Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki

Stage Effects are a battle mechanic in Cookie Run: Kingdom.


Introduced in Invitation from the Slumbering Moon, certain enemies are capable of inflicting a status bar (shown under the Cookie's card) through their attacks. The status bar is also inflicted if the enemy takes damage from the player's team. Once the status bar reaches the maximum points, it will trigger varied negative effects (see table below for more information). After the negative effect is triggered, the status bar will deplete itself a second later, during which the unit is immune to any status bar inflictions.

Status Bar Information
World Effect Weary icon Weary
Introduced in Crispia Episode 15 & Episode 16.
  • Beckoning Dreams: Causes the target to fall Asleep for 5 seconds. If they resist Sleep only, they will become Drowsy instead, inflicting ATK SPD -60% and MOV SPD -20% for 15 seconds (until they cannot resist Sleep). If Sleep wears off or is dispelled, the target receives 7.5% True DMG relative to Max HP. Each stack of Status Beckoning Dreams Beckoning Dreams Beckoning Dreams increases the True DMG. 10 stacks maximum.
  • Dream of Doom: Fills the status bar upon attacking an enemy or receiving DMG from them. Once filled, the Cookie will fall Status Sleep Asleep. Once Sleep wears off or is dispelled, receives 35% Injury. Each stack of Status Dream of Doom Dream of Doom increases the Injury capacity. 20 stacks maximum.
World Effect Freeze icon Freeze
Introduced in Tower of Frozen Waves.
  • Crystalline Radiance: Fills the status bar upon attacking an enemy or receiving DMG from them. Once filled, the Cookie will be Frozen. Once Status FreezeElement Ice Freeze wears off or is dispelled, receives True DMG proportional to Max HP. Each stach of File:Status Crystalline Radiance.png Unknown Status increases the DMG received. Targets immune to Status FreezeElement Ice Freeze will become Status ChillStatus Undispellable Debuff Chilled instead until they are susceptible to Status FreezeElement Ice Freeze again.
World Effect Water Cage icon Water Cage
Introduced in Tower of Frozen Waves.
  • Underwater Domain: Fills the status bar upon attacking an enemy or receiving DMG from them. Once filled, the Cookie will be trapped in a Status Water CageElement Water Water Cage. Once the Status Water CageElement Water Water Cage wears off or is dispelled, receives True DMG proportional to Max HP. Each stack of Status Underwater Domain Unknown Status increases the DMG received. Targets immune to Status Water CageElement Water Water Cage will become Drenched instead until they are susceptible to Status Water CageElement Water Water Cage again.
World Effect Error icon Error
Introduced in Crispia Episode 17 & Episode 18.
  • Data Corruption: Fills the status bar upon attacking an enemy or receiving DMG from them. While the status bar is active, ATK SPD -5%. Once filled, the Cookie becomes Status Glitch Glitched. Once Glitch wears off or is dispelled, receives Status Data Corruption Data Corruption (inflicts 9% Injury per second for 10 seconds ignoring Max HP buffs). Each stack of File:Status World Data Corruption.png Unknown Status increases the Injury capacity. 10 stacks maximum.
  • Data Copy: Fills the status bar upon attacking an enemy or receiving DMG from them. While the status bar is active, ATK SPD -5%. One filled, the Cookie becomes Status Glitch Glitched. Once Glitch wears off or is dispelled, and there is an enemy nearby, a Data Copy Clone is summoned to attack allies.
World Effect Spore icon Spore
Introduced in Beast-Yeast Episode 1.
  • Spore Dispersal: Fills the status bar upon attacking an enemy or receiving DMG from them. Once filled, the Cookie receives the Mushroom Mutation Status. In this state, the team's buff effects are reduced and the DMG received increases. Once Mushroom Mutation wears off, its target disperses spores around themselves.


Enemies fill up the status bar by a differing amount of points with their attacks. They require 10 points to trigger negatives effects on Cookies, and only 2 points for Non-Cookies.

Status Beckoning Dreams Beckoning Dreams / Status Dream of Doom Dream of Doom

Enemy Method Effect Points
Enemy dream fairy
Dream Fairy
First Skill
Highest ATK target.

File:Status World Data Corruption.png Unknown Status / Status Data Copy Data Copy

Enemy Method Effect Points
Enemy folder v1
Folder V1
First Skill
All targets.
Enemy golden city scorpion
Golden City Scorpion
Regular Attack
Nearest target.
Regular Attack
Nearest target.
Regular Attack
Nearest target.
Common skill melee attack
Nearest target.
Common skill melee attack 2
Double Click
Attacks all targets twice.
Regular Attack
Attacks the nearest target twice.
First Skill
Attacks the nearest target twice.
First Skill
Attacks the nearest and farthest target.
Common skill projectile 1
Spear of Light
Nearest target.
Common skill laser
Judgment of Light
Attacks the three highest ATK targets thrice.
Enemy smoked cheese cookie
Smoked Cheese Cookie
Common skill projectile 1
Toxic Smoke
Nearest target.
Enemy smoked cheese hawk
Smoked Cheese Hawk
First Skill
All targets.
Enemy virus v1
Virus V1
First Skill
Highest ATK target.
Enemy virus v2
Virus V2
First Skill
Three nearest targets.
Enemy warning window v1
Warning Window V1
First Skill
Two nearest targets.


Some Cookies are completely immune to certain stage effects.


  • The functionality of Stage Effects is similar to how Status Ailments work in Dark Souls and similar games.
v e
Battle Mechanics
Gameplay BeascuitsCookie OrderCookie TypeDamageDMG EnhanceHealingIntangibilityInterrupting EffectsMagic Candy (Crystal Jam) ⬩ Movement-impairing EffectsPassiveSafeguardedSkill (Transformation) ⬩ Stage EffectsSummoned CreatureTactical SkillTargetingToppingsUndispellable EffectsVulnerability
Stats Basic: HPATKDEFCRIT (ChanceDMGResist) ⬩ Cooldown
Advanced: ATK SPDDMG ResistAmplify BuffDebuff Resist
Hidden: MOV SPDWeightRange
Elements Light ElementLightPoison ElementPoisonFire ElementFireWater ElementWaterEarth ElementEarthIce ElementIceElectricity ElementElectricityDarkness ElementDarknessWind ElementWind
Status Effects Buffs: Current ChargeDMG FocusImmortalityImmunityPurifyShieldTailwind
Debuffs: Amplify DebuffConsuming DarknessCurseDispelFrostInjury
Crowd Control: CharmFearFreezePolymorphShacklesSilenceSleepStunTaunt
Periodic Damage: BurnCorruptionPoisonVampiric BiteZap