Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki

Stage effects are a battle mechanic in Cookie Run: Kingdom.


Introduced in Invitation from the Slumbering Moon, certain enemies are capable of inflicting and increasing a specific meter on a unit through their attacks. The increase amount varies with the enemy; shown in tables of the stage effects' respective pages.

  • The meter is placed under the unit's card and health bar. Once the meter is filled, it will turn red as it depletes and trigger various negative effects on the target that depends on the stage effect itself (see table below).
  • Additionally, an undispellable Status Effect is permanently inflicted on the Cookie, which will stack for each repetition of this process (and sometimes increase the negative effect).
  • Status Immunity Immunity and certain Cookies can resist this effect, indicated by the meter turning green for a short moment before disappearing. Purify effects will also reduce the meter by 3.

A different type of stage effect, introduced in The Lost Golden City, features a superimposed meter above the battle UI and under the timer.

  • The meter may increase on its own over time or when enemies deal/receive damage. Once the meter is filled, an effect is triggered that typically affects all allies, both allies and enemies, or spawns in more enemies.
Information Target
Weary stage effect gauge Weary
Introduced in: Dream Express & Eternal City of Wizards
The meter fills up when attacking an enemy or receiving damage from them. Once filled, triggers the following effects depending on the specific stage effect:
  • Status Beckoning Dreams Beckoning Dreams: The target falls Status Sleep Asleep. If they resist only Sleep, they will become Status Drowsy Drowsy instead, eventually changing the status into Sleep once the carrier's resistance wears off. If Sleep expires or is dispelled, the target receives Awake Periodic DMGTrue DMG and increases this damage for each stack of Beckoning Dreams.
  • Status Dream of Doom Dream of Doom: The target falls Status Sleep Asleep. If they resist only Sleep, they will become Status Drowsy Drowsy instead, eventually changing the status into Sleep once the carrier's resistance wears off. If Sleep expires or is dispelled, the target receives Status InjuryStatus Undispellable Debuff Injury and increases the Injury capacity for each stack of Dream of Doom.
Single Ally
Water Cage stage effect gauge Water Cage
Introduced in: Tower of Frozen Waves
  • Status Underwater Domain Underwater Domain: The meter fills up when attacking an enemy or receiving damage from them. Once filled, the target is trapped within a Status Water CageElement Water Water Cage. If they resist only Water Cage, they will become Status Drenched Drenched instead, eventually changing the status into Water Cage once the carrier's resistance wears off. If Water Cage expires or is dispelled, the target receives Water Cage Periodic DMGTrue DMG and increases this damage for each stack of Underwater Domain.
Single Ally
Freeze stage effect gauge Freeze
Introduced in: Tower of Frozen Waves
  • Crystalline Radiance: The meter fills up when attacking an enemy or receiving damage from them. Once filled, the target becomes Status FreezeElement Ice Frozen. If they resist only Freeze, they will become Status ChillStatus Undispellable Debuff Chilled instead, eventually changing the status into Freeze once the carrier's resistance wears off. If Freeze expires or is dispelled, the target receives Freeze Periodic DMGTrue DMG and increases this damage for each stack of Crystalline Radiance.
Single Ally
Error stage effect gauge Error
Introduced in: The Lost Golden City & Goddess of Eternal Gold
The meter fills up when attacking an enemy or receiving damage from them, reducing the ally's ATK SPD. Once filled, triggers the following effects depending on the specific stage effect:
  • Status Stage Data Corruption Data Corruption: The target becomes Status Glitch Glitched. Once Glitch expires or is dispelled, receives Status Data CorruptionStatus Undispellable Debuff Data Corruption, taking Data Corruption Periodic DMGTrue DMG and Injury over time. The Injury capacity increases for each stack of Data Corruption.
  • Status Data Copy Data Copy: The target becomes Status Glitch Glitched. Once Glitch expires or is dispelled, and there is an enemy nearby, summons a Data Copy Clone to attack allies.
Single Ally
Introduced in The Lost Golden City.
  • Status MONSTERS! MONSTERS!: The meter fills up when attacking an enemy or receiving damage from them, and less with Earth Element Earth-type attacks. Once filled, more enemies will spawn.
Spore stage effect gauge Spore
Introduced in Secrets of the Silver Kingdom.
  • Status Spore DispersalStatus Undispellable Debuff Spore Dispersal: The meter fills up when attacking an enemy or receiving damage from them. Once filled, the target suffers from a Mushroom Mutation. During this state, the ally's buff effects are reduced and DMG received is increased, and this debuff effect is amplified for each stack of Spore Dispersal. Once Mushroom Mutation expires, the carrier increases the Spore meter of nearby allies.
Single Ally
Paper Storm stage effect gauge Paper Storm
Introduced in Theater of Lies.
  • Status Paper Storm Paper Storm: The meter fills up over time and additionally whenever an enemy is defeated. Once filled, deals DMG to all allies and inflicts Status Vampiric Bite Vampiric Bite.
All Allies
Introduced in The Awakening of White Apathy.
  • Status Anguish Anguish: The meter fills up when attacking an enemy or receiving damage from them. Once filled, summons a Dumpling King.
Yin and Yang
Introduced in Dark Resolution's Glorious Return.
  • Status Yin and Yang Yin and Yang: The meter fills up in two ways: black increases when allies attack, and white increases when enemies attack. Once filled with black, grants Status Yin EffectStatus Undispellable Buff Yin Effect to allies. Once filled with white, grants Status Yang EffectStatus Undispellable Buff Yang Effect to enemies.
All Allies/Enemies
Shooting Stars stage effect gauge Shooting Stars
Introduced in Cookie Alliance.
  • Status Shooting Stars Shooting Stars:
All Allies
Spice Smog stage effect gauge Spice Storm stage effect gauge Spice Smog / Spice Storm
Introduced in Shadow of the Destroyer.
  • Status Land of Spice Land of Spice: The meter fills up when attacking an enemy. Once filled, grants the Status Spice Smog BuffStatus Undispellable Buff Spice Smog buff to enemies and inflicts the Status Spice Smog DebuffStatus Undispellable Debuff Spice Smog debuff on allies. After the meter fills up again, grants the Status Spice Storm BuffStatus Undispellable Buff Spice Storm buff to enemies and inflicts the Status Spice Storm DebuffStatus Undispellable Debuff Spice Storm debuff on allies.
All Allies/Enemies
Battlefield of Frenzy
Introduced in Shadow of the Destroyer.
  • Status Stage Battlefield of Frenzy Battlefield of Frenzy:


