Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Adventurer Cookie
This article could use some work. Here's what's left to do:
  • Replace the images used with the Story Cell templates
  • Add the Megadough sprite
  • Add the combined Praying Cookies sprite
  • Replace the Guild Battle Promo image with the non-promo image
Here you can find all kinds of side stories: events happening behind the scenes of the Cookies' main adventure, or the little happenings of your kingdom.

The Special Records section of the Tower of Records contains Stories unrelated to the main Adventure story. Many of the Stories in this section were released with Events.

A New Cookie[]

A New Cookie is a collection of short, unvoiced Stories that feature only a small number of characters per episode.

# 01. Kumiho Cookie's Lucky Pouches
Sprite wizard 1

Wizard Cookie

Ah, Mistress Moon is magnificent tonight!
Have you already set your goals for the new year?
Sprite wizard 1
Mistress Moon...
I wish we all could fly in the sky...
Sprite angel 2
Angel Cookie
Sprite pancake
Pancake Cookie
Dear Moon,
I need a giant Acorn Jelly, and I mean GIANT!
Sprite angel 2
Sprite pancake
Huh? Are you making wishes? Sprite wizard 5
Wizard Cookie
Ahem! Well, in this case...
I want to become an archwizard!
Sprite wizard 1
Wizard Cookie
Kumiho Cookie
My oh my!
Looks like everyone has something to wish for.
Sprite wizard 1
Well, that's what Cookies do when they see the full moon?
Note that I'm not making excuses, nah-uh...
Sprite wizard 12
Wizard Cookie
Um... Who said that just a moment ago? Sprite wizard 2
Wizard Cookie
Sprite kumiho 4
Kumiho Cookie
Sprite wizard 2
Sprite kumiho 4
Pancake Cookie
Sprite wizard 3
Wizard Cookie
No, that is Kumiho Cookie!
Transformed again, Kumiho Cookie?
Sprite wizard 3
Ho ho, I certainly know a couple of tricks!
I can also make your wishes... come true.
Sprite kumiho 2
Kumiho Cookie
Angel Cookie
How wonderful...!
Sprite kumiho 2
You can but will you?
What will you have us do in return?
Sprite wizard 3
Wizard Cookie
Kumiho Cookie
Well, let's see... You know, I would be very grateful if you brought me a Lucky Pouch or two. Could you do that for me...?
Sprite wizard 3
Huh...! A Lucky Pouch...? Sprite pancake sad
Pancake Cookie
Sprite kumiho 2
Kumiho Cookie
Ho ho, that's right, my little friend!
Now go and bring me a Lucky Pouch. I'll be waiting for your return...
Sprite pancake sad
# 02. Fig Cookie's Jelly Horns
Sprite carrot 2
Carrot Cookie
Ah, the sun is shining! The carrots are growing!
If everything's going according to my plan, my carrots will TAKE. OVER. THE WORLD!
Sprite carrot 4
Carrot Cookie
But! There's only one obstacle on my way to world domination: the lack of cookiepower to harvest all the crops!
Sprite carrot 5
Carrot Cookie
Wait a minute... Beet Cookie! She promised to help, yet she's nowhere to be seen.
Sprite carrot 5
... Carrot Cookie...! Sprite beet 2
Beet Cookie
Sprite carrot 6
Carrot Cookie
You there, stop wasting time and get back to work!
The carrots won't harvest themselves!
Sprite beet 2
Sprite carrot 5
Carrot Cookie
And who might you be?!
Sprite carrot 5
'Lo there! Nice to meetcha! Figbase
Fig Cookie
Sprite carrot 3
Carrot Cookie
*finger-tenting* Hmmmm... Four legs, twice as strong...
My dear friend, will you be interested in lending a humble farmer a helping hand?
Sprite carrot 3
*nudging* Do not agree to anything she says. Beetbase
Beet Cookie
Fig Cookie
I come from a far'way deep for'st!
'Tis a tranquil 'n beautiful place!
Sprite fig 1
Fig Cookie
But I loik your kin'm too! 'Tis grand and m'jestic!
Can my for'st friends come too?
Sprite fig 1
Oh, forest friends, you say?
More of the four-legged, strong, hardy friends type?!
Carrot Cookie
Fig Cookie
Yas! My cute lil' animal friends!
They'll come if I blow my 'orn!
Well, what are you waiting for?!
Let's call your friends right now!
Sprite carrot 6
Carrot Cookie
Fig Cookie
Sprite carrot 6
... Nothing's happening? Sprite beet 2
Beet Cookie
Fig Cookie
Oh no! My for'st must be too far fo 'em to 'ear the 'orn!
Sprite beet 2
Maybe... If we find more of these horns, we will be able to summon them? Beetbase
Beet Cookie
Sprite carrot 3
Carrot Cookie
Such a brilliant idea!
I'd be so happy if they could come!
Sprite carrot 3
Ah! You, Cookies, are too kind!
Let's gather 'em 'orns!
Fig Cookie
# 03. Honey Sweet Honey
Sprite jolly bear 1
Jolly Bear Jelly
That's a large pot of hoooney!
It's filled to the brim with aaall this sweeeet, yummy hoooney too!
All for me to eeeat, ho ho!
Sprite jolly bear 1
Wait, who's that eating our honey?! Brave2
Sprite jolly bear 3
Jolly Bear Jelly
Oh nooo... I've been caaaught!
I'd better buuuuzz out of here like a beeee!
Sprite jolly bear 3
What's this? What are all these honey-stained footprints around the honey jar?! Brave2
So big and round...!
These have to be the footprints of a Jolly Bear Jelly!
We're gonna have a serious talk with that Jolly Bear Jelly, next time we meet...
# 04. Wice Cakes?
Sprite moon rabbit 1
Moon Rabbit Cookie
*Sniff sniff sniff*
Sommon must be making wice cakes...
But... where?!
Moon Rabbit base rabbit
Moon Rabbit Cookie
I must find 'em!
The wice cakes... WILL. BE. MINE!
Moon Rabbit base rabbit
Hey, thank you all!
Now we have a ton of the yummiest rice cakes!
Sprite strawberry 2
Strawberry Cookie
Well, it was fun... Kinda like a game...
Sprite strawberry 2
Present tense please, Strawberry Cookie!
We still need to put them on display. There are hungry Cookies waiting to have a piece of this tasty goodness!
Sprite wizard 3
Wizard Cookie
Sprite strawberry 2
Strawberry Cookie
Huh? What's... THAT!
Sprite wizard 3
Sprite strawberry 2
One moa, one weff... Nobowy's gonna notice! Moon Rabbit base rabbit
Rice Cake Bunny
Oh no! OH NO NO NO!
It's... it's... THE RICE CAKE BUNNY!
Moon Rabbit base rabbit
And, OF COURSE, it's already munching on the rice cakes! Sprite wizard 5
Wizard Cookie
Moon Rabbit base rabbit
Rice Cake Bunny
In goef one wice cake, in goes anowa...
Moa, moa!
Sprite wizard 5
Moon Rabbit base rabbit
The bunny looks happy... yet displeased... Sprite strawberry 2
Strawberry Cookie
Sprite wizard 9
Wizard Cookie
Welp, someone needs to calm down.
Sprite strawberry 2
# 05. Hyped for Halloween
Licorice Cookie
Bat-Cat! Where are you!?
GAH! That Bat-Cat...!
Sprite licorice 3
Licorice Cookie
You show yourself, right! NOW!
Sprite licorice 3
... Phew!
Is... is he gone? Nya...
Sprite bat cat 1
I... I want to have fun as well!
It's Halloween, after all! Nya ha ha!
You can dress up AND prank Cookies! It's practically what I'm made for!
Nya ha ha! Just you wait, Cookies! I'll scare you all!
Sprite bat cat 2
Sprite licorice 3
Licorice Cookie
Bat-Cat! Are you there?!
Sprite bat cat 2
Sprite licorice 3
...!! Sprite bat cat 2
N-nya... I almost got caught this time... Sprite bat cat 3
Meow! I'll hide behind that giant Bear Jelly Jack-o'-lantern! Sprite bat cat 4
Nya ha ha! No one will be able to find me! Sprite bat cat 1
# 06. Day of Mischief
Sprite licorice 2
Poison Mushroom Cookie, WHERE ARE YOU?!
