- Cookie Alliance is a seasonal game mode where your goal is to mobilize a great Cookie army to avert the monster threat.
- Clear World Exploration's Stage 10-31 (Story) to unlock.
- Set up five teams of five Cookies: 25 Cookies total.
- Use Alliance Tickets to play in this mode: the Tickets will refill with time.
- Your Alliance Tickets will not disappear with the end of the first season, and you will be able to use them later.
- Maps, enemies, and rules might change with each following season of Cookie Alliance.
➀ Battles[]
- Each Cookie Alliance campaign is divided into several chapters where you have to oppose oncoming waves of enemies.
- You will start playing with your first team and will continue fighting until your fifth team is defeated.
- The battles are automatic, but you can switch the team manually after a cooldown period.
- Once you switch a team, the new team will take the place of the current team in the battle immediately.
- Once a team gets defeated, the next team will enter the battlefield and continue fighting.
- You may pause and exit the campaign and pick it up again where you left.
- In Cookie Alliance, you will encounter special buffs and debuffs such as Increased HP, Decreased Healing Received, etc.
- These effects might change in the following seasons.
➁ Beacon of Valor[]
- The Beacon of Valor is a special feature that grants special buffs in Cookie Alliance.
- There are two kinds of the Beacon of Valor's effects which you can activate using Coins.
- Buff 1: The levels of all Cookies are upgraded to Lv.60 in Cookie Alliance: all Cookies of Lv.59 and lower will start with their basic stats equal to those of Lv.60.
- Buff 2: Enter Blast Mode which duration will depend on the number of your Lv.60 Cookies (the number of Cookies you actually upgraded to Lv.60 will be taken into account).
- Upon your first play in Cookie Alliance, you will receive 7 days of the Beacon of Valor activated through the tutorial.
- Make sure to activate the Beacon of Valor before using Alliance Tickets to start a battle to enjoy its effects.
- -The Beacon of Valor's effect will remain as long as it is active regardless of the season.
➂ Points & Rewards[]
- In Cookie Alliance, you will earn points depending on your wave progress, monsters defeated, and total playtime.
- The number of points earned will be reflected on your season score after a campaign has concluded.
- After the end of a campaign, you will be able to open a reward chest: the further you get, the greater the reward.
- Depending on your score in Cookie Alliance, you will enter the Individual and guild ranking, and will be eligible for rewards depending on your ranking tier.
- Join a guild to have your personal score added to the guild's total score. Note that this score will be deducted from the guild's total score should you leave it.
In this update, the Guilds' features will be greatly expanded. You will be able to visit the Guild Domain, Guild Hall, and Guild Museum!
1) Guild Domain[]
- Decorate your Guild's Domain together with your guildmates!
- Reach Stage 3-6 (Story) in World Exploration to unlock the Guild Domain.
- Join or create a guild first, then enter the Guild Domain from the guild screen.
- Each member of your guild will be able to set their favorite Cookie to represent them in the Guild Domain. You may do so by tapping the Change Cookie button.
- In your Guild Domain, the members of your guild will be able to place the Guild Hall, the Beacon of Promise, and the Guild Museum to use together.
- You may also decorate and expand the Guild Domain.
- To expand the Domain, you will have to spend a certain amount of resources: the maximum amount that can be spent per day is limited for each guildmate, and you will have to cooperate in order to expand the territory faster.
- Each guildmate will earn Activity Points for helping expand the Guild Domain.
- Once a new tile is unlocked, all members of the guild will receive a reward in their mailboxes.
- The Sugar Gnomes' help is not required for expanding the Domain or placing decorations.
- Check out the new set of notification options related to the Guild Domain in Settings > Notifications, which you may turn off and on.
2) Domain Decoration[]
- Purchase guild decors in the Guild Shop to decorate your guild's Domain.
- All members of the guild can purchase guild decors; however, the actual decoration can be performed by the member who was designated the Domain Keeper.
- Initially, only the Guild Leader will have permission to decorate the Domain.
- The Guild Leader and Officers can select a Domain Keeper among the members.
- Decors purchased by the guild members will be stored in the Guild Storage that can be accessed by tapping Layout > Storage.
- If the Domain Keeper leaves the guild, their permissions will be returned to the Guild Leader.
- Decors purchased in the Guild Shop can be used only in the Guild Domain and cannot be sold.
- You can purchase landmarks similar to those that can be installed in your Kingdom; however, these landmarks will provide no additional effects when installed in your Guild Domain.
3) Guild Hall[]
- Tap the Guild Hall building or the Guild Hall button to enter the Guild Hall.
- In the Guild Hall, you can access and edit the information about your guild and its members.
- Your Cookie will be seated at the Guild Hall table, and their place will depend on the number of your Activity Points.
