Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Frost Queen Cookie
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Status Undispellable Buff
Status Undispellable Debuff

Undispellable effects are a battle mechanic in Cookie Run: Kingdom.


Undispellable effects are status effects or general effects that cannot be dispelled or purified by any means unless stated otherwise (or specific interactions). Most if not all undispellable effects have a shiny frame overlaid on their icons, and can even be applied to targets that cannot receive dispellable buffs or debuffs due to Status Immunity Immunity or Status Curse Curse.

Amplify Buff, Debuff Resist, and Amplified Debuffs will still affect the effectiveness and duration of these statuses.

Within the game's code, undispellable effects can be tagged with three different tags:

  • The first tag, "antiResist", bypasses immunity to dispellable effects, and is the most common type of undispellable effect.
  • The second tag, "resistAntiResist", will ignore the previous (and next) tag and apply as normal.
  • The third tag, "antiResistLevel2", also bypasses immunity to dispellable effects including those that are specifically resisted.

An example of "antiResistLevel2" is Linzer Cookie Linzer Cookie's Status DEF Down DEF Down debuff. While certain bosses are immune to all debuffs, there is a list of debuff tags that must be specifically written for it to be resisted. The boss may be immune to any debuff with the "DecreaseDefencePoint" tag, but due to her debuff's secondary tag, it will ignore this resistance and apply normally.

Tag Information
antiResist Used on buffs and debuffs. Cannot be removed. These type of debuffs can't be applied to targets with complete immunity to them.
resistAntiResist Used on buffs and debuffs. Cannot be removed. Ignores effects that would typically remove them.
antiResistLevel2 Currently only used on debuffs and various stage effects, such as in the Sublime Cake Tower. Cannot be removed. Can be applied to targets with complete immunity to them.








v e
Battle Mechanics
DamageDMG EnhanceHealingIntangibilityInterrupting effectMovement-impairing effectPassiveSafeguardedSkill (Transformation) ⬩ Summoned CreatureTactical SkillTargetingUndispellable effectVulnerability
Cookie BeascuitsCookie OrderCookie TypeMagic Candy (Crystal Jam) ⬩ Toppings
Stage Beckoning Dreams & Dream of DoomCrystalline RadianceUnderwater DomainData Corruption & Data CopySpore DispersalPaper StormAnguishPower of ApathyApathyYin and YangLand of SpiceBattlefield of FrenzyForces of AbundanceConfusionDomain of Deceit
Stats Basic: HPATKDEFCRIT (ChanceDMGResist) ⬩ Cooldown
Advanced: ATK SPDDMG ResistAmplify BuffDebuff Resist
Hidden: MOV SPDWeightRange
Elements Light Element LightPoison Element PoisonFire Element FireWater Element WaterEarth Element EarthIce Element IceElectricity Element ElectricityDarkness Element DarknessWind Element Wind
Status Effects Buffs: Current ChargeDMG FocusEarth's ProtectionImmortalityImmunityPurifyShieldTailwind
Debuffs: Amplify DebuffConsuming DarknessCurseDispelFrostInjury
Crowd Control: CharmFearFreezePolymorphShacklesSilenceSleepStunTaunt
Periodic Damage: BurnCorruptionPoisonVampiric BiteZap