Now where did that little...
Sprite licorice 2
Licorice Cookie...
Sprite licorice 4
Licorice Cookie
Huh?! You there...! I've been looking for you all day!
What on Earthbread are you doing?!
Sprite licorice 8
Licorice Cookie
Is that... a Rainbow... ahem... Shroomie?
Licorice Cookie
Why yes, yes! I'm a genius!
With those, we can finally show those stuck up Kingdom Cookies!
Poison Mushroom Cookie!
You once said you wanted to make A LOOOT of friends, didn't you?
Well, it's time! FRIEND-MAKING TIME!
Mhe he he he he he...

The Kingdom's Facilities[]

The Kingdom's Facilities is a collection of cutscenes that play when a player unlocks different facets of their kingdom.

# 01. Tree of Wishes
Blueberry Bird base
Blueberry Bird
Chirp! Chirp! Hello! Hello!
Blueberry Bird base
Oh, long time no see, Blueberry Bird! Sprite sugar gnome 2
Sugar Gnome
Bluebrry Bird happy
Blueberry Bird
This Kingdom looks safe!
I'll live here from now on! Chirp!
Sprite sugar gnome 2
Bluebrry Bird happy
Blueberry Birds make their nests on the Tree of Wishes.
We must do our best to clean the area around our Tree!
Sprite sugar gnome 2
Sugar Gnome
Sprite wizard 3
Wizard Cookie
I've stumbled upon the most peculiar object!
Any idea what it could be?
Sprite sugar gnome 2
Sprite wizard 3
Oh! What a Rarity you have found!
It will allow us to improve the Castle or expand our territory.
Sprite sugar gnome 2
Sugar Gnome
Our Tree of Wishes will help you find more of these! Sprite sugar gnome 1
Sugar Gnome
Sprite wizard 2
Wizard Cookie
Are there other ways?
Sprite sugar gnome 1
Sprite wizard 2
Railroad trade, sir Wizard Cookie!
We can trade Rarities with other Kingdoms!
Sprite sugar gnome 1
Sugar Gnome
Sprite wizard 3
Wizard Cookie
A Rarity, huh?
We must put it to good use...
Sprite sugar gnome 1
# 02. The Bear Jelly Balloon
Bubblegum Bird base
Bubblegum Bird
Chirp! I heard the rumors!
This Kingdom has grown a lot! Chirp! Chirp!
Bubblegum Bird base
Who's that?
Bubblegum Bird base
Bubblegum Bird
It's me, the Bubblegum Bird!
I tend this Bear Jelly Balloon! Chirp!
There's a dock here! Chirp!
But it's long broken! Chirp! Chirp!
Chirp! Rebuild the Balloon Dock!
And I'll bring my Bear Jelly Balloon here! Chirp!
Bubblegum Bird base
We'll see it done!
Bubblegum Bird base
Bubblegum Bird
Chirp! Thanks for rebuilding the dock!
I can already see many balloons come and go! Chirp!
Bubblegum Bird base
Can't wait to hop on and fly!
# 03. All Aboard the Bear Jelly Train
Sprite strawberry 4
Strawberry Cookie
I'm proud of our Castle...
Sprite strawberry 4
Ha ha! It's beginning to look like a real Kingdom, right?!
Train Attendant base
Train Attendant
Ho ho!
Is this... is this a Cooookie Kingdooom?
Train Attendant base
That'd be right...
Sprite strawberry 1
Strawberry Cookie
Train Attendant base
Train Attendant
I'm the Beeear Jelly Traaain attendant!
Sprite strawberry 1
I heeeard that the local staaation is beeeing rebuilt!
But alaaas... it looooks like I've arrived toooo soon!
Train Attendant base
D-don't you worry! We'll rebuild it in no time, right?!
# 04. The Dock
Avocado Cookie
Great! Ha ha!
Looks like this... construction is finally starting to look like a dock!
Thank you so much, Avocado Cookie!
Without any doubt, you were surprised by my request for ships and a dock!
Alchemist Cookie
Cookie0113 emotion happy
Avocado Cookie
Ha ha! It's alright!
Easy as Jampie for a blacksmith of my level!
Cookie0113 emotion happy
Who could've known I would require those rare reagents from across the sea?
... And guess what? THEY CAN'T EVEN SHIP THEM HERE!
Cookie0034 emotion tired
Alchemist Cookie
Cookie0113 emotion happy
Avocado Cookie
But I suppose most Cookies would use the Bear Jelly Train, ha ha!
Cookie0034 emotion tired
Cookie0113 emotion happy
... Besides, I'm worried I'm asking too much of the Blueberry Birds...
And the Sugar Gnomes told me that making them would take too long...
Cookie0034 emotion tired
Alchemist Cookie
Avocado Cookie
My my! That must've been tough!
Dontcha worry: I'll get it done right in a jiffy!
Cookie0034 emotion tired
Cookie0113 emotion happy
Avocado Cookie
But huh? I'm out of Candy Saws already?
Gotta go visit the bluesmith... No, blacksmith!
Wait, I'M THE ONE! Ha ha!
Cookie0113 emotion happy
Sprite alchemist 5
Alchemist Cookie
Custard Sprite 3
Custard Cookie III
*YAWN*... I'm bored...
It's been AGES since anyone praised by so very royal greatness...
Sprite alchemist 5
Custard Sprite 2
Custard Cookie III
Huh? What's this?
Why are there planks missing here?
Custard Sprite 7
Custard Cookie III
Ah! Must be a half-built bridge!
One of my hard-working subjects must have decided to cross the sea!
Splendid! I'm gonna finish this bridge, and make it long enough to cross the ocean!
Oh, I am such a wonderful king!
Custard Sprite 6
Custard Cookie III
Argh! I'm exhausted!
Hammering is too hard!!!
HELLO? Anyone to help their KING?!
Custard Sprite 5
Custard Cookie III
Custard Sprite 5
These materials should suffice. If there is anything else I ca...
Oh? Custard Cookie III?
Alchemist Cookie
Cookie0113 emotion happy
Avocado Cookie
Hey, kid! Don't flatten out so much or someone will step on ya!
Cookie0113 emotion happy
I j-just noticed the beautiful sky, and wanted to take in the view!
I'm definitely not slacking off!
Custard Sprite 2
Custard Cookie III
Alchemist Cookie
Is that so...?
So what were you working on?
Custard Sprite 2
Huh! Would you look at that! Someone's been workin like a Jelly Horse!
Ha ha, you really was helping with building the dock!
Avocado Cookie
Just a bit more practice and you'll be a master in no time!
Cookie0113 emotion happy
Avocado Cookie
Custard Sprite 9
Custard Cookie III
I'm impressive?! I'M IMPRESSIVE!
Cookie0113 emotion happy
Custard Sprite 9
Ha ha! Of course!
Doing all this work must've been hard for a newbie like yourself!
Cookie0113 emotion happy
Avocado Cookie
Custard Sprite 1
Custard Cookie III
He he! Right! I'm so royally amazing, am I not?
Just like a real king of a real Kingdom should be! Ahem!
Cookie0113 emotion happy
Custard Sprite 1
I see the two of you get along...
Oh well, I'm always welcome a helping hand! Let's carry on!
Alchemist Cookie
Cookie0113 emotion happy
Avocado Cookie
Whadda ya think?
Surely this'll be enough to get the cargo onto the ships, right?
Cookie0113 emotion happy
Whoah, you managed to finish sooner than I calculated!
You really are the best blacksmith ever, Avocado Cookie!
Sprite alchemist 1
Alchemist Cookie
With this, we'll be able to send ships all the way to the Tropical Soda Islands!
I will submit my first order right away...!
Custard Sprite 3
Custard Cookie III
Wait a minute... A DOCK?
We weren't building the longest bridge ever to cross that ocean?!
Sprite alchemist 1
Custard Sprite 3
Mwa ha ha, looks like there was a misunderstanding!
Why build a bridge when you can have a huge ship and go anywhere?!
Avocado Cookie
Custard Sprite 1
Custard Cookie III
A huge ship?! How huge are we talking?
Huger than the Bear Jelly Balloon? CAN I GO?!
Custard Sprite 1
Traversing the ocean is not an easy task!