4) Beacon of Promise[]
- Your guild's legendary beacon will now be called the "Beacon of Promise" and placed in front of your Guild Hall.
- Tap the Beacon of Promise to check in and level up your guild.
5) Guild Museum[]
- Tap the Guild Museum building or the Guild Museum button to enter the building.
- The Guild Museum consists of several Halls: Hall of Magic, Hall of Nature, and Hall of History; each of the Halls consists of several Galleries.
- More Galleries will be added in future updates.
- You can obtain Relics to donate to the Museum and place in the empty spots of the respective Galleries.
- Once you have filled a Gallery with Relics, all members of the guild will receive a special Relic Set buff.
- Place a Legendary Relic to receive an effect specific to this Relic.
- The Relics can be upgraded for more powerful set effects.
- After a Relic is donated, all similar Relics will be counted towards its level up meter.
- The number of additional Relics required for further upgrades varies depending on the Relic's rarity and current level.
6) Obtaining & Donating Relics[]
- Relics can be obtained from reward chests in Cookie Alliance and from the Rainbow Shell Gallery.
- Relics are divided into the following rarities: COMMON, RARE, EPIC, and LEGENDARY.
- Defeating higher difficulties and waves of foes in Cookie Alliance will increase your chances to gain a rarer type of Relic.
- Obtained Relics are stored in your personal Storage. They will remain in your personal Storage until you donate them to your Guild Museum.
- Donating to the Guild Museum will transfer ownership of the Relic to your guild. Donated Relics will not disappear from the Museum's Galleries if the donor is either kicked from or leaves the guild.
7) Other Changes[]
- The maximum level for guilds is increased from 50 to 70.
- A member cannot be kicked out of a guild within the first 24 hours of joining.
- You can check your guild's ranking in Guild Battles and Cookie Alliance in the Guild Ranking; tap a guild to check its details.
- In the Details, you will be able to see the guild's basic information, the list of its members, the list of its relics, and effects: you will also be able to visit the guild's Domain.
- Eclair Cookie is a Support Cookie who uses the skill Book of History.
- Skill description: With all the knowledge and research accumulated over the years, analyzes and identifies the opponent's weakness. Casts 'Weakness' debuff to 3 enemies with the highest ATK (targets Cookies first), amplifying the DMG they receive, and deals DMG. If the enemy is defeated while under the Weakness debuff, all allies gain an HP shield.
- Eclair Cookie's Weakness debuff duration is refreshed by its further stacks.
- Tea Knight Cookie is a Charge Cookie who uses the skill Battlemaster
- Skill description: Inflicts damage to the nearest enemy (targets Cookies first) and leads the battle on, providing a buff for his allies. There are several kinds of available buffs; each kind is applied to the Cookie meeting the required conditions. Whenever an allied Cookie is defeated, the Wrath of the Commander effect is triggered. Wrath of the Commander cannot be dispelled and stacks up to four times. At maximum stacks, Tea Knight Cookie will become resistant to interrupting effects.
- A new Treasure has been added to the Guild Gacha.
- [EPIC] Insignia of the Indomitable Knights: The spirit of the indomitable restores some HP of all remaining Cookies whenever an ally Cookie falls. If the last surviving Cookie is about to be defeated, the Cookie will become invincible for a few seconds before the Cookie falls.
- Probabilities for the 2 EPIC Treasures obtainable in the Guild Gacha (Insignia of the Indomitable Knights and Bookseller's Monocle) will remain at 1%.
- [EPIC] Insignia of the Indomitable Knights: The spirit of the indomitable restores some HP of all remaining Cookies whenever an ally Cookie falls. If the last surviving Cookie is about to be defeated, the Cookie will become invincible for a few seconds before the Cookie falls.
- The Sugar Gnome Laboratory can now be leveled up to Lv.10 with four new technologies added to the tech tree.
- Alliance Tickets: Max Number I
- Alliance Cookies: ATK Bonus I
- Alliance Cookies: DEF Bonus I
- Alliance Cookies: HP Bonus I
- Meet Eclair Cookie in this update's Featured Cookie Gacha.
- Enjoy the increased chances to find Eclair Cookie and his Soulstones.
- Tea Knight Cookie's Gallant Package
- Eclair Cookie: Guaranteed Epic Package Vol.1 / Vol.2
- Cookie Alliance Supply Package
- Eclair Cookie's First Greetings / First Promotion Packages
- Tea Knight Cookie's First Greetings / First Promotion Packages
- Eclair Cookie's Excavation Tent Package
- Eclair Cookie's Super Crystal Package
- Adventurer's Hearty Stamina Jelly Package
- The Strategist's Shattered Skies Package
- The Great Leap: Kingdom Level Up Package (Lv.50)
- Cotton Cookie's Soulstones are now available in the Mileage Shop.
