Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Forward, friends! What's next?
Adventurer Cookie
This article could use some work. Here's what's left to do:
  • Espresso task 5 & Almond task 14
This article is about the Event and Stories named Parfaedia Institute. For the school in which they take place, see Parfaedia Institute.
Parfaedia Institute (Event)
A new semester is here!

Parfaedia Institute is an Event and set of Special Records Stories that was active from March 5th to April 8th, 2021. It is a segmented, mission-based event that gives rewards for completing given tasks, with 15 increasingly difficult missions available in each of the 3 courses. Certain tasks in each course unlock episodic Story cutscenes depicting classes between each Professor and the protagonist of the Event, the faceless Wizarding Student.

There are 3 available courses: Latte Cookie Prof. Latte Cookie's Entry-Level Magic Circles, Espresso Cookie Prof. Espresso Cookie's Theorems of Coffee Magic, and Almond Cookie Det. Almond Cookie's Preventing Magical Accidents and Mishaps, each taught by the Cookies listed in their titles.

Lattehead General Course: Prof. Latte Cookie's Entry-Level Magic Circles

Label Description Reward
Enroll N/A Episode 1
Task 1 Make Craft jellybean jam Jellybean Jam x10
Special Cookie Cutter
Task 2 Clear Stage 2-3
Skill Powders
& Episode 2
Task 3 Craft Craft tempered pickaxe Tempered Pickaxe x15
Stamina Jellies
Task 4 Clear Stage 2-14
& Episode 3
Task 5 Claim 5 daily rewards from the Tree of Wishes
1-min Speed-up
& Episode 4
Task 6 Clear Stage 3-1
Task 7 Generate for 180 min and claim rewards from the Fountain of Abundance
EXP Star Jelly Lv
& Episode 5
Task 8 Place a Jampie Table
Aurora Compass
Task 9 Make Craft sweet jelly jam Sweet Jelly Jam x12
Treasure Ticket
& Episode 6
Task 10 Send 3 Balloon Expeditions to Dragon Hill
Heroic Torch
Task 11 Send 3 Balloon Expeditions to Pilgrim's Path
Skill Powders
& Episode 7
Task 12 Clear Stage 3-3
& Episode 8
Task 13 Generate for 240 min and claim rewards from the Fountain of Abundance
Magic Cookie Cutter
& Episode 9
Task 14 Upgrade 8 Cookies to Lv.30
EXP Star Jelly Lv
Task 15 Make Craft jellybean latte Jellybean Latte x8
& Episode 10

Episode 1
Latte Cookie
My goodness! My class is quite popular this semester! Come in!
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
Were you recommended by Cream Puff Cookie too?
Um... Yeah... I heard she was made a wizard lately. It made me want to study more...
Wizarding Student
Latte Cookie
And you chose my class out of the thousands we have here, at the Institute? My oh my! What an honor! I'll do my best!
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
Well now... Why don't you show me what you already know? It will allow me to adjust our curriculum to your needs!
Episode 2
(Huh? There's nobody in the classroom?)
Wizarding Student

Latte Cookie
Phew! Made it on time! Oh, hello there!
Sorry, looks like I lost track of time planning your next assignment! By the way, how was your first task? Any questions?
It was... pretty easy!
Wizarding Student
Sprite latte 4

Latte Cookie
Really! Well, looks like your basics are pretty solid! Good!
As you may know, magic spells also require some warming up! For example, my magic glyphs come out much prettier after a bit of stretching!
But first, would you sit down for a moment? I had a couple of questions for you! Um, why did you decide to study magic?
Erm... The reason is...
Wizarding Student
Sprite latte 4

Latte Cookie
There're so many users of magic in our world. And it's only natural that each one of them uses magic for a reason.

Latte Cookie
So why do you seek to become a wizard?
Um... Hmm...
Wizarding Student
Sprite latte 4

Latte Cookie
Well, you don't have to answer here and now. I was simply curious. But it's good to have a goal!