If we don't prepare properly, it's highly likely that we'll get soggy IN NO TIME!
Alchemist Cookie
Custard Sprite 2
Custard Cookie III
Th-that doesn't scare me one bit!
Custard Sprite 2
If you really want to go that badly, you should find some trusty companions!
It will be much safer than going alone.
Alchemist Cookie
Custard Sprite 1
Custard Cookie III
Cookies to travel together with?
Why don't you come with me?!
Custard Sprite 1
Out of the question.
I have to make sure that my potions stay fresh while I wait for my delivery.
Sprite alchemist 5
Alchemist Cookie
Custard Sprite 3
Custard Cookie III
Psht... You're turning down an opportunity to go on adventures with a king?!
Avocado Cookie, you will join me at least, right?
Sprite alchemist 5
Custard Sprite 3
I'm not leaving!
'Cause THERE'RE NO LEAVES at sea, ha ha! GET IT?
Cookie0113 emotion happy
Avocado Cookie
Sprite alchemist 5
Alchemist Cookie
Cookie0113 emotion happy
Sprite alchemist 5
Hmph, just you wait!
I'll gather all the Cookies and get a boat too!
Custard Sprite 5
Custard Cookie III
# 05. Seaside Market
Blackberry Cookie
Master Adventurer Cookie?
My goodness! Disappeared again!
Phew... At last!
I managed to shake her off!
Adventurer Cookie
Good Jelly! A ship washed ashore!
Adventures do seem to find me everywhere!
Trader touc sandbank
He...! Ov... ere! HE...!
Someone is drowning in the sands!
To the rescue!
Adventurer Cookie
Trader Touc Sad
Desperate Trader Touc
PHEW! Th-thanks!
I'm sqa-live and in one piece!
Thanks to you, my rescuer!
A maelstrom of an unseen strength!
I thought I would never see land squ-again!
Trader Touc Sad
Quite an adventure!
The kind any adventurer dreams of!
Adventurer Cookie
Trader Touc Sad
Desperate Trader Touc
But I'm no adventurer, I'm a merchant!
The vicious pirates! I've lost my ship—everything!
I left my homeland in hopes to make a fortune!
However... *sniff*
Blackberry Cookie
Master. I am glad I have found you.
Good Jelly!
How did you find me?!
Sprite adventurer 2
Adventurer Cookie
Blackberry Cookie
I was merely lucky to have overheard you yelling about going to the seaside.
Have you managed to find the treasure?
Sprite adventurer 2
Just a moment! Before you apprehend me once again, look at this poor soul here!
Sprite adventurer 2
Adventurer Cookie
This unfortunate has lost everything!
This proud merchant requires the help of a noble adventurer, such as myself!
Adventurer Cookie
Blackberry Cookie
Indeed, this bird looks exhausted.
It must have been quite a long and wearisome voyage.
Sqw-ater... a sip of water...
Trader Touc Sad
Desperate Trader Touc
Adventurer Cookie
Say no more! We will bring you water to drink and food to eat!
Trader Touc Sad
My master takes such endeavors ever so seriously.
It is kind of him to help everyone in need.
Blackberry Cookie
Trader Touc Sad
Desperate Trader Touc
Yum! Gulp! Ha ha! SQUAWK!
Trader Touc
Trader Touc
Jelly stew? Delicious!
I'm feeling squ-alive again!
Trader Touc
Blackberry Cookie, have you forgotten your manners?!
A welcome to our magnificent kingdom is in order!
Adventurer Cookie
Trader Touc
Trader Touc
A kingdom, you say? Perfect!
Do you grow these Jellies?
Trader Touc
Well...they're nothing special, really!
We have more...refined culinary examples!
Adventurer Cookie
Trader Touc
Trader Touc
Squa-at did you say?!
Why did no one tell me of your kingdom before?
I have decided!
I sqw-ill establish a trade post in these lands!
Trader Touc
I strongly advise you to take time to rest and recuperate first.
Blackberry Cookie
Trader Touc
Trader Touc
No, no! No time to rest!
I must establish a trade route before sq-other merchants!
Tell me, who is your sq-king?
I must seek royal permission to open my trade post!
Trader Touc
It is unnecessary.
I believe, you may begin as you see fit.
Blackberry Cookie
Trader Touc
Trader Touc
Ho ho! Perfect! What a squ-ingdom!
Squ-ark my words! Soon, you'll see trade ships coming and going!
Goods from all over the world flowing in! Gold!
Adventurer Cookie
I see the color of your beak has improved!
Such a nice trade port you've constructed here!
Ha ha! All squa-nks to you!
You don't see many traders here, do you?
Trader Touc
Trader Touc
Blackberry Cookie
Our train station works daily and nightly.
The Cookies will be pleased to know about the establishment of naval trade routes.
Trader Touc
Get ready to become rich and prosperous!
Trader Touc
Trader Touc
Come back and see for yourself!
You'll be squawk-prised!
Adventurer Cookie
Good Jelly! This salty sea breeze...!
What adventures await me beyond the ocean?
Trader Touc
To cross the ocean is not an easy task!
Vicious pirates and cruel waves can't wait to squa-llow you and your goods!
Trader Touc
Trader Touc
The ocean is squawk-nificent, however!
One day, I'll own my very own trade fleet and sea ports around the world!
# 06. Sugar Gnome Laboratory
Gnome maestro
Maestro Sugar Gnome
Young friends, it has been a while!
I, Maestro Sugar Gnome, have come to say hello!
By my sugar beard! Your Kingdom is growing beautifully! Dip-di-doo!
Salute to all of you, Cookies!
This calls for a celebration! That's right!
I will build you a Sugar Gnome Laboratory!
Let's see... Geographically speaking,
I'll need a spacious and flat place.
That's more than enough real estate!
Why on Earthbread are you melting?
Gnome maestro
Doops-doops! Oh, you see...
It's just that, I've been working hard on expanding the territory...
Sprite sugar gnome 5
Sugar Gnome
Gnome maestro
Maestro Sugar Gnome
I see! Yes, yes! Indeed!
Oh dear, I almost forgot! I'm afraid I have another favor to ask!
Sprite sugar gnome 5
Could you get me the materials for building the lab?
You've brought them! Stupendous!
Let's see... now all I need is my trusty hammer, some nails, an axe, a ruler, a dashing blueprint by yours truly...
And the skills of THE MAESTRO! HA HA!
Sprite sugar gnome 1
Sugar Gnome
DI-DI-DAH! Such a magnificent lab!
Dip-ti-doo! Oh, how I wish to build something so grand like this someday!
Sprite sugar gnome 1
Ho ho ho! And someday you will, my good laddy! Someday you will!
After all, it is the joy of a Sugar Gnome to build, build, oh, AND BUILD!
Gnome maestro
Maestro Sugar Gnome
Now, let us do some RESEARCH!
# 07. Trade Harbor
Cookie0042 emotion happy
Blackberry Cookie
Hello, Trader Touc!
Cookie0042 emotion happy
Not a dull moment squ-all morning!
Phew, why did I have to choose to become a trader?
Trader touc base
Trader Touc
Adventurer Cookie
Hey, remember me? I'm Adventurer Cookie!
I brought you that Jelly Stew when you were stuck head-down in the sand!
Trader touc base
And I'm Blackberry Cookie, his caretaker.
Blackberry Cookie
Trader touc base
Trader Touc
Oh my, where are my manners!
Squaw-come inside, come in!
Trader touc base
I figured I'd pay you a visit, see how you're holding out! Good Jelly, look how much this place has grown since!
Cookie0038 happy
Adventurer Cookie
Trader touc base
Trader Touc
Ho ho! All thanks to you! See those squaw-crates on the beach over there? All part of this shop!
Cookie0038 happy
Oh my, I should pull some chairs! Wait a second, I'll get this junk out of the way... One moment!
Trader touc base
Out of the way where, exactly...? There's barely any space to stand in here to begin with!
Cookie0038 emotion sad
Adventurer Cookie
Blackberry Cookie
It seems you could use some more space.
Have you considered using the forest over there as a storage area?
Cookie0038 emotion sad
Kingdom Cutscene 1
Cookie0038 emotion motivated
Adventurer Cookie
We cleaned up the ground a bit, Touc!