  • The functionality of stage effects is similar to how Status Ailments work in Dark Souls and similar games.
v e
Battle Mechanics
DamageDMG EnhanceHealingIntangibilityInterrupting effectMovement-impairing effectPassiveSafeguardedSkill (Transformation) ⬩ Summoned CreatureTactical SkillTargetingUndispellable effectVulnerability
Cookie BeascuitsCookie OrderCookie TypeMagic Candy (Crystal Jam) ⬩ Toppings
Stage Beckoning Dreams & Dream of DoomCrystalline RadianceUnderwater DomainData Corruption & Data CopySpore DispersalPaper StormAnguishPower of ApathyApathyYin and YangLand of SpiceBattlefield of FrenzyForces of AbundanceConfusionDomain of Deceit
Stats Basic: HPATKDEFCRIT (ChanceDMGResist) ⬩ Cooldown
Advanced: ATK SPDDMG ResistAmplify BuffDebuff Resist
Hidden: MOV SPDWeightRange
Elements Light Element LightPoison Element PoisonFire Element FireWater Element WaterEarth Element EarthIce Element IceElectricity Element ElectricityDarkness Element DarknessWind Element Wind
Status Effects Buffs: Current ChargeDMG FocusEarth's ProtectionImmortalityImmunityPurifyShieldTailwind
Debuffs: Amplify DebuffConsuming DarknessCurseDispelFrostInjury
Crowd Control: CharmFearFreezePolymorphShacklesSilenceSleepStunTaunt
Periodic Damage: BurnCorruptionPoisonVampiric BiteZap