Latte Cookie
You seem to have learned the basics by heart. Why don't we increase the difficulty this time...?
Sprite latte 4

Latte Cookie
I'd like to test your strengths and weaknesses. This task will be a bit trickier than the last one!
I wonder how long it will take you this time! Good luck!
Episode 3
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
Welcome, my student!
Good news: I've decided on the curriculum we'll be following! Do you remember our last lesson?
Yes, we talked about reasons and goals.
Wizarding Student
Latte Cookie
That's right! And from now on, we will not only study magic glyphs but also try to do this and that!
Why? To find out what you really want to do. To find a goal!
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
Therefore, your next task will be...
Asking other Cookies' opinions!
Other Cookies' opinions...?
Wizarding Student
Latte Cookie
Relax! It's gonna be fun!
In the Kingdom, there's a tree called the "Tree of Wishes"! Go to that tree and see what the Cookies dream about!
Now go! I'll prepare a cup of delicious latte for you when you return. Sound good?
Episode 4
Latte Cookie
Already done, huh? Welcome back! I just started steaming the milk!
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
Have a seat over there. How did you enjoy your task? Learn anything new?
Um... Every Cookie seems to wish for different things...
Wizarding Student
I don't know what I'm wishing for yet... But I'd like to learn more about everyone's wishes, that's for sure!
Latte Cookie
Ho ho, looks like we're setting on track! In order to make others' wishes come true, one would have to handle magic pretty well, don't you think?
Ta-da! Do you know what this is? Magic ingredients for you to begin working on your first magic glyph!
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
You're to select the ones you like and draw a magic glyph! I'll explain the details...
These are the basic glyphs that serve as the foundation for more advanced ones! Just draw a nice pretty circle—this is all you have to do for now!
Latte Cookie
I've collected the finest magic circles to inspire you! The masterpieces of our magic school. That one has been conjured by Espresso Cookie himself. Looks rather intricate, doesn't it?
Whoah! All of them look fantastic! Which one is the Latte Glyph, professor?
Wizarding Student
Latte Cookie
Ha ha, you're rather attentive, aren't you? Indeed, why is it missing...?
I get it! Is that gonna be my final assignment?!
Wizarding Student
Latte Cookie
What? Ha ha ha! Not really...
You see, there is no such thing as "the Latte Glyph". Latte Magic doesn't have a glyph set in stone, so to speak...
Latte Glyphs come in many shapes and patterns!
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
That's why we use the more basic and stable Milk Glyphs to support the more delicate and airy Latte Glyphs!
Ho ho, in a word, the absence of the formula becomes the formula!
Errrr... Not sure I understand... But it does sound cool! I'll do my best!
Wizarding Student
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
I'm sure you will! Why don't you go for a walk? In the Brown Sugar Valley, for example, to clear your head a bit!
(That doesn't sound good...)
Wizarding Student
Episode 5
(I knew it...! That place was so dangerous...!)
Wizarding Student
Latte Cookie
Welco- HUH?
Latte Cookie
What happened to you?!
I... got a couple of scratches on a walk...
Wizarding Student
Latte Cookie
My goodness! I'm so sorry to have put you through so much trouble! I didn't mean it to become an extra-difficult assignment!
Wizarding Student
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
That won't do! Um, why don't we have some tasty Jellies and rest a bit?
No, it's fine...
Wizarding Student
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
Oh my! Is it because I'm a professor?!"
Come on! How can I not praise my brilliant student for dealing so bravely with such an exceptionally tough task?
... Are you just trying to avoid work?!
Wizarding Student
Latte Cookie
Ho ho ho, nonsense, my darling! I love my job! And you know what makes it even better? A nice cup of tea and a talk about the mysteries of magic glyphs with my best student!
Episode 6
(Yeah, it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be...)
Wizarding Student
(Hm, but where's Professor Latte Cookie? Late again? Ugh!)
(Mkay, let's wait...)
(I wonder why she decided to become a wizard. Gotta ask when she arrives...)
(Hmmm... I've been waiting forever. Did something happen? Should I go find her...?)
Episode 7
Latte Cookie
Let the Bear Jellies go NOW!
They set up shop on MY street! If they wanna trade here, they must pay THE TAX!
Ginkgoblin Mobster
Latte Cookie
It's only polite to let traders know about such things before they start working! And since when did the Pilgrim Village have such a tax?
Psh! Who cares! The problem is that they're doing business on MY street!
Ginkgoblin Mobster
Huh? Are you... a Ginkgoblin?
Wizarding Student
Who you callin' a Ginkgoblin...!
Ginkgoblin Mobster
Ginkgoblin Mobster
Latte Cookie
A Ginkgoblin?! And not even a real merchant? Now I'm angry!
What?! Are Ginkgoblins not allowed to TRADE now?!
Ginkgoblin Mobster
Ginkgoblin Mobster
Looks like that's the way the Cookie CRUMBLES! Ha ha! Gimme all your stuff, right now!
Episode 8
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
Phew! They will know better than to annoy you next time!
Thaaank you, kind Cooookies! We were prepaaaring for the wooorst...
Bear Jelly Villager
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
More wizards will be waiting right outside the village! You can follow them! But if those Ginkgoblins cause you any trouble again, just call me!
Phew! Thanks to you, it went better than I thought! Thank you very much!
It was pretty easy. But... Does this mean that today's class is canceled?
Wizarding Student
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
Huh? You didn't know? Another professor was supposed to tell you about that...!
I was asked to sort out the Bear Jellies' problem today. Apparently, I happened to be the only Cookie who didn't have MORE important things to do.
But I do! After all, I have my own job to do, right? I'm sorry, my dear! You had to come all this way here...
It's fine. It was actually quite fun...
Wizarding Student
Latte Cookie
Oh, you don't have to pretend!
Latte Cookie
On the other hand... You've proven your best qualities once again!
Without question, you joined me to help those poor Bear Jellies! Such willingness to help is not too common these days.
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
I'm sure this experience has been quite beneficial for you! That's why... no homework today! Rest well and I'll see you in our next class!
Episode 9
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
Ah, just look at you! Your glyphs are becoming more and more complex! I was about to help, but it seems you're doing quite well on your own.
You know, the end of the semester is just around the corner... So, what do you think? Did you manage to find a goal?
Oops... I sort of... forgot. So much was going on...
Wizarding Student
Latte Cookie
Whaaat? But that was the foundation of this course!
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
Welp, what can we do... To a certain degree, I was responsible for keeping you busy. I'll let it slide just this once!
...Professor, I've been meaning to ask you the same thing. What was your goal back in the day?
Wizarding Student
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
Huh? Me? It's a bit complicated... First, it was this, then that...
Latte Cookie
However! I still look forward to new experiences every day! A very Cookie desire, if you will.
A bright new tomorrow...
Wizarding Student
Latte Cookie
Ha ha, was that a sufficient answer to your question? Alright! Let's get to work to ensure your bright new tomorrow!
Episode 10
Latte Cookie
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
Ta-da! It's our last class! Time does fly by!
Did you enjoy this course? You've certainly made progress with your magic glyphs! Now the biggest question remains: what is your goal?
Hm... To ensure a better future...?
Wizarding Student
Latte Cookie
Ha ha ha! A great goal!
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
But... I was under impression that you also like to help others. Am I right?
Um... Well, I think I do.
Wizarding Student
Latte Cookie
Ha ha, I'm looking forward to seeing you become a wizard. I wonder what your goal will be when we meet again!
Ah, you might even mention me in your graduation speech...! Anyhow! If something troubles you, come to me. Understood?