Where are your things? I'll help you move it!
Cookie0038 emotion motivated
Squ-oh? Master Adventurer Cookie and Caretaker Cookie? I'm glad to see you back...
Trader Touc Sad
Trader Touc
But what should I do? I'm in squ-erious trouble! My ship has been destoryed by pirates!
It's all over... I failed twice... Perhaps-squawk I was never meant to become a great trader.
Cookie0042 emotion relieved
Blackberry Cookie
Do not be too pessimistic. Even if your boat was destroyed, you're still the owner of this marvelous establishment.
Trader Touc Sad
Cookie0042 emotion relieved
She's right! And look at what you created, all from nothing!
You can do it again!
Adventurer Cookie
Trader Touc Sad
Trader Touc
But back then you helped me squ-out so much.
I'm not sure I can ask that of...
Of course, if there was a way to get a free delivery of Biscuit Flour, which has risen in price sq-uite drastically recently... Then maybe...
Trader Touc Sad
Biscuit Flour, you say? Stay right there!
We'll go find some for you!
Cookie0038 happy
Adventurer Cookie
...Hey, Blackberry Cookie.
Is it just me, or are we repeating the same things over and over again?
Cookie0038 emotion sad
Adventurer Cookie
Cookie0042 emotion relieved
Blackberry Cookie
Judging by the fact that we have been asked for such a favor in such circumstances... That trader surely seems to be rather... peculiar.
Cookie0038 emotion sad
Cookie0042 emotion relieved
Squ-ow... You really brought all this high-quality Biscuit Flour for me?
Trader touc base
Trader Touc
Adventurer Cookie
The Windmills here have had a good year!
We were lucky to meet a Cookie with a carriage of freshly ground Biscuit Flour!
Trader touc base
Thank you so much! I'm not sure if I can squ-accept this, but since you went all this way to get it I won't refuse!
Trader touc base
Trader Touc
Unriped Kiwi Bird Default
Tweet! Is this Trader Touc's seaside market, built up from nothing but flotsam?
Trader touc base
Unriped Kiwi Bird Default
Squ-oh? That's right, but... who's asking?
Trader touc base
Trader Touc
Unriped Kiwi Bird Default
Unripe Kiwi Bird
I'm a Kiwi bird from Kiwi Island! Tweet! I've come to learn, so please teach me everything!
Trader touc base
Unriped Kiwi Bird Default
Sq-what's the point? I have nothing left. At this rate, I'll have to clean the bathrooms myself I have no work for you, young lad!
Trader Touc Sad
Trader Touc
Unriped Kiwi Bird Default
Unripe Kiwi Bird
What about that large trading ship filled with cargo outside? Tweet!
Trader Touc Sad
Unriped Kiwi Bird Default
What on Earthbread are you sqw-alking about?
Trader Touc Sad
Trader Touc
Looks like you've got visitors!
Cookie0038 emotion motivated
Adventurer Cookie
Merchants From Afar
Trader Touc! Please take my goods first!
Cookie0038 emotion motivated
Wh... what's going on?
How do squ-all of you know about my shop?
Trader Touc Sad
Trader Touc
Unriped Kiwi Bird Default
Unripe Kiwi Bird
Your trading ship went out on the deep seas to avoid pirates!
Out there they found new lands!
Trader Touc Sad
Unriped Kiwi Bird Default
Ships seem to be waiting in line to dock and unload their cargo.
Blackberry Cookie
Trader touc base
Trader Touc
... This... This is my chance!!!
I'm squ-oing to make this a full-fledged trade harbor!
A trading hub! A shop! Trading ships filling the horizon!
Squ-all of this will be part of my new trade harbor!
Trader touc base
Woah! You actually made this a complete harbor?!
It's so much more than I expected!
Sprite adventurer 2
Adventurer Cookie
Trader touc base
Trader Touc
Welcome, sqw-elcome!
Sprite adventurer 2
The ship loaded with the first batch of cargo is just about to depart.
I'm even organizing an event where I name the ships after the Cookies who invested their supplies!
Trader touc base
Me too! Me too! Me too!
Name one of them "Princess"!
Sprite princess admire
Princess Cookie
The first one should be named "GingerTrade" after me, of course!
Sprite princess admire
Ha ha, I'm sorry, Cookie friends.
The name of the first ship is squ-already decided!
Trader touc harbor master
Trader Touc
I'll name it "Master & Caretaker"...
After the two Cookies who helped me both times I had lost everything!
Cookie0038 emotion sad
Adventurer Cookie
Wow, thanks a lot!
But please, call me Adventurer Cookie!
Trader touc harbor master
Cookie0038 emotion sad
Squ-all right, Adventurer it is then!
Let's send the ship named in your honor on its maiden voyage!
Trader touc harbor master
Trader Touc
Cookie0038 emotion motivated
Adventurer Cookie
Good Jelly, am I thrilled!
It's the first time I send out a trade ship!
Cookie0038 emotion motivated
Ho ho... It has squ-always been my dream to build a large, beautiful trading center!
Now it's finally become sqw-eality, all thanks to you!
Trader touc harbor master
Trader Touc
There is something I squa-nt to tell you hard-working young'uns too.
If you just believe in yourselves and work hard, you'll succeed like me too!
Cookie0038 happy
Adventurer Cookie
That's right! That's why I loaded this ship with only the finest goods!
I hope I can expect some amazing treasures soon?
Trader touc harbor master
Cookie0038 happy
Loading every single one of your possessions was quite a reckless idea...
Cookie0042 emotion sad
Blackberry Cookie
Cookie0038 emotion motivated
Adventurer Cookie
Ha ha ha!
But the ship has sailed already, no?
Cookie0042 emotion sad
Adventurer Cookie
Also, Trader Touc is right.
A Cookie should live a life with dreams as vast and wide as the ocean!
# 08. Cookie Mansion
Sprite wizard 1
Wizard Cookie
Hm, our Kingdom could definitely use more space!
Sprite wizard 1
Then let's expand more territory!
Sprite wizard 1
Wizard Cookie
... Don't you see it's not a sustainable solution?!
We can barely manage the existing Cookie Houses!
Sprite wizard 1
Doopi-doopi! Dearest Cookies!
We can help! Let's merge the houses into mansions!
Sprite sugar gnome 2
Sugar Gnome
Sprite strawberry 5
Strawberry Cookie
Mansions? With an attic and all...?!
Sprite sugar gnome 2
Sprite strawberry 5
What a brilliant idea!
We can free up more territory without expanding it!
Sprite wizard 2
Wizard Cookie
Sprite sugar gnome 1
Sugar Gnome
That's right, my Noble-Magical-Smarty!
Leave the work to us!
Sprite wizard 2
Gosh, I LOVE it!
Double Cookie Houses mean double Star Jellies! Perfect!
Sprite wizard 2
Wizard Cookie
Awesome, simply awesome! Now let's MERGE 'EM ALL!
Sprite wizard 2
Erm... Is that doopti-necessary...? Sprite sugar gnome 2
Sugar Gnome
Sprite wizard 8
Wizard Cookie
Sprite sugar gnome 2
Sprite wizard 8
...... Sprite sugar gnome 4
Sugar Gnome
# 09. New Cookie House Designs
Sprite pancake
Pancake Cookie
He he he ha ha!
I won! I won! I'm THE BEST at hide-and-seek!
Sprite pancake
Waaah! You play unfair!
You hid behind a Cookie House!
Sprite onion 2
Onion Cookie
Sprite pancake hurray
Pancake Cookie
Yeah, 'cuz that's how you win! Ha ha!
No one can find me behind a Cookie House 'cuz they look all the same!
Sprite onion 2
Sprite pancake hurray
This youngster is right!
Ooooh, looks like it's time to flex my creativity muscles! Ho ho!
Gnome maestro
Maestro Sugar Gnome
Righty-oso! This is it! This is BRILLIANT!
Why don't we unleash our imagination and redecorate THEM ALL?!
So that everyone can design their Cookie House how they see it!
AND - drumroll - do whatever they want... with the LAWN!
Sprite herb 3
Herb Cookie
*gasp* Don't you dare touch... the LAWN!
Gnome maestro
Sprite herb 3
Ha ha! That's gonna be so much fun!
