Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki

Red Velvet Dragon (Korean: 레드벨벳 케이크 드래곤, ledubelbes keiku duregon, "Red Velvet Cake Dragon") is a Guild Battle boss. It was the first boss added to Guild Battle alongside the game mode's beta release in the Beacons of Unity update (v1.2). It also makes an appearance in the Flame of Unity Story.


Red Dragon's Scales (Passive)
Red Dragon's Scales
Red Velvet Dragon reflects damage back to the attacker.
  • Lv. 1: reflects 15% of damage received
  • Lv. 50: reflects 50% of damage received
  • Lv. 100: reflects 100% of damage received
  • Lv. 250: reflects 200% of damage received
Red Velvet Wraith
Red Velvet Wraith
Red Velvet Dragon summons two Red Velvet Wraiths.
Attacks and stuns the Cookies with its giant claws.
Dragon Breath
Dragon Breath
Expels dragon fire at the Cookies in front.
  • Lv.250: Adds Burn dealing damage every 0.25 sec for 10 sec
Attacks and stuns the Cookies with its sharp fangs.
Red Velvet Meteorites
Red Velvet Meteorites
Red Velvet Meteorites fall from the sky, stunning all the Cookies.


Espresso Cookie
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Tier List[]

M80001 map thumbnail Red Velvet Dragon
Mystic Flour Cookie
Rebel Cookie
Candy Apple Cookie
Twizzly Gummy Cookie
Black Lemonade Cookie
Burning Spice Cookie
Black Raisin Cookie
Dark Choco Cookie
Dark Cacao Cookie (Dragon Lord)
Stormbringer Cookie
Shining Glitter Cookie
Pudding à la Mode Cookie
Rockstar Cookie
Prune Juice Cookie
Matcha Cookie
Linzer Cookie
Royal Margarine Cookie
Mango Cookie
Snapdragon Cookie
Stardust Cookie
Milky Way Cookie
Eclair Cookie
Space Doughnut
Snow Sugar Cookie
Cotton Cookie
Sherbet Cookie
Affogato Cookie
Vampire Cookie
Oyster Cookie
Sorbet Shark Cookie
Pomegranate Cookie
Crunchy Chip Cookie
Licorice Cookie
Poison Mushroom Cookie
Cream Unicorn Cookie
Cream Puff Cookie
Golden Cheese Cookie
Peach Blossom Cookie
Choco Drizzle Cookie
Pure Vanilla Cookie
Pinecone Cookie
Captain Caviar Cookie
Fettuccine Cookie
Cocoa Cookie
Peppermint Cookie
Macaron Cookie
Carol Cookie
Almond Cookie
Raspberry Cookie
Rye Cookie
Mala Sauce Cookie
Hollyberry Cookie
Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Parfait Cookie
Wildberry Cookie
Capsaicin Cookie
Prophet Cookie
Crimson Coral Cookie
Dark Cacao Cookie
Herb Cookie
Silverbell Cookie
Espresso Cookie
Moonlight Cookie
Pitaya Dragon Cookie
Sea Fairy Cookie
Squid Ink Cookie
Tea Knight Cookie
Black Pearl Cookie
Tarte Tatin Cookie
Blueberry Pie Cookie
Candy Diver Cookie
Strawberry Crepe Cookie
Moon Rabbit Cookie
Kumiho Cookie
Frilled Jellyfish Cookie
Olive Cookie
Wind Archer Cookie
Crème Brûlée Cookie
Kouign-Amann Cookie
Financier Cookie
Werewolf Cookie
Caramel Arrow Cookie
Latte Cookie
Sparkling Cookie
Madeleine Cookie
Pastry Cookie
Lilac Cookie
Mint Choco Cookie
Milk Cookie
Purple Yam Cookie
Chili Pepper Cookie
Red Velvet Cookie
Tiger Lily Cookie
White Lily Cookie
Frost Queen Cookie
Clotted Cream Cookie
Cherry Blossom Cookie
Fig Cookie

General Tips[]