Espressohead Advanced Course: Prof. Espresso Cookie's Theorems of Coffee Magic

Label Description Reward
Enroll N/A Episode 1
Task 1 Craft Craft robust axe Robust Axe x15
Treasure Ticket
Task 2 Craft Craft tempered pickaxe Tempered Pickaxe x15
Skill Powders
Task 3 Baking Craft hearty rye Hearty Rye x15
PVP Ticket
Task 4 Claim 3 daily rewards from the Tree of Wishes
Task 5 ? ?
Task 6 Place Strawberrose Flowerbed x10
1-min Speed-up
& Episode 2
Task 7 Complete 6 Today's Bounties
Aurora Brick
& Episode 3
Task 8 Place Magic Tome x1
EXP Star Jelly Lv
Task 9 Craft Craft enchanted stake Enchanted Stake x10
Skill Powders
& Episode 4
Task 10 Send 45 daily gifts to friends
Heroic Torch
& Episode 5
Task 11 Generate for 300 min and claim rewards from the Fountain of Abundance
Task 12 Receive rewards from the Bear Jelly Train 5 times
Aurora Compass
& Episode 6
Task 13 Make Craft biscuit planter Biscuit Planter x10
Task 14 Cook Craft candy pasta Candy Pasta x10
EXP Star Jelly Lv
& Episode 7
Task 15 Fulfill 50 wishes from the Tree
Special Cookie Cutter
& Episode 8