Oh hi, Herb Cookie... when did you come?!
Pancake Cookie
Gnome maestro
Maestro Sugar Gnome
Then it's settled! Let the construction works commence!
You have all the required materials, I presume?
# 10. Final Preparations
Mont Blanc Cookie
Ooh, this Kingdom looks perfect for my new boutique!
Look at all these fashionable Cookies—surely they'll find my clothes quite stylish!
I can't wait to prepare a brand-new attire for everyone!
And I shall create the perfect outfit matching my clients' charm, flavor, aroma, and texture, just how I was taught at Choc'au Latte!
Mont blanc happy
Mont Blanc Cookie
He he, now... Let's set up a boutique!
Mont Blanc Cookie
Et voila! The grand opening of my boutique... Maison Marron!
Mont blanc happy
Mont Blanc Cookie
He he! Don't you think this place is absolutely exquisite?
It has a luxurious yet serene look to it!
Mont Blanc Cookie
I plan to make sustainable outfits that are both beautiful and lasting.
I've learned from the best, so wait til you see my gorgeous needlework!
Mont blanc happy
Mont Blanc Cookie
Actually, since you've helped me set up the boutique, I'll fix you up an outfit as a token of my gratitude!
# 11. The Beginner's Guide to the Museum
Eclair Cookie Sprite
Eclair Cookie
Ah, welcome to the Guild Museum.
This museum showcases the hsitory and culture of all Cookiekind.
And I am Eclair Cookie, the curator of this museum.
Wait, are you here to donate a relic?!
Why yes! Please! Come this way!
If you'd like to collect more relics, I suggest joining the Cookie Alliance or visiting the Rainbow Shell Gallery.
You see, the harder the battle, the rarer the relic! And that's a fact!
Eclair Happy
Eclair Cookie
I hope you'll have fun filling the museum with all sorts of relics with your fellow guild members.
Eclair Excited
Eclair Cookie
Ah, thank you for donating a relic!
Eclair Cookie Sprite
Eclair Cookie
What a beautiful specimen!
And it seems to have an incredible historical value, too! This is very exciting.
Eclair Happy
Eclair Cookie
I will keep the relic right here, safely.
Your first time donating a relic!
Thank you so much!
There are still a number of relics throughout the kingdom waiting to be found! Visit the museum anytime for donations.
# 12. Victory in the Light of the Divines
# 13. Seashore Showdown
Gnome maestro
Maestro Sugar Gnome
Ah, my young friend!
Have you too, perchance, noticed something unusual?
The most peculiar object has appeared by the seaside!
Oh...! This... THIS IS...!
Yes, that's right...!
These sublime features can belong to only one thing!
The mystical statue from a legend older than time itself!
According to this legend, the statue holds powers of mysterious nature. Yes! Yes, I can feel it!
The Inspiration! It's coming to me!
Hmm... Something is not right...
A quintessential element is missing... Hm...
Ah, but of course! Supper!
A well-fed Gnome is a creative Gnome!
My young friend!
Can I humbly ask you for but a tiny favor?
Please, bring me something sweet to eat!
And while you are away, I will make sure to inspect this statue in the most thorough manner!
Gnome maestro
Maestro Sugar Gnome
Yes! Yes, thank you!
I can feel it: the sweetness spreading through my old sugars!
Ah! Here comes a thought!
Designs within designs! I can see clearly now!
I know exactly what this magnificent sculpture needs!
I shall fashion a great hall!
An edifice in honor of the legendary heroes of the ancient times!
And the statue will stand in its center...
Also, I have learned something that you might find rather beneficial.
The mystical powers within this sculpture will help you greatly!
My young friend, can you feel it?! The vibrations...!
Ancient might is about to meet the might of my artistic genius!
A masterpiece befitting the old legend will be born!
Ah, I simply cannot wait!
My very beard trembles in anticipation!
Let us begin...
Gnome maestro
Maestro Sugar Gnome
Ah, my young friend!
I have been awaiting you!
Do you, perchance, recall the shards we discovered while building this magnificent hall?
Yes, yes! The Radiant Shards!
You see, I've been thinking... And thinking... And thinking!
These shards belong here, in this very hall!
My young friend...! I have but a small favor to ask!
In return, I will share the Radiant Shards with you!
# 14. The Paladin's Oath
Cookie Odyssey Cutscene Day 5
Ha ha ha! It feels refreshing to come back home after my mission in the Cookie Kingdom!
Sprite madeleine 1
Madeleine Cookie
My achievements will be praised forever!
Who knew I would've achieved such glory as a Paladin!
Sprite madeleine 1
Ser Madeleine Cookie.
Do you remember your days at the Paladin Academy?
Sprite financier default
Madeleine Cookie
But of course! The exact temperature of the classroom...
Blinding light from the sun... and the deafening roars of cheer!
Ah... the good times.
Sprite financier default
I'd spar with other Cookies every day to hone my skills!
Are you, perchance, referring to the Republic's tradition of battle training?
Sprite financier default
Financier Cookie
I, too, have learned a lot about strategy and tactice through such training.
Sprite madeleine 1
Madeleine Cookie
Yes, yes! Exactly so! Ha ha!
Talking about the old days makes me want to walk those fierce battlefields once again...!
Sprite financier default
# 15. Soul-Resonating Power
If it's not about ways for me to get stronger, I'm NOT INTERESTED!!!
Impressive intuition.
That is exactly why I came.
Sprite yam 3
Purple Yam Cookie
... What?
Sprite yam 3
Have you not heard the news?
The research of the power of souls has been successfully completed.
Espresso Cookie
Sprite vampire 6
Oh yeah? Is that so...?
Sprite vampire 6
... Yes. We have found a way to contain it using special receptacles.
We call them Magic Candies.
Sprite espresso 2
Espresso Cookie
Purple Yam Cookie
And how will they make ME stronger?!
Sprite espresso 2
I have received a request to help Cookies of the Kingdom benefit from this power too.
Espresso Cookie
You happen to be our first candidate.
If you wish to walk away, let us know now rather than later.
Sprite yam 2
Purple Yam Cookie
REFUSE a chance to get even STRONGER?!
Sprite yam 1
Sounds bothersome.
Couldn't you just give me a glass of grape juice instead?
Sprite vampire 3
Vampire Cookie
Espresso Cookie
I have figured out what elements resonate with your soulds.
... As such, I have prepared grape juice too.
Sprite vampire 3
I see you know your stuff.
Sprite vampire 1
Vampire Cookie
Espresso Cookie
I take it you both agree to the terms then.
Come with me.
Sprite vampire 1
# 16. New Power, New Crafting
Gnome maestro
Maestro Sugar Gnome
Did you bring all the ingredients?
You truly are a resourceful one, young friend!
While you were occupied with gathering the ingredients, a letter arrived from my dear friend.
Apparently, they'll be arriving in the Kingdom shortly.
If the opportunity arises,
I would like to show them the finished Magic Laboratory.
Hurry up now, and get it constructed!
# 17. A Colorful Kingdom
Kingdom Cutscene 1
Gingerbrave happy
Don't you think our Kingdom has gotten way cooler?
When we first arrived, it was nothing but a small patch of grass!
Gingerbrave happy
Now we have nice shops, beautiful gardens...
Strawberry happy
Wizard default
I agree it's gotten way more acceptable, but...
Strawberry happy
Wizard annoyed
Wizard Cookie
... Something's still missing.
Wizard annoyed
Gingerbrave serious
Wizard default
Wizard Cookie
Imagine you're a Cookie visiting for the first time.
Where would you go to take pictures?
Gingerbrave serious
Wizard default
Oh... Hmm.
How about over there by the fountain? Or in front of that restaurant?
Gingerbrave serious
Wait! I know what we need!
Gingerbrave happy
Large statues, amusement park rides, and loads of things that will make every Cookie remember our kingdom forever!
Gingerbrave default
Let's all take a photo in front of this landmark!
Gingerbrave happy
Everyone, say Cookie!
Strawberry happy
Strawberry Cookie
What a nice photo...
I want to keep it on my desk!
Strawberry happy
You were right, Wizard Cookie!
Our Kingdom is so much cooler with a landmark!
Gingerbrave happy
Wizard default
Wizard Cookie
Of course it is!