- The Soulstones of Cookies featured in the Cookie Gacha are added to the Mileage Shop with the update coming a month after the Featured Cookie Gacha is over. However, as it has been 2 months since Cotton Cookie's release with the November 18th update, her Soulstones are now available in the Mileage Shop.
- Ten new decors included in the new decor theme: "Blade & Magic"
- A new feature has been added to Cream Puff Cookie's skill, Jellius Extremus!.
- Cream Puff Cookie may cast her spell with great success depending on her CRIT Chance. Successfully casting her spell will increase the skill's damage and HP healed.
- Skill description: Conjures a tornado of Jellies over a large area, causing area damage and restoring the party's HP. The spell cannot cause CRIT DMG, but instead, there is a chance to conjure it with great success depending on the CRIT%. Cast with great success, the spell will inflict greater DMG and heal a greater amount of HP. While Cream Puff Cookie is using her skill, she will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects.
- As a result, Cream Puff Cookie has undergone some balance changes:
- Regular ATK: +21.92%
- Skill Cooldown: -2 sec
- Skill DMG percentage change (at skill Lv.60): 482.71% → 517.6%
- Skill HP Recovery percentage change (at skill Lv.60): 78.03% → 114.1%
- The stack size of certain items in Storage has been increased from 999 to 9,999:
- Topping Pieces, Chaos Cake Pieces, Flames of Unity, Special Cookie Cutters, Magic Cookie Cutters, Treasure Tickets, Heroic Torches, Skill Powders, and Time Jumpers
- With this update, the Rainbow Shell Gallery has been restocked with some new goods.
- Added a new Resolution setting. Go to Menu > Settings > Game tab to find these new options.
- 2 new Relic-related achievements have been added.
- Guild chat messages will now be deleted after 30 days.
- When a Cookie equipped with a costume appears in the loading screen of PVP content, they will now appear in their costumes.
- When you 'Exit' a Friendly Battle, you'll be redirected to the game mode you were previously playing.
- Fixed an issue where the Stamina Jelly Burning Time UI would appear in the Tropical Soda Island screen.
- Fixed an issue where the 11th quest would not appear if the player had 10 active quests.
- Fixed an issue where the icon would not change into a skill icon after shapeshifting Cookies had been revived with a Treasure during battle and used their skills.
- Fixed an issue where Raspberry Cookie appearing as the boss monster in World Exploration Ep. 11 could target summoned creatures instead of the Cookie with the highest ATK.
- Fixed an issue where the last wave of monsters in World Exploration Stage 3-6 would not attack the Cookies.
- Fixed an issue where the Cookie revived with the Sugar Swan's Shining Feather did not receive the effects of the Durianeer's Squeaky Flamingo Tube.
- Fixed an issue where Cookies who became invulnerable with the Jelly Worm's Sticky Goo could still be affected by certain debuffs.
- Fixed an issue where Chocoglaze the Chain from Tray 149 of the Tower of Sweet Chaos would not perform regular attacks after using their skill in certain conditions.
| |
2024 | 4.16 ⬩ 5.0 ⬩ 5.1 ⬩ 5.2 ⬩ 5.3 ⬩ 5.4 ⬩ 5.5 ⬩ 5.6 ⬩ 5.7 ⬩ 5.8 ⬩ 5.9 ⬩ 5.10 ⬩ 5.11 ⬩ 5.12 ⬩ 5.13 |
2023 | 3.12 ⬩ 4.0 ⬩ 4.1 ⬩ 4.2 ⬩ 4.3 ⬩ 4.4 ⬩ 4.5 ⬩ 4.6 ⬩ 4.7 ⬩ 4.8 ⬩ 4.9 ⬩ 4.10 ⬩ 4.11 ⬩ 4.12 ⬩ 4.13 ⬩ 4.14 ⬩ 4.15 |
2022 | 2.6 ⬩ 2.7 ⬩ 2.8 ⬩ 2.9 ⬩ 3.0 ⬩ 3.1 ⬩ 3.2 ⬩ 3.3 ⬩ 3.4 ⬩ 3.5 ⬩ 3.6 ⬩ 3.7 ⬩ 3.8 ⬩ 3.9 ⬩ 3.10 ⬩ 3.11 |
2021 | 1.0 ⬩ 1.1 ⬩ 1.2 ⬩ 1.3 ⬩ 1.4 ⬩ 1.5 ⬩ 1.6 ⬩ 1.7 ⬩ 1.8 ⬩ 1.9 ⬩ 2.0 ⬩ 2.1 ⬩ 2.2 ⬩ 2.3 ⬩ 2.4 ⬩ 2.5 |