.
In the darkness, where my dough is imprisoned.
Shadow milk default 2 ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Wind archer angry
Wind Archer Cookie
I’ve heard enough of your foul riddles!
You will reveal the truth here and now!
Shadow milk default 2 ghost
Wind archer angry
Will I really?
Your dough reeks of fear, I can sense it.
Shadow milk default ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Set foot in the abyss of the Darkness you shall not.
Shadow milk happy ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
For its whispers will divest you of your purest Life Force and leave you hollow…
Wind archer embarrassed
Wind Archer Cookie
… These words! How did you…!
Shadow milk happy ghost
Wind archer embarrassed
Oh? Did I sound like, er, someone you know just now?
Yes, the Soul Jam whispers many truths, one better than the other!
All served with a drop of good old deceit!
Shadow milk sing ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Now, which one do you like more?
Shadow milk default 2 ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
“After many a hardship, the stalwart guardian of Life crumbles and becomes one with Nature he loved so dearly.”
A tragedy, really!
Shadow milk happy ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Or perhaps he just flees, tail between his knees!
So much for his noble mission to eradicate those pesky minions of the Darkness. Some stories do end like that!
Shadow milk happy 2 ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Shadow milk curious ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Wind archer worry
Wind Archer Cookie
Millennial Tree Cookie spoke of great peril awaiting in the deep abyss.
Yet there is a grain of truth in the ocean of lies.
Where this sinister whisper leads me…
lies the domain of the Great Darkness.
Wind archer motivated
Wind Archer Cookie
I shall fulfill my mission!
My arrow will pierce the Darkness, even if my body crumbles and turns to dust!
Cutscene sherbetBG 04
Millennial Tree Sprite Silhouette
The howling Wind of Life is about to be silenced by the whispering of Deceit…
The roots… are lamenting!
06. The Heart
The true plan is revealed.
Wind vanquisher of darkness cutscene 6
The screams of all those creatures, corrupted, unable to return to Nature’s embrace…
Wind archer embarrassed
Wind archer worry
Wind Archer Cookie
Shadow milk happy ghost
So?! Are you ready?
Time to crawl back to Millennial Tree Cookie Millennial Tree Cookie!
Wind archer worry
Shadow milk default 2 ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
C’mon! I’ll show you the way!
Here, right through this drain, together with our discarded experiment specimens!!!
Shadow milk default 2 ghost
I’ve heard enough of your filthy words…!
Wind archer angry
Wind Archer Cookie
My sacred purpose is to rid the world of the Darkness’s spawn.
And I will follow my mission right into the black heart of it!
Shadow milk curious ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Oh whoah whoah whoah! Hold your wind!
My little green friend, are you serious right now?
Wind archer angry
Shadow milk default ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Dearest audience, did you hear what our hero just said?!
Applause, applause! Let’s give this noble seeker of truth a round of generous applause!
Shadow milk default 2 ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
For he is going to fly straight into the fire!
Like a foolish little moth! MHE HE HE HE HE HE!
Odyssey cutscene black background
Wind archer embarrassed
Wind Archer Cookie
No sound but the wailing of the sacrificed lives…
Darkness… approaching, yearning to devour…
Wind vanquisher of darkness cutscene 4
Smart researcher default
Initiating Life Energy siphoning sequence.
Wind vanquisher of darkness cutscene 5
Inquisitive researcher default
Why do we need so much dough?
There are only five vessels…
You heard what the other teams have said!
They have managed to imbue dough with a soul, it’s a fact!
Wind vanquisher of darkness cutscene 6
Shadow milk default ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Think, greenie, think!
Really, why would we need SO much dough?
I don’t have THAT many… friends in need of a new body, heh.
Shadow milk curious ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
C’mon now!
Use that big noggin of yours to figure it out!
Odyssey cutscene black background
Shadow milk happy 2 ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Are you ready to go down the drain, greenski?
Shadow milk happy 2 ghost
I’m growing weary of your clownage.
Answer me!
Wind archer angry
Wind Archer Cookie
You’ve gone as far as corrupting the sacred Life Force…!
Tell me, what are you scheming here in the dark…?!
Wind archer worry
Wind Archer Cookie
Wind vanquisher of darkness cutscene 7
Wind archer embarrassed 2
Wind Archer Cookie
… This is…!
Wind archer embarrassed 2
Alright, alright! If you insist…!
Shadow milk default ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Shadow milk happy ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Behold, the Ultimate Cookie!
07. Rising Wind
Which way will the arrow fly...?
Wind vanquisher of darkness cutscene 7
Wind archer angry
You foul Beast…!
What have you done…!
Wind archer angry
It wasn’t me, you see!
Shadow milk default ghost
I admit I did graciously provide a little help in gathering all this Life Energy!
Shadow milk happy 2 ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Think of it as a fair exchange between colleagues.
A favor for a favor, so to speak.
After all, Dark Enchantress Cookie Dark Enchantress Cookie built a body for me.
Shadow milk default ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
The Ultimate Cookie, huh? So shiny, so strong!
A real SHOWSTOPPER, is it not?!
Shadow milk happy 2 ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
But to make and throw away all that dough just for the sake of one Cookie!
Such sinistry is a genre of its own! Heh!
Shadow milk default 2 ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Wind archer angry
Wind Archer Cookie
Is this all a joke to you…?
Shadow milk default 2 ghost
Wind archer embarrassed
Wind Archer Cookie
When that… abomination awakens…
It will bring about an age of despair…!
Wind archer embarrassed
I was starting to think you’d never figure this out!
Shadow milk happy ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
But don’t worry, pal!
You won’t live to see the coming of that new age!
