The Story follows Pastry Cookie on a mission to purge the Tower of those she and the St. Pastry Order deem as "unclean and corrupt". There, she faces the harsh truths of the world which challenge her beliefs.
Now isn't that a surprise! Pomegranate Cookie, in the dough!
Did Dark Enchantress Cookie send you to watch over the preperations? Is she still reluctant to come in person?
... Don't you dare question the Master's ways! No matter the reason, my presence here will foster OUR progress.
Pomegranate Cookie
Tell me, have you made any progress?
Red Velvet Cookie
Hmph. Our numbers are increasing by the day, with or without your pestering. See for yourself: twice as many soldiers in but a moon!
Twice? Hmm... Perhaps, I was too optimistic to hope you were capable enough to increase our forces tenfold.
Pomegranate Cookie
Red Velvet Cookie
Hah! Spill your poison as much as you want!
There are limits to what I can achieve in current circumstances. The oven is eaten by rust, and the batter is too stale! Most of the new-born cakes don't make it.
This tower is the sacred ground of baking. All that is needed can be found here.
Pomegranate Cookie
Solve the problem. No matter what it takes.
Red Velvet Cookie
Easier said than done.
Skelecake Grunt
Red Velvet Cookie
What?! ... I see.
Looks like we have an uninvited guest. I will get rid of this nuisance.
And I'll be waiting. Oh, and try to come back before my tea goes cold.
It is said that this weapon cannot hurt an innocent being. A consecrated weapon, forged to be used in the praise of the Godly.
Red Velvet Cookie
Hah! So this Fork of yours alone decides who to crumble or let live? Such laughable self-righteousness!
The same ingredients and oven were used to bake the two kin, Cakes and Cookies! By a mere coincidence the former couldn't gain consciousness like you did!
Neither you, nor the Witches—NO ONE is in the right to take their lives, simply because they are different!
You dare to utter... the name of the Godly!
Pastry Cookie
Red Velvet Cookie
Are you afraid and hurt? Rejoice!
Pastry Cookie
For I am about to release you of your shame! I shall reduce you to CRUMBS!
I'm losing time... The taint of the Darkness was even deeper than I feared!
Yes, that is correct. Welcome to the temple of the Shadow, the Cake Tower!
Pomegranate Cookie
Pastry Cookie
What is this place...?!
That giant mold... It looks just like a Cookie!
Fine flour?! That enormous sack is filled with it!
All kinds of Cookie-making tools... Is this... the sacred Godly Pantry?!
Pastry Cookie
There's no other place in the world as sacred as this one! I cannot allow you to continue!
Foolish! Clearly, the true significance of this place is beyond your comprehension!
Pomegranate Cookie
This is the very place where our great Master, Dark Enchantress Cookie, was reborn... The first and last place where a Cookie has surpassed her creators, the Witches!
Red Velvet Cookie, too, was created here...
Pomegranate Cookie
Pastry Cookie
I will hear no more of this blasphemy! Do not insult this miraculous shrine with your filthy lies!
Do not test her patience, Crimson Priestess. That "puny being's'' crossbow can become your undoing...
Red Velvet Cookie
Pomegranate Cookie
Oh, is that so...? Then let us see her battling her worst enemy... HERSELF!
Pastry Cookie
What... Ah, AAAGH!
Pastry Cookie's Reflection
My consecrated crossbow senses an enemy in you, sister!
Your soul is ridden with doubt! Is the path you have chosen truly yours?!
Pastry Cookie
No! Don't come near me! Book of Butter, 9:17. "... thou I... I s-shall... resist!"
She fell into the Ultimate dough! She's... sinking?
Red Velvet Cookie
Pomegranate Cookie
The millennia old Ultimate Dough...? But it should be hardened, stale! Mirror, reveal the truth...!
Yes, you are right! Those who you call "Monsters" also desire for a world to live in!
Red Velvet Cookie
And when you meet your Godly creators, ask them. Ask them about your precious "Order" that decrees pretty Cookies to live, and forsaken, burnt Cakes to be SLAIN!
I saw the taint and corruption afflicting the Cake Tower and couldn't do anything. I repent...
Pastry Cookie
In that place, I saw an innumerous horde of Cake Monsters! You taught me that they deserve only the final judgement, but... The monsters could talk and... and had feelings, just like us...
Moreover... A dreadful glimpse of the Witches was revealed to me. The Godly Creators... ate Cookies, like us.
I... I can't get myself to pray anymore. Even a Holy Fork cannot help me against these memories...
Reverend Mother Cookie
Poor child...
My dear... A true believer will always face a moment of doubt. But wisdom will help you overcome of such... incidents.
It may be difficult, but time indeed can heal the worst wounds on our souls.
Yes... yes...
Pastry Cookie
Reverend Mother Cookie
Ah, I must remind you... Sometimes... secrets must remain unspoken, for the order of this world. You understand me, yes?
... Yes, Mother.
Pastry Cookie
Reverend Mother Cookie
Such an obedient child. A secret between you and me!