Now our Kingdom feels less like a... factory, and more like a place Cookies actually live in!
Gingerbrave happy
Wizard default
FOUND YOU! You're the ones who ruined the Kingdom's landscape, aren't ya?!
Sprite carrot 5
Wizard angry
Wizard Cookie
We ruined the landscape?!
Sprite carrot 5
Wizard angry
Look at that! My carrot fields are covered with your buildings!
Without my carrots, you'll have no carrot cake or carrot pizza to eat!
Sprite carrot 5
Carrot Cookie
Gingerbrave worry
Ah?! I-I see...
Now that you mention it, you're right...
Sprite carrot 5
Gingerbrave serious
What should we do?
We already built the landmark...
Gingerbrave serious
Sprite carrot 5
Carrot Cookie
Wizard sweat
Wizard Cookie
We can't do that!
Sprite carrot 5
Wizard sweat
Is there no other option?
Gingerbrave serious
Wizard default
Wizard Cookie
Maybe... Let's ask Espresso Cookie for help!
Gingerbrave serious
With the help of the Republic's wizard, I'm sure we can solve this problem!
Gingerbrave worry
Espresso Cookie! We need help!
Gingerbrave worry
Fortunately for you, your timing could not be better.
Since I just finished my coffee, let's hear it.
Gingerbrave worry
So, you see...
A Few Moments Later...
Espresso Cookie
The only solution I can see is to levitate the landmarks in the sky above the Kingdom.
Levitate the landmarks? Is that even possible?!
Gingerbrave serious
Espresso Cookie
Did you not visit the Vanilla Kingdom?
Gingerbrave serious
OH! You're right!!!
Gingerbrave happy
Espresso Cookie
While it's not a trivial task pre se, I did get my hands on one particular research paper during my time in the Republic that you might find relevant.
Gingerbrave happy
Would you mind following my instructions?
# 18. A Brand New Guild Battle
CRK Promo Art Guild Update
Cream Puff Worried
Look! There are more rifts in the sky!
And they're bigger too!
And the clouds... They look different!
Something feels very off!
Cream puff default
Cream Puff Cookie
I... I think we might encounter a new foe!
Hang in there, everyone! Prepare for battle!
# 19. To the Black Pearl Islands!
Explore the Black Pearl Islands Visual 3
Merchant 2 Sprite Default
Hey! Have ya heard?
They're gathering volunteers that'll explore the Black Pearl Islands!
Merchant 2 Sprite Default
Have you been living under a rock or somethin'?
That was ages ago!
Merchant 5 Sprite Default
Merchant Cookie 5
Didn't you see a giant crowd on your way here?
Adventurers are crawling all over the place!
Cav proudly
Listen up! If yer here to explore the Black Pearl Islands, get on that boat over there: the Silent!
Merchant 5 Sprite Default
Cav proudly
So? What's so special about the Black Pearl Islands?
Merchant 2 Sprite Default
Merchant Cookie 2
Captain Caviar Cookie Default
Captain Caviar Cookie
Did I hear that right? "What's so SPECIAL?"
Merchant 2 Sprite Default
Long story short, it's no walk in the park.
Even the most seasoned sailors will have a hard time stayin' in one piece.
Cav serious
Captain Caviar Cookie
Sea monsters at every turn and the winds beckon you to the roughest storms...
Captain Caviar Sprite Happy
Captain Caviar Cookie
Imagine all the splendor that is waitin' to be discovered!
Who knows what treasures hide within those waters! HA HA!
Captain Caviar Sprite Happy
If you put it that way... No adventurer is gonna turn back!
Merchant 5 Sprite Default
Merchant Cookie 5
Captain Caviar Sprite Happy
Captain Caviar Cookie
WA HA HA! Of course!
How it ought to be!
Merchant 5 Sprite Default
Captain Caviar Cookie Default
Captain Caviar Cookie
The fear of the unknown...
Uncertainty of wandering in the middle of uncharted waters...
Only those who are brave enough to endure it all can achieve GREATNESS!
If you think you are a Cookie up to a task as such, get on board the Silent!
Cav proudly
Captain Caviar Cookie
We'll be back with treasures and stories like no one ever has!
# 20. Efficiency, Efficiency...
GingerBrave, I was thinking of bringing new friends to the flower bed. Could you help me finding some Biscuit Planters, Candy Flowers, and Colorful Bowls?
Of course! I got you!
Gingerbrave default
GingerBrave, I need your help! Could you bring me some Cream and Vintage Root Bottles for my alchemy experiment? OH! And Purity Crystals too!
Gingerbrave default
Sure! Just a heads up, it might take a while crafting and getting all of those materials!
Gingerbrave default
Phew! Where should I start...
Ok, so, I should go to the Dairy Factory first...
And then... the Artisan's Workshop...
Wait, where was the place that crafted Vintage Root Bottles?
Gingerbrave serious
So many things to make, so many PLACES to be! WAH!
Gingerbrave sweat
Gnome maestro
Ahem... Young Hero, do you require assistance?
Gingerbrave sweat
Gnome maestro
Maestro Sugar Gnome?!
Where did you come from?
Gingerbrave embarrassed
Gnome maestro
Sugar Gnome Maestro
Ha ha. I have ears all over the Kingdom...
Ears to hear the pleas for help!
Gingerbrave embarrassed
So I hear that you are busy tracking down places to craft all those items?
Well lad, I have just the thing for you!
Why don't you visit me in the laboratory?
# 21. B.A.D 4
BAD4 brute angry
Ughhh!! B.A.D 4's journey doesn't stop here!
Do you know how much training we went through?!
BAD4 brute angry
I had it the hardest!
Ever tried to hit the top notes in a cream waterfall?!
BAD4 lico tired
BAD4 poison shroom default
It's not easy rapping with a pencil in your mouth, you know.
BAD4 lico tired
BAD4 poison shroom default
Have you... every stepped on burning sheets?
Nothing is as hard as dancing in a hot broiling oven.
BAD4 RV sad
BAD4 brute angry
Do any of you know what it's like to be the leader?!
The crushing weight of responsibility...! Y'all know nothing!
BAD4 RV sad
BAD4 brute motivated
But our time has come! In the midst of all this chaos and fire!
Look at this stage! Perfect for B.A.D 4!
And it is I, T.N.T the Leader, who shall shine the brightest!
BAD4 brute motivated
What? Pfft. In your dreams! Can't you see the camera following my every move? This stage is MINE!
BAD4 lico happy
ZZ Skull
BAD4 RV default
I see that you're all confused. This stage is to show the dance moves of me and my Cake Hounds.
BAD4 lico happy
BAD4 RV default
But the manager said that this stage is for all of us...
BAD4 poison shroom motivated
BAD4 RV default
Hmph. Clearly you need to see it to believe it.
Move aside. Let me show you who this stage is for!
BAD4 poison shroom motivated
BAD4 RV default
You just want the spotlight to yourself! I'm gonna go too!
BAD4 lico angry
ZZ Skull
BAD4 brute angry
Wha? Wait, you can't leave your leader here! The center is MINE!
BAD4 lico angry
BAD4 brute angry
Wait for meeee!
BAD4 poison shroom hurray
# 22. Light at the End of the Road
Sick Cookie Sprite Default
Sick Cookie
*cough cough cough...*
Sick Cookie Sprite Default
Why are you, so sick, insisting on coming along...!
Pure Vanilla Cookie is simply treading the path of a pilgrim on his own!
Distressed Cookie Sprite Default
Distressed Cookie
What's the point of following him...!
Perhaps, it's time to go back now.
Sick Cookie Sprite Default
Sick Cookie
Physical suffering is nothing compared to the suffering of not being understood...
Distressed Cookie Sprite Default
Pure Vanilla Cookie is someone who can understand and care for such pain...
Sick Cookie Sprite Default
What are you saying!
In the end, each Cookie's suffering is their own!
Distressed Cookie Sprite Default
Distressed Cookie
(Crumbling Cookies, incomplete Cookies,
and not-so-sweet Cookies... Why must we suffer so?)
(Can't all beings of dough be happy?)
Pure vanilla default young
Everyone, I'm going to take a short rest here.
How are you faring?
Distressed Cookie Sprite Default
Pure vanilla default young
Pure Vanilla Cookie...