  • The Red Velvet Dragon's passive, Red velvet dragon skill passive Red Dragon's Scales, has the potential to quickly eliminate Cookies with high-damage skills such as Accelerando Skill icon Accelerando and Black Shark Torpedo Mk Black Shark Torpedo Mk.2. This passive does not apply to skills that apply indirect damage, such as Prune Juice Potion Skill icon Prune Juice Potion's Status PoisonElement Poison Poison or extra DMG from Status Electrifying Rock Spirit Electrifying Rock Spirit. It also can't affect Cookies that are intangible from using their skills, such as Here, There, Everywhere! Skill icon Here, There, Everywhere! or Shadow Watcher Skill icon Sentinel's Strike.
  • Status DEF Down DEF Down debuffs provided by skills like The Culprit.. The Culprit... is YOU!, Here, There, Everywhere! Skill icon Here, There, Everywhere! and Electrifying Rock! Skill icon Electrifying Rock! can be used to increase the damage dealt by other skills by a big amount. When used correctly, The Culprit.. The Culprit... is YOU! can reduce the Red Velvet Dragon's DEF by 35%, dealing a greater amount of damage.
  • Status Weakness Weakness debuffs provided by Shadow Watcher Skill icon Sentinel's Strike or Mango Juice Wave Skill icon Tour Guide Expert similarly increase the damage taken by the boss, at potentially higher values too. While not as immediate as Status DEF Down DEF Down due to requiring time to build up, they result in gradual damage to dealing more damage over time, provided a team can survive for the entire battle.
  • Skills that deal periodic damage, such as Poison ElementPoison-type skills, are much more effective than skills that focus on damaging with burst damage such as Black Shark Torpedo Mk Black Shark Torpedo Mk.2 and Frost Shards Skill icon Frost Shards, especially since the boss is vulnerable to attack for almost the entire battle while also reflecting direct damage that Cookies deal back at them.
  • Summoned allies from skills such as Prune Juice Potion Skill icon Prune Juice Potion or Here, There, Everywhere! Skill icon Here, There, Everywhere! can help tank damage from the Red Velvet Dragon and Red Velvet Wraiths.
  • Snow Sugar Cookie Snow Sugar Cookie can be used in place of a healer for players that struggle surviving the Red Velvet Dragon's attacks. They apply stacks of Status Frost Frost via Blizzard Skill icon Help Me, Snow King! to heavily decrease the Red Velvet Dragon's ATK SPD, delaying its skills long enough for a team composition to focus entirely on damage instead of survival.
    • Sherbet Cookie Sherbet Cookie can also be used, but he will need to use almost entirely DMG Resist toppings in order to use his skill more than once, as he has a high risk of knocking himself out due to Red velvet dragon skill passive Red Dragon's Scales.

Team Compositions[]

Front Middle Rear Treasures
Rebel Cookie
Black Lemonade Cookie
Twizzly Gummy Cookie
Mystic Flour Cookie
Grim-looking Scythe Dream Conductor's Whistle Sleepyhead's Jelly Watch
Shining Glitter Cookie
Candy Apple Cookie
Black Raisin Cookie
Mango Cookie
Pudding à la Mode Cookie
Cream Ferret Cookie

This team relies on the Status ZapElement Electricity Zap inflicted by Twizzly Gummy Cookie Twizzly Gummy Cookie as its main source of damage, with Electrifying Rock! Skill icon Electrifying Rock! and Here, There, Everywhere! Skill icon Here, There, Everywhere! used to maximize this damage further and Mystic Flour Cookie Mystic Flour Cookie to let them all survive. The team is complicated to build but it has different variations which the player can pick depending on which goes better for them.

Front Cookies[]

  • Rebel Cookie Rebel Cookie relies on both Cooldown and DMG Resist stats provided by Toppings and Beascuits in order to stay alive while constantly applying debuffs, trading more DMG Resist for Cooldown the better he becomes through promotions or Beascuits.

