Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Pink Juice Incident Image
May the Cookies dream in sweet bliss...

Involved Costumes[]

Set Story[]

In the corner of the kingdom, there was a small laboratory where the strangest incidents happened every day. This time, Alchemist Cookie Alchemist Cookie experimented with different concoctions and solvents, trying to revert her hair color to the sophisticated shade of purple it originally was. Alchemist Cookie made a teeny tiny mistake converting Apple Jellies into White Grape Jellies-just a slight miscalculation! Oh, but unfortunately, there was more to follow. Instead of adding some Luscious Grape-Scented Conditioner, Alchemist Cookie accidentally added a generous amount of the Slightly Wobbly Love Concoction.

Intense boiling sounds ensued, and the solution started to rapidly expand, bubbling and frothing—just like a fizzy drink after a violent shake. The pink tincture began to erupt from the bottle.

"Where's that beaker?! THE BEAKER?!"

Alchemist Cookie used all beakers, bottles, and flasks she could find, but it still wasn't enough. The only container left was Vampire Cookie Vampire Cookie's collection of large juice barrels. But what could be worse than admitting that she made a mistake? It had to be done: Alchemist Cookie filled the barrels with the remaining liquid. The crisis seemed to have been resolved...

A few days passed, and Vampire Cookie came downstairs for a glass of juice... to find his empty barrels filled with a pretty pink-colored liquid that also smelled quite lovely. Could this be... a gift from Alchemist Cookie?! Was this why she scolded him for talking about the juice?! He tried a glass of this mysterious pink tincture. It was quite to his liking! Hurriedly, Vampire Cookie carried the juice barrel over to his room. Then, he divided the liquid into three bottles. One for me, one for myself, and... the last one, perhaps, I could share it with Sparkling Cookie Sparkling Cookie! Surely he'd appreciate it! And so, a bottle of the pink juice was delivered to Sparkling Cookie. Vampire Cookie had no clue that this concoction was actually... a magical juice that could make anyone extra romantic!

That night, Sparkling Cookie was serving drinks at the juice bar, not so far from the laboratory. He was about to start getting uncomfortable with so many Cookies staring so intently at him.

"Close your eyes to truly taste the-"
"Oh Sparkling Cookie! You look SOOO DASHING tonight!"

Just what is going on?! That's when Sparkling Cookie caught a glimpse of his reflection on an empty bottle. For some reason, his neatly combed-over hair and the sparkling juice he held were twinkling in rosy pink! That odd juice from Vampire Cookie must've done something to him!

Although Vampire Cookie's drink looked utterly suspicious, Sparkling Cookie couldn't afford to miss this chance. He hung a sign outside the bar that said "PRETTY IN PINK! Pink Juice Special!" His sales that day almost topped his monthly sales! Vampire Cookie had already made himself home at the bar, singing and drinking away. The tower of empty glasses consumed by Vampire Cookie practically reached the ceiling! Milk Cookie Milk Cookie had also dropped by as well.

"All is good! Gimme more of the rose juice!"
"I really do enjoy this strawberry milk! I bet Dark Choco Cookie Dark Choco Cookie would like it as well!"

Meanwhile, unaware of this rather hectic happening, Pomegranate Cookie Pomegranate Cookie had infiltrated the Cookie Kingdom and was getting frustrated at her mirror reluctant to show the priestess what she required. Ever since she had that drink from Licorice Cookie Licorice Cookie, her spells weren't working properly. Had the mirror run out of powers? I demand to see that pesky GingerBrave GingerBrave! Where is he with his squad of crumbs-for-brains! But all she could see in the mirror was Dark Enchantress Cookie Dark Enchantress Cookie pondering... She looked so wise and brilliant. Uh, wait, what? Right, GingerBrave. Wait, are those Dark Enchantress Cookie's keen eyes glistening in the sunset glow? And there's Dark Enchantress Cookie controlling the powers of the Shadow! Such elegance and grandeur...! Wait a minute...

That's when Pomegranate Cookie finally realized what was happening. There wasn't anything wrong with the mirror—it was simply showing a reflection of the Cookie that Pomegranate wished to see.

Pomegranate Cookie then sat down in the grassy meadow, gazing into the mirror. She started into the mirror, silently following Dark Enchantress Cookie, deep into the night, forever and ever... And with that, a day full of rosy and pink wishes was finally over in the Cookie Kingdom. May the Cookies dream in sweet bliss...