Distressed Cookie Sprite Default
Distressed Cookie
Sick Cookie Sprite Default
Sick Cooke
Pure Vanilla Cookie...!
Please pray for me so that I may be able to overcome my sickly dough and live another day!
Distressed Cookie Sprite Default
Sick Cookie Sprite Default
... Pure Vanilla Cookie.
Will we be able to find happiness?
Distressed Cookie Sprite Default
Distressed Cookie
Pure vanilla default young
Pure Vanilla Cookie
Distressed Cookie Sprite Default
That is the truth I myself strive to find...
That is why I will accept the 12 Trials of the Sugar-Free Road.
I hope that we will find the answers at the end of this path.
(Will I be able to find the strength to embrace all those in pain...?
No, I simply must!)
Pure vanilla default
Pure Vanilla Cookie
This light... this power...
Is it the power granted to those who have completed their trials...?
But I am aware. True enlightenment does not lie in power. Perhaps I have been bestowed this strength because of that realization precisely.
To use it for the good of everyone who believed in me, of the world that granted me this power...
Pure vanilla default
Pure Vanilla Cookie
No matter what happens, I will protect you...!
# 23. Light of the New Unity
Cutscene background ep11 01
The Roar of the Dragon
Hold it...!
Young hollyberry serious
Argh, did it get away...!
Young hollyberry serious
Hollyberry Cookie
Hollyberrian Sprite Default
Ho- Hollyberry Cookie!
Young hollyberry serious
Hollyberrian Sprite Default
The dragon escaped!
Was that the 87th... no, the 88th time!
Don't worry! I'll hunt it down and defeat it!
Young hollyberry default
Hollyberry Cookie
Hollyberrian Sprite Default
Well... It's just... a herd of banana crocodiles appeared in front of the Cranberry Estate! Looks like they crawled through the gap in the fence left by the dragon!
Young hollyberry default
Hollyberrian Sprite Default
Then we have to get rid of them straight away!
Young hollyberry serious
Hollyberry Cookie
Hollyberrian Sprite Default
The thing is... House Cranberry refused!
On the contrary, they declared they would not allow any other Berry Families inside the manor!
Young hollyberry serious
Hollyberrian Sprite Default
Young hollyberry serious
Hollyberry Cookie
This is no time to be fighting among ourselves...!
Isn't there something we can do?
I'm telling you, what we need right now is unity!
(Yes! Once scattered, the Berry Families must stand together! Our passionate hearts must beat in unison to share joys and sorrows!)
Young hollyberry default
Hollyberry Cookie
Hollyberry happy
Hollyberry Cookie
Thank you for trusting me and following my lead!
Hollyberry default
Hollyberry Cookie
All Berry Families have become united under the banner of this Berry Union!
Berry or not, it doesn't matter!
Anyone willing to share a glass of berry juice is a friend of mine!
And I, Hollyberry Cookie of the Hollyberry Union...
No, the Hollyberry Kingdom! I herby declare that I will always be the shield for everyone I call my friend!
Hollyberry happy
Hollyberry Cookie
Alright! Cheers!!!!
# 24. Light in the Snowy Mountains
Cutscene special episode04 015
(Black lightning and dark clouds...
What's next, a blizzard that freezes your breath?)
Young dark cacao
(The scale of the anomalies is growing.
The Cookies in the Frozen Snowfield are perishing one by one.)
(It's only a matter of time before the anomaly spreads across the continent...
Surely the cause must be somewhere in the center.)
Am I left no choice but to go alone...
Strange cookie default
Aah, have you come to learn more about this harsh land at the very edge of this continent?
Young dark cacao
Strange cookie default
I have arrived to investigate the anomalies occurring throughout the continent.
Young dark cacao
Dark Cacao Cookie
Strange cookie default
Strange Cookie
Weather anomalies? There's nothing like that!
This land is cold, barren, and rough as always!
Young dark cacao
Strange cookie default
More and more villages are affected by the dark clouds and blizzards.
Young dark cacao
Dark Cacao Cookie
Strange cookie default
Strange Cookie
Oh? Those? He he heh! Well, that can't be helped!
What can mere Cookies like us do!
Young dark cacao
Strange cookie default
It seems like you know something...
Young dark cacao
Dark Cacao Cookie
Strange cookie default
Strange Cookie
It's not about what you know, it's what you see!
Didn't you notice? That's dragons' doing!
Young dark cacao
For three days and three nights, two dragons are fighting for dominance!
What a wonderful, beautiful, and fascinating sight!
The winner will claim this land!
Ah... The dark clouds have spread...
What a sight, what a sight...!
Strange cookie default
Strange Cookie
Wait, where are you going!?
Surely you aren't trying to find those dragons?!
Young dark cacao
Dark Cacao Cookie
(Does he not see the Cookies crumbling to the black lightning and bitter cold?)
Strange cookie default
Young dark cacao
Wait up! After all, there is no more hope for this land!
Don't even think of interfere with their fight!(sic)
Strange cookie default
Strange Cookie
Young dark cacao
Dark Cacao Cookie
... I was a fool for hesitating.
Strange cookie default
(What I need... No what the Cookies need right now is my firm resolution to do my absolute best!)
Get out of the way.
Intervene, and you will regret it!
Dark cacao default
Dark Cacao Cookie
I saw someone frozen in despair, who ended up crumbling away.
I saw someone who said there is no longer hope for this land.
However... We do not live because there is hope.
There is hope because we live.
So I made a decision.
Cookies who cry out for hope!
Heed my words!
Dark cacao motivated
Dark Cacao Cookie
Endure. Persevere!
And hope will knock at your door!
# 25. Watch Out! Dragon Egg
Sprite sugar gnome 5
Help! S-someone help!
Sprite sugar gnome 5
What's the matter?!
Gingerbrave embarrassed
Strawberry feared
Huh... A giant egg... is blocking the road...?
Gingerbrave embarrassed
Strawberry happy
Strawberry Cookie
It's so colourful and pretty...!
Strawberry sad
Strawberry Cookie
But the Sugar Gnomes can't work because of this egg...
Strawberry sad
Oh? Oh! Ohohohoh!
Gingerbrave embarrassed
Everybody, step aside! I'll take care of this egg!
Gingerbrave angry
Wizard embarrassed
Not so fast, GingerBrave!
We don't even know what's INSIDE the egg...!
Gingerbrave angry
It's... hard like a rock!
Gingerbrave exhausted
Wizard serious
Wizard Cookie
That's what happens when you're being so RECKLESS!
Gingerbrave exhausted
Wizard serious
It looks like it rolled towards a brighter spot...
What if it needs some warmth...?
Strawberry sad
Strawberry Cookie
Gnome maestro
Strawberry sad
By my beard... This! This is a dragon egg!
I have only seen such things in old books!
Gnome maestro
Gnome maestro
Maestro Sugar
Yes, my young friends! Dragon eggs are sometimes found in the Dragon's Valley... But how this one ended up here is beyond the limits of my knowledge!
Cookies! Please, lure the egg to the laboratory!
There I will be able to perform a thorough inspection.
Gnome maestro
Say on more! Let's get to work!
Gingerbrave happy
Hey! Egg! Over here! Come on, roll!
Gingerbrave hurray
Strawberry feared
Strawberry Cookie
GingerBrave, be careful...!
Gingerbrave hurray
Strawberry feared
Gah! It's coming too fast! Slow down, egg!
Gingerbrave pain
Wizard serious
Wizard Cookie
Will he ever listen...
Gingerbrave pain
# 26. Dragon Hunter Drills
Tarte tatin default
The adventurers leaving for the Dragon's Valley come back stronger than before.
It's because they're not just fighting monsters, but learning together with Cookies from far and wide.
Sprite tarte tatin happy
Tarte Tatin Cookie
Going toe-to-toe with other Cookies is valuable combat experience that will make them sharper and stronger.
Sprite tarte tatin happy
Ah! You mean the dragon hunter drills?
Royal margarine happy
Everyone fights with everything they've got!
Although you end up covered in cinnamon dust...
Royal margarine proudly
Royal Margarine Cookie
Speaking of, isn't it time for the dragon hunter drills to begin in the Valley again soon?
Tarte tatin default
Tarte Tatin Cookie
That's correct. Are you planning on joining yourself?