Episode 1
Sprite espresso 1
Espresso Cookie
Well, well. I've been waiting. Why have I been waiting, you ask?
I am much too busy to be teaching a class.
Sprite espresso 2
Espresso Cookie
I even drafted up lesson plans that are quite nonsensically difficult, in order to ward off any prospective students and spare up some time for more research...
Sprite espresso 1
Espresso Cookie
Then I heard that a student had registered for my class. I had to see this student for myself... The student who threw a wrench into my research plans.
W-w-wait! That's a bit harsh, isn't it?
Wizarding Student
Espresso Cookie
Class has begun. Today's lesson: self-studying.
Wizarding Student
Espresso Cookie
Due to your enrollment, I have no choice but to teach this class. But I have no intention of teaching a novice wizard with no grasp of the basics.
But you're THE master of Coffee Magic! Espresso Cookie, please! I want to learn! I won't fail you.
Wizarding Student
Sprite espresso 2
Espresso Cookie
*Sigh* If you wish to learn Coffee Magic that much, then prove it. Show me by example, not words alone.
Espresso Cookie
If your skills as a student do not hinder my research schedule, I may actually consider teaching you.
Episode 2
(I'm doing as I'm told but... what does this have to do with skill?)
Wizarding Student
Sprite espresso 1
Espresso Cookie
I must admit, your persistence is genuinely unexpected.
Espresso Cookie
Very well then. Your effort is commendable. I will give you a chance to learn.
Observe, the basic reagents for Coffee Magic. I doubt a novice will understand the subtleties but follow my instructions, and you may be able to concoct at least the coffee aroma.
Sprite espresso 1
Espresso Cookie
But my curiosity has been piqued. What is it about Coffee Magic that has invoked such persistence?
I think it's flashy and all, but if it's mastered, it creates great results with little effort. It's a type of magic with lots of potential and advantages.
Wizarding Student
Espresso Cookie
Quite observant. At least I do not have to concern myself over any flaws in your skills of observation.
But heed my advice... That is not everything there is to Coffee Magic. Not all about it merely happens in front of your eyes.
Sprite espresso 1
Espresso Cookie
Enough chatter. Our experiment begins with precise reagent preparation. Let us begin.
Episode 3
(Let's see here... Gently place the ingredients in a clean beaker and simmer. Make sure to stir and keep them from clumping up...)
Wizarding Student
Sprite espresso 6
Espresso Cookie
How absurd. I am late...
Did you not get any sleep at all again? You... er... look rather tired.
Wizarding Student
Espresso Cookie
Your concern is well noted, but unnecessary. Fatigue is just part of my routine, only differing slightly in degree day to day.
Sprite espresso 7
Espresso Cookie
Oh, and do note that you must stir full rotations twice per second. And remove about 0.56 grams of the catalyst next time.
Wow, you saw all that already? It seems very meticulous but... I'll give it a shot!
Wizarding Student
Espresso Cookie
Such precision is required for perfect results. And observing the methods of others is an advantageous skill for your own research.
Sprite espresso 2
Espresso Cookie
The situation just now is a prime example. Were it not for me, the reagents you are using right now would have gone to waste.
Espresso Cookie
Which reminds me. Are you maintaining your tools with the proper care? They too play a critical role in producing perfect results.
Episode 4
Espresso Cookie
Ah, you're here. As always, let us skip the formalities and greetings. Please take a seat.
Hello! Sorry I'm late! Have you noticed that the flowers are in full bloom?
Latte Cookie
Sprite espresso 1
Espresso Cookie
... I believe you have the wrong classroom.
Oh my! Hello there, Espresso Cookie! We've spent so much time as research partners and that's the way you greet an old friend? Silly!
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
But what are you doing at the Institute? *GASP* Are you teaching a class? Fascinating! You hate co-research projects, yet you're teaching a class!
Espresso Cookie
*Sigh* I see that nothing has changed with your... giddiness. Think what you will.
Sprite espresso 1
Espresso Cookie
Do you truly have time to spare? Are you not tardy to your own class?
Oops! I completely forgot. My students are probably waiting for me. Well, ta-ta! Let's go for a latte next time!
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