Damage and Utility Cookies[]

  • Twizzly Gummy Cookie Twizzly Gummy Cookie is the main damage dealer on the team, dealing overwhelming dmg to the boss because of her Status ZapElement Electricity Zap stacks given via Twizzly Beam Skill icon Blast from the Future, but she can be defeated quickly by Red velvet dragon skill passive Red Dragon's Scales, so she depends on DMG Resist toppings (65% at minimum) to survive and Cooldown toppings to deal high dmg.
  • Black Lemonade Cookie Black Lemonade Cookie amplifies the damage dealt by Twizzly Gummy Cookie Twizzly Gummy Cookie, making her do much more than she would do without her. Her Status Electrifying Rock! Electrifying Rock! is improved by her ATK stats, so it's recomended to use as much ATK toppings as possible and still surviving with other DMG Resist toppings.
  • Shining Glitter Cookie Shining Glitter Cookie deals extra Status ZapElement Electricity Zap against the boss and also deals high DMG, but needs some DMG Resist as well.
  • Cream Ferret Cookie Cream Ferret Cookie gives good healing and CRIT% buffs, he can be used to have more healing in the team and make it so Twizzly Gummy Cookie Twizzly Gummy Cookie and Black Lemonade Cookie Black Lemonade Cookie can use less DMG Resist to survive.
  • Candy Apple Cookie Candy Apple Cookie can inflict a massive 90% Status Weakness Weakness via Apple of My Eye! Skill icon Apple of My Eye! on top of the Status ATK Up ATK buff she gives to allies, while also increasing the team's survivability by applying Status ATK Down ATK Down onto the Red Velvet Dragon and giving allies a Status HP Shield HP Shield.
  • Black Raisin Cookie Black Raisin Cookie and Mango Cookie Mango Cookie are also able to inflict Status Weakness Weakness via Shadow Watcher Skill icon Sentinel's Strike and Mango Juice Wave Skill icon Tour Guide Expert, but they're hard to implement to the team, and need high DMG Resist to be able to let all other cookies in the team live.

Support Cookies[]

  • Mystic Flour Cookie Mystic Flour Cookie is the only healer on the team and is not replaceable, as she both heals and shields Cookies for very high amounts that scale even better with the damage her team deals and she lets Twizzly Gummy Cookie Twizzly Gummy Cookie and Black Lemonade Cookie Black Lemonade Cookie live, who would otherwise be defeated quickly by Red velvet dragon skill passive Red Dragon's Scales. Due to her 50% Indirect DMG Resist reducing damage from DMG Reflection. She also regularly inflicts Status Pale Plague Pale Plague on the Red Velvet Dragon, which both increases the damage it takes and decreases the damage it deals by reducing its ATK and ATK SPD.
Substitutions: If the player has Sleepyhead's Jelly Watch Sleepyhead's Jelly Watch at a low level, they can replace it with Squishy Jelly Watch Squishy Jelly Watch instead.

Rebel Cookie
Dark Choco Cookie
Dark Cacao Cookie (Dragon Lord)
Black Raisin Cookie
Mystic Flour Cookie
Old Pilgrim's Scroll Dream Conductor's Whistle Sleepyhead's Jelly Watch
alt=Swift Chocolate M
alt=Swift Chocolate M
alt=Solid Almond M
alt=Swift Chocolate M
alt=Searing Raspberry M
alt=Searing Raspberry M
alt=Juicy Apple Jelly M
alt=Swift Chocolate M

This team focuses on Dark Choco Cookie Dark Choco Cookie and Black Raisin Cookie Black Raisin Cookie as its main damage dealers, enabled by the Status Vulnerable Element Darkness Vulnerable to Darkness Damage and Status Vulnerable Element All Vulnerable to All Damage Debuffs inflicted by Awakened King Skill icon Awakened King and Here, There, Everywhere! Skill icon Here, There, Everywhere!, respectively. With this team, Dark Choco Cookie is the only Cookie vulnerable to Red velvet dragon skill passive Red Dragon's Scales, as all other Cookies are either intangible during their Skills or do not deal damage - allowing this team to be more consistent than an Electricity ElementElectricity based one. While he should ideally use Swift Chocolate Toppings, he can also use Solid Almond toppings if there is insufficient Status DMG Down DMG Down provided by Topping substats or Beascuits.

Substitutions: If the player either does not have Black Raisin Cookie Black Raisin Cookie's Magic Candy or cannot keep Dark Choco Cookie Dark Choco Cookie alive when using her, she can be replaced by either Prune Juice Cookie Prune Juice Cookie to make up for the damage lost by lack of Status Weakness Weakness or by Mango Cookie Mango Cookie to apply a weaker version of the same Debuff.