Shadow milk happy 2 ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Shadow milk default 2 ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Enraged Cake Witch
Cake Witch Monster
Shadow milk happy ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Oho, looks like Dark Enchantress Cookie’s little friend is here! And not a moment too soon!
Enraged Cake Witch
This is it, Archie!
Wind archer exhausted
Wind Archer Cookie
Shadow milk happy ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
He he he he he he!
Not so bold anymore, are we?
Wind archer exhausted
Shadow milk happy ghost
Wind archer motivated
Wind Archer Cookie
Wind Archer Cookie's Arrow
Wind archer motivated
Wind archer exhausted
Wind Archer Cookie
Shadow milk default ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Awww! Tough luck!
Looks like your arrows are no good with all the resonance coming from the oven!
Wind archer exhausted
Shadow milk default ghost
Will you stop talking…!
Wind archer angry
Wind Archer Cookie
I am… losing this battle.
I might not be able to prevent the awakening of the Beast Cookies and the dough in the oven…
Wind archer worry
Wind Archer Cookie
And yet… I must destroy the Ultimate Cookie at all costs!
The age of despair must not happen…!
Shadow milk default ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Ah ha ha ha!
There is no time for your little musings, my friend!
Wind archer worry
Give up! Admit your defeat!
Meet your pathetic end!
Shadow milk default ghost
I will fulfill my purpose, come what may!
Wind archer exhausted
Wind Archer Cookie
The resonance is growing stronger.
Is the abomination trying to protect itself…?
Wind archer tired
Wind Archer Cookie
Shadow milk curious ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Hmmmmm? What an excellent question!
Is that truly so?
Wind archer tired
Shadow milk curious ghost
Enraged Cake Witch
Cake Witch Monster
Wind archer exhausted
Wind Archer Cookie
Wind archer exhausted
He he he he he he!
Eyes on the prize, greenie!
Shadow milk happy ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
The screaming…
Wind archer tired
Wind Archer Cookie
This resonance…
The creature is NOT trying to protect itself…
Wind archer angry
Wind Archer Cookie
Shadow milk default ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Oooh! Look who’s a smartie!
Wind archer angry
Shadow milk default ghost
All that dough, all that Life Energy, tainted, corrupted, abused…
Wind archer embarrassed
Wind Archer Cookie
It is wailing in despair and anguish…!
Shadow milk default 2 ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
So what? Feeling compassionate?
It is still a spawn of the Darkness you’ve sworn to wipe off the face of Earthbread!
Wind archer embarrassed
Shadow milk default 2 ghost
Wind archer embarrassed
Wind Archer Cookie
The seed of despair inside the oven, it IS a hinderance to the Cycle of Nature.
Wind archer tired
Wind Archer Cookie
But it also is a tormented life wallowing in agony!

That dough…
Wind archer exhausted
Wind Archer Cookie
It is… MORE than just a dark spawn!
Wind archer embarrassed 2
Wind Archer Cookie
Shadow milk happy 2 ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
He he he he! Oops! I’m not following!
Wind archer embarrassed 2
Shadow milk happy 2 ghost
I… know what I must do!
Wind archer embarrassed 2
Wind Archer Cookie
Shadow milk default ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Nah, don’t give it too much thought!
Shoot away! Fulfill your mission!
Wind archer embarrassed 2
Shadow milk happy ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Shadow milk happy ghost
The stench of the dark despair coming from the oven…
Wind archer serious
Wind Archer Cookie
Shadow milk curious ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Hello? Less talking, more shooting!
I’m getting bored out here, you know?
Wind archer serious
Shadow milk happy ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Shadow milk serious ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
… Not that your arrows can reach it anyway.
Shadow milk serious ghost
… but at the same time, I hear a faint whisper of Life, yearning for salvation.
Wind archer serious
Wind Archer Cookie
To heal and be reborn, such is the way of Nature.
Wind archer motivated
Wind Archer Cookie
Shadow milk angry 2 ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Say what now?
Wind archer motivated
Wind archer motivated
Wind Archer Cookie
Hush, I shall cure your pain.
My winds will carry your anguish far away.
My arrow will pierce the Darkness and rejuvenate your soul.
I will banish the foul malady…
And it will torment you no longer!
08. Cleansing Wind
A new future and the shadow of a new menace.
Cutscene sherbetBG 04
Millennial Tree Sprite Silhouette
The current of Life, flowing to the North-East has found calmness, if for a fleeting moment…
This future was concealed amidst the threads of time…
The child of the Dessert Forest has brought about a true miracle.
Ah… Yes. The cleansing wind is coming…
Wind vanquisher of darkness cutscene 8
Wind archer tired
I managed to disrupt their evil plans.
The devouring of Life Energy has stopped, if only briefly.
Wind archer tired
Enraged Cake Witch
Cake Witch Monster
Wind archer tired
Wind Archer Cookie
The monster and the deceitful voice are gone.
Wind archer serious
Wind Archer Cookie
And yet, the anguish continues.
My strength… wasn’t enough to save all Nature’s creatures tormented by the Darkness.
Wind archer angry
Wind Archer Cookie
Time is of the essence.
I must share my findings with the other Guardians.
Shadow milk serious ghost
Hmpf. And here I thought I could have a little fun while my body is still in the works.
Ah, divas! Can’t even stick to the script!
Shadow milk angry 2 ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Escaped through the drain like some pesky bug…
Shadow milk default ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
Welp! What can you do!
Perhaps it’s time for something… spicier!
Shadow milk default 2 ghost
Shadow Milk Cookie
How about a little destruction…?
He he he…
Wind vanquisher of darkness cutscene 8
Wind vanquisher of darkness cutscene 7
Converging Life Energy
Wind vanquisher of darkness cutscene 2
Wind vanquisher of darkness cutscene 1