Sprite espresso 2
Espresso Cookie
How you were unable to change one bit is beyond me. Due to my schedule, you will have to book a meeting with me far, far in advance.
*Sigh...* Of all the Cookies to barge in here, it had to be her... … Watch it! The temperature has risen much too high!
Oh, OH! Oops... this is, erm... a bad sign, right?
Wizarding Student
Sprite espresso 3
Espresso Cookie
Terrible! The coffee reagents we are dealing with are quite sensitive. Just a single degree hotter can ruin the outcome!
Oh, oh, oh! Wait, look! The temperature is stabilizing, phew!
Wizarding Student
Sprite espresso 6
Espresso Cookie
How fortuitous... I should have just requested she leave immediately... Well, no matter. What's done is done.
Latte Cookie has long possessed an uncanny ability to distract others from their tasks. Facing her once more seems to have caught me off guard.
There's bound to be some margin for error in all of these measurements... but I think we'll be alright!
Wizarding Student
Sprite espresso 7
Espresso Cookie
Yes, the margin for error in these measurements is acceptable. But do remain focused and prevent such a mishap from occurring.
Episode 5
Sprite espresso 7
Espresso Cookie
Erm... Is something on your mind?
Wizarding Student
Sprite espresso 7
Espresso Cookie
The reagents I've ordered for my next experiment were estimated to arrive an hour ago. And I've a conference soon... I cannot remain here any longer.
Sprite espresso 2
Espresso Cookie
The reagents that arriving today are replacements for those we've lost in the previous mishap. I wished to check their potency with my owns eyes but... Oh well.
I could, you know, receive them instead?
Wizarding Student
Espresso Cookie
You? And how am I to entrust such a...
Sprite espresso 7
Espresso Cookie
Yes... Come to think of it, you may suffice. You've seen my methods and my schedule... I trust you understand what needs to be done?
I thought I was just receiving a package or something? Why does it feel like you're giving me homework...
Wizarding Student
Sprite espresso 1
Espresso Cookie
Homework? How childish. I am asking you for a favor.
Ok, ok, I get the point. Hurry and go, or you're going to be late!
Wizarding Student
(Espresso Cookie leaves)
(Wait... how long do I have to wait though?)
Sprite werewolf 5
Werewolf Cookie
GAH! Oh... Hello, Werewolf, Cookie! What brings you here?
Wizarding Student
Sprite werewolf default
Werewolf Cookie
I brought... a package.
Oh! You're... working deliveries now?
Wizarding Student
Sprite werewolf 5
Werewolf Cookie
No... I was hiding in an alley, minding my own business... But Carrot Cookie Carrot Cookie found me and...
What do you mean by "caught"? Couldn't you just... you know... outrun her?
Wizarding Student
Sprite werewolf 5
Werewolf Cookie
But... someone might have gotten hurt.
Oh...! Well, thank you for bringing this here! You can just leave it wherever.
Wizarding Student
Sprite werewolf 6
Werewolf Cookie
(Wow, he seems to be in a rush... Wait, is that... pepper?) *ACHOO!*
Wizarding Student
(Now, let's see here. Looks like everything's here, right?)
Episode 6
Sprite espresso 1
Espresso Cookie
You. I must admit, I am quite impressed.
GAH?! I'm sorry? I mean... excuse me?
Wizarding Student
Espresso Cookie
You sorted the reagents in proper order. Thanks to your effort, the time I needed to invest in inspecting them was significantly reduced.
Sprite espresso 1
Espresso Cookie
Not bad, not bad at all. In light of this recent development, I have decided to neglect your previous error in judgement.
Phew! That's the best news I've heard all day. Erm... Since it seems you're in a good mood and all, could you please check my experiment's progress once more?
Wizarding Student
Espresso Cookie
That is an entirely different matter, but... Yes, I may spare a moment or two. Now, let us see how-
Wait, huh? What's that? Espresso Cookie! T-t-the extractor units on your experiment...!
Wizarding Student
Sprite espresso 3
Espresso Cookie
... Yes, I see it too. They've burst. From a certain point of view, it is fortunate that only one out of the three has been ruined.
Sprite espresso 7
Espresso Cookie
How odd. The duration of time, the measurements, the temperature. All were precise. Even environmental factors were taken into consideration. Have I missed an outlying variable?
Environmental... factors...? OH!
Wizarding Student
Espresso Cookie
It seems you have stumbled upon a eureka moment.