Front Middle Rear Treasures
Rebel Cookie
Black Raisin Cookie
Prune Juice Cookie
Mystic Flour Cookie
Old Pilgrim's Scroll Dream Conductor's Whistle Sleepyhead's Jelly Watch
Space Doughnut
Milky Way Cookie
Royal Margarine Cookie
Matcha Cookie
Rockstar Cookie
Snapdragon Cookie
Cream Puff Cookie
Linzer Cookie

This team relies on the Status PoisonElement Poison Poison inflicted by Prune Juice Cookie Prune Juice Cookie as its main source of damage, with Here, There, Everywhere! Skill icon Here, There, Everywhere!, The Culprit.. The Culprit... is YOU! and Shadow Watcher Skill icon Shadow Watcher providing Status DEF Down DEF Down and Status Weakness Weakness to maximize this damage further. Their toppings should be chosen such that Dream Conductor's Whistle Dream Conductor's Whistle grants Prune Juice Cookie one of its buffs. The remaining two Cookies are flexible depending on who the player either has available or finds most effective, with the boss itself being very forgiving in general and accessible to various different options.

Front Cookies[]

  • Rebel Cookie Rebel Cookie relies on both Cooldown and DMG Resist stats provided by Toppings and Beascuits in order to stay alive while constantly applying debuffs, trading more DMG Resist for Cooldown the bulkier he becomes through promotions or Beascuits.
  • Milky Way Cookie Milky Way Cookie or Space Doughnut Space Doughnut are alternative sources of high Status DEF Down DEF Down that can also frontline for the team, but will not increase elemental DMG dealt like Rebel Cookie can and are much less effective options.

Damage and Utility Cookies[]

  • Prune Juice Cookie Prune Juice Cookie should have the Status Dream WhistleStatus Undispellable Buff Dream Whistle buff on him to survive Red velvet dragon skill 4 Dragon Breath, since the damage dealt to the boss through his debuffs increases exponentially the longer he stays around. This can be tricky due to his middling ATK stat however, and may require other high-ATK Cookies to trade ATK for CRIT% in their toppings instead if they can.
  • Linzer Cookie Linzer Cookie's Status DefDown Unknown Status is very strong against the boss, but her area damage from her skill makes her very vurnerable to Red velvet dragon skill passive Red Dragon's Scales, needing high DMG Resist for most teams she's used in. It's recomended to use full DMG Resist toppings with as much Cooldown as possible, swiching out DMG Resist for Cooldown or ATK SPD depending on the healer used or other variables.
  • Black Raisin Cookie Black Raisin Cookie is able to inflict Status Weakness Weakness via Shadow Watcher Skill icon Sentinel's Strike and also apply a small amount of Status Amplified Debuffs Amplified Debuffs to extend the duration of all debuffs on the boss.
    • Eclair Cookie Eclair Cookie and Mango Cookie Mango Cookie are also able to inflict Weakness, though are less effective and more difficult to keep alive as their Skills do not grant invulnerability in the same way as Black Raisin Cookie's does.

Support Cookies[]

  • Mystic Flour Cookie Mystic Flour Cookie is the best healer to use against the Red Velvet Dragon, as she both heals and shields Cookies for very high amounts that scale even better with the damage her team deals. She can protect Cookies that would not be able to survive the battle otherwise because of Red velvet dragon skill passive Red Dragon's Scales, enabling compositions that require fragile Cookies such as Twizzly Gummy Cookie Twizzly Gummy Cookie and Black Lemonade Cookie Black Lemonade Cookie. She also regularly inflicts Status Pale Plague Pale Plague on the Red Velvet Dragon, which both increases the damage it takes and decreases the damage it deals by reducing its ATK and ATK SPD.
  • Snapdragon Cookie Snapdragon Cookie is the easiest choice for starting players, as they can heal the entire team regardless of the boss's skills due to being safeguarded, granting both Status ATK Up ATK Up to boost damage and Status DMG Down DMG Down to boost survivability.
  • Rockstar Cookie Rockstar Cookie provides continuous healing as well as Status CRIT Chance Up CRIT% Up with Legend of Rock Skill icon Legend of Rock, but requires a lot of investment to keep both himself and the rest of the team alive.
  • Cream Puff Cookie Cream Puff Cookie is in a similar situation as Rockstar Cookie, as she provides useful buffs and Status Stun Immunity Stun Immunity, though is again difficult to both keep alive and effectively sustain the team due to her Skill relying on burst healing rather than continuous.