Royal margarine proudly
Tarte tatin default
Huh? No way! I haven't even forgotten the feeling of cinnamon dust everywhere yet... Ah-choo!
Royal margarine serious
Royal Margarine Cookie
Sprite tarte tatin happy
Tarte Tatin Cookie
Are you sure? It might be a good opportunity to show off a Dragon Rider's skills to those novice adventurers...
Royal margarine serious
Sprite tarte tatin happy
... Well, if that's the case!
Maybe Buttercream and I should go for it, just as an exercise!
Royal margarine happy
Royal Margarine Cookie
Royal margarine happy
Buttercream Wyvern
# 27. Underwater Mayhem
Cutscene special episode03 03
Crimson Coral default sprite
The greed of those treacherous Land Cookies grow stranger each day.
These... torpedoes and bombs...
Nets everywhere, preying on us at every corner...
Tearcrown is in danger.
Crimson Coral default sprite
Crimson Coral Cookie! What do we do now?
Golden citrine angry
Crimson Coral default sprite
Crimson Coral Cookie
We show those Land Cookies what we're capable of.
Golden citrine angry
The entire kingdom of Tearcrown will join us in battle... all at once and cause total mayhem.
Crimson Coral default sprite
"Total mayhem?"
Aquamarine angry
Crimson Coral default sprite
Crimson Coral Cookie
It doesn't matter how many foes there are or how strong they are.
We all give it all and see who the final victor is...
Aquamarine angry
And I intend to bring victory to our kingdom, as it so rightfully deserves.
Crimson Coral default sprite
Yes... We must protect ourselves.
Mystic opal angry
Crimson Coral Motivated sprite
Crimson Coral Cookie
Coral Seahorses! Prepare for attack!
Mystic opal angry
Crimson Coral Motivated sprite
Coral Seahorses
Crimson Coral Motivated sprite
Crimson Coral Cookie
Advance! Show the Land Cookies the taste of the sea!
Swallow them with your waves!
# 28. Maestro Sugar Gnome's Masterpiece
Gnome maestro
Hello there! I have built a new masterpiece!
Charming, is it not?
Welcome to the Pavilion of Promise!
Come visit if you wish to meet a very special friend!
Sit down, lean back, and a friend will come say hello!
This is a perfect place to create new memories!
Go ahead and enjoy my newest masterpiece!
# 29. Ringmaster's Showtime
Welcome to the greatest show on Earthbread!
It is I, the Ringmaster of this circus! EHE HE HE!
I prepared card tricks that'll razzle dazzle you!
Illusions that'll make your head spin!
All sorts of mind-boggling tricks await!
Let's see if you can figure them out! EHE HE HE!
White lily serious
A strange... and sinister entity awaits us...
I can feel it...!
White lily serious
We'll need to prepare ourselves.
Pure vanilla serious
And we must fight!
To ensure peace on Earthbread!
Whatever awaits us...
We will keep fighting until the very end!
Pure vanilla default
Pure Vanilla Cookie
# 30. Attack of the Megadough
White lily embarrassed
I came as quickly as I can.(sic)
What's wrong?
White lily embarrassed
Over here, White Lily Cookie!
Silverbell annoyed
Mercurial knight default
A gigantic monster is headed towards the Faerie Kingdom.
Look over there. Do you see its rotten doughy flesh?
Silverbell annoyed
Graaaah... Guuu...
White lily feared
White Lily Cookie
Oh my...
White lily feared
The Silver Knights' scouting party has just returned.
The monster is nothing like we've ever seen.
Silver tree knight default
Silver Tree Knight Cookie
Mercurial knight default
Mercurial Knight Cookie
We will need every Cookie power in order to defeat it.
Silver tree knight default
Mercurial knight default
Look...! It's polluting the surrounding land, and even affecting other creatures too!
Silverbell annoyed
Silverbell Cookie
White lily sad
White Lily Cookie
Oh, Elder Faerie...
We need you...
Silverbell annoyed
White lily serious
White Lily Cookie
Everyone, remain calm.
Remember, you've all been blessed by the Silver Tree.
And His Majesty, Elder Faerie has protected this kingdom until his last breath.
White lily default
White Lily Cookie
We carry his blessings in our hearts!
White lily default
White Lily Cookie is right.
Mercurial knight admire
Mercurial Knight Cookie
Silver Tree Knights, send out a group to find its weakness!
Mercurial knight motivated
Mercurial Knight Cookie
Silver tree knight default
Silver Tree Knight Cookie
Yes, sir!
Mercurial knight motivated
Silver tree knight default
Everyone else, hold your ground and defend the Faerie Kingdom!
White lily motivated
White Lily Cookie
I shall prepare to fight, along with the others!
Butter roll gacha background
Researcher 3 default
So... we've confirmed the Faerie Kingdom has found the discarded dough experiment.
Researcher 3 default
We should've handled the situation before the Faeries found out...!
My apologies, Director Butter Roll Cookie!
Researcher 1 feared
Researcher Cookie 1
Butter roll embarrassed
Hmm... Well, who would've known that tiny piece of dough would end up as a gigantic abomination...?
Researcher 1 feared
Butter roll embarrassed
They might find out about our experiments...
It'd be best if we bring the specimen back...
Reseacher 2 default
Researcher Cookie 2
Butter roll serious
Butter Roll Cookie
Very well! I'll go and collect the specimen personally.
And if that doesn't work, I'll make sure all evidence tied with this lab is erased!
Reseacher 2 default
Matcha embarrassed
... That dough is still... alive...?
Maybe I could see it again...
Matcha angry
Matcha Cookie
... W-Wait for me...!
# 31. Spiky Tornado Race
Street urchin default
Who're you supposed to be?!
What? You want to be strong as me?
It's not easy as it looks, you know! (sic)
Street urchin happy
Street Urchin Cookie
Hmph, you've got guts, I'll give you that...
Street urchin embarrassed
Street Urchin Cookie
Who's this weak-dough?!
Street urchin angry
Street Urchin Cookie
Are you kidding me?!
You reek of raw dough!
Street urchin default
Street Urchin Cookie
C'mon, start running!
It'll make you stronger!
# 32. Prayers & Fate of the Tower
Praying Cookies
What is that...?
Praying cookie 1 admire
Praying Cookie 1
A tower...?
Praying cookie 1 admire
There are Cake Monsters coming out if it...!
Praying cookie 2 admire
Praying Cookie 2
Praying cookie 1 admire
Praying Cookie 1
Oh, this is bad...
Praying cookie 2 admire
Praying cookie 1 admire
Old villager default
Everyone, do not worry.
These sacred lands are protected by the sky god...
The divine one will hear our prayers and help...
Praying Cookies
Oh, sky god...
Oh divine one... We pray to thee...
Praying cookie 2 pray
Praying Cookie 2
Please watch over us with the blessings of the sky...
Praying cookie 2 pray
... and drive away the dark forces that plague these lands...
Praying cookie 1 pray
Praying Cookie 1
Stormbringer silhouette
What is this ruckus?!
It's so noisy down on Earthbread!
Rain Deity Cookie! Tell me, what is that tower?
Wind deity silhouette
Stormbringer silhouette
It's... most likely the work of Dark Enchantress Cookie Dark Enchantress Cookie, the one who's been wreaking havoc down on Earthbread.
We do not know what exactly she is scheming...
But one thing is for sure: Those Cake Monsters are building that tower sky-high.
Wind deity silhouette
Hm? Then it won't be long until they reach up here!
Rain deity silhouette
Cloud deity sihouette
Oh goodness... That won't do.
Rain deity silhouette
Cloud deity sihouette
Stormbringer silhouette
You're right, it won't do at all.
How dare they challenge me, the sky itself?!
Pzzt... Zzzzt...
Stormbringer silhouette
It's time they taste my lightning!
But before I do...
... tell those Cookies down below to quiet down!
Rain deity silhouette
Stormbringer silhouette
Ha ha, of course.
Rain deity silhouette
As you wish.
Cloud deity sihouette
Wind deity silhouette
Wind Deity Cookie
Always so... particular
Cloud deity silhouette
Wind deity silhouette
Stormbringer silhouette
Enough! Take your leave!
I must prepare for divine punishment!

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