A Cookie from yesterday. He delivered the reagents here. He was... rather hairy? No, furry. Erm, fluffy? What if one of his hairs managed to get mixed into...
Wizarding Student
Sprite espresso 3
Espresso Cookie
*Tsk* Such a Cookie was sent with the reagents? I was quite particular with my request for a meticulous delivery. No, this simply will not do.
So... Will the results of this experiment still be valid?
Wizarding Student
Sprite espresso 7
Espresso Cookie
Don't be absurd, of course not. But it is not as dire as it seems. I may not be able to achieve the desired results, but a variable of great import has been discovered.
Sprite espresso 3
Espresso Cookie
I believe I can no longer afford to monitor this experiment. Once more, the Master of Coffee Magic has tasted nothing but bittersweet results.
(Wow, he's really bummed out because of this... Wonder if there's a way to cheer him up?)
Wizarding Student
Episode 7
I don't know what you like, so I made everything I could! So, what do you think?
Wizarding Student
Sprite espresso 1
Espresso Cookie
Inefficiency at its finest. What if I were to say that I dislike the whole lot?
Espresso Cookie
Ah, but... It was just time to take my scheduled break. Very well, I shall indulge you.
Huh? A break? You've never taken breaks before!
Wizarding Student
Sprite espresso 1
Espresso Cookie
I too am but a Cookie, remember? Waiting for the results of an experiment can also be considered a break, can it not?
Isn't it better to like... take real breaks on a regular basis?
Wizarding Student
Espresso Cookie
... If that were the case, the birth of Coffee Magic would have required years of development.
Sprite espresso 1
Espresso Cookie
I continue my research because I wish to do so. In my days as a student, I did not have the luxury of such an option.
Espresso Cookie
And look at me now... Fruitlessly droning on about my past as precious time flows by. How is your research coming along?
You didn't even talk that much... Well, I think it's going fine? After all, you're the one who's giving me advice.
Wizarding Student
Sprite espresso 1
Espresso Cookie
Ha. If your experiment yields the desired results, then it is thanks to your efforts, not mine.
Espresso Cookie
It is rare for effort to be rewarded. This is why they are such grand achievements. You must learn to savor that moment, with utmost attention.
Episode 8
Wow! You're actually late?! ... Erm, you alright? You seem... very tired.
Wizarding Student
Sprite espresso 6
Espresso Cookie
It seems I have developed a tolerance to caffeine. More so than usual, at least... An extra shot of espresso should aid me.
Espresso Cookie
Let us briefly monitor the progress of this experiment and organize the laboratory.
Erm... Espresso Cookie? I've been thinking...
Wizarding Student
I know it's not my place to suggest something like this but... It's about your experiment from before. I think proceeding with it would be alright?
I mean... sure, one of the extractors burst. But, theoretically, wouldn't that increase the potency of a Coffee Spell?
Sprite espresso 1
Espresso Cookie
An experiment of mine? Ruined? The measurements were within the margin of error and its results were not entirely skewed.
Espresso Cookie
But you've an interesting theory. I shall consider pursuing it. For now, how is your experiment coming along?
Sprite espresso 1
Espresso Cookie
If you have followed the procedure to the letter, your coffee beans will proceed to float in the air. Let us take a look.
Oh! They're floating!
Wizarding Student
Sprite espresso 1
Espresso Cookie
Oh... Not for long, though...
Wizarding Student
Espresso Cookie
Yet they did float. This is a success. After all, the primary purpose of this experiment is to enchant the coffee beans by infusing them with magic.
And upon closer inspection... No noticeable errors, and you've managed to succeed with time left to spare in the semester. Not bad, for a novice.
Sprite espresso 1
Espresso Cookie
To sum up, I can say with some confidence that your skills are adequate for you to join me as my assistant. But you've still much to learn. Never stop learning.
I've never taken a class this complex but... WOW! Thank you!
Wizarding Student
Espresso Cookie
Hmm... My initial plan was to wrap things up quickly. But I am not one to disregard true and sincere effort. And once more, I am speaking much too long.
Sprite espresso 1
Espresso Cookie
I declare this class is over and you've passed. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must move on to my next appointment. Well done.

Almondhead Special Seminar: Det. Almond Cookie's Preventing Magical Accidents & Mishaps

Label Description Reward
Enroll N/A Episode 1
Task 1 Make Craft candy flower Candy Flower x10
Magic Cookie Cutter
Task 2 Make Craft acorn lamp Acorn Lamp x20
Skill Powders
& Episode 2
Task 3 Win 3 times in the Kingdom Arena with a Magic Magic Cookie
Stamina Jellies
Task 4 Win 3 more times in the Kingdom Arena with a Magic Magic Cookie
Treasure Ticket
& Episode 3
Task 5 Complete any World Exploration Stage 15 times
Task 6 Place Autumnal Acorn Lamp x10
1-min Speed-up
& Episode 4
Task 7 Complete any Dark Mode Stage 20 times
Task 8 Place Chocostone Road x10
Aurora Pillar
& Episode 5
Task 9 Complete 9 Today's Bounties
EXP Star Jelly Lv
& Episode 6
Task 10 Win 10 times in the Kingdom Arena with 2 Magic Magic Cookies
& Episode 7
Task 11 Make Craft biscuit planter Biscuit Planter x15
Skill Powders
Task 12 Make Craft acorn lamp Acorn Lamp x20
Heroic Torch
& Episode 8
Task 13 Place 10x Decors from the Parfaedia Fantasy Theme
Task 14 ? ?
Task 15 Send 5 Balloon Expeditions with 2+ Magic Magic Cookies
Special Cookie Cutter
& Episode 9

Episode 1
(Hm... "Preventing Magical Accidents." Sounds fun!)
Wizarding Student
(Huh? Where is everybody?)
Sprite almond 1
Almond Cookie
Phew, right on time! My bad, kid. There has been a teeny-tiny accident on my way here. How ironic.
His face seems familiar... Have we met somewhere?
Wizarding Student
Almond Cookie
...Er, right. Manners maketh Cookie, or what do they say? Detective Almond Cookie. Magical Emergency Handling. I was assigned as your professor for this course.
Magical Emergency Handling?
Wizarding Student
Sprite almond 1
Almond Cookie
In a place like this, with all these curious, knowledge-hungry wizards, magical accidents and mishaps happen with a troubling frequency, kid.
Almond Cookie
That's precisely the reason why my beloved department was established.
Alright, get a pen and paper out and jot this down, word by word. Preventing Magical Accidents... Accidents is a course... course where we learn about the measures... measures of prevention... and...
Are you following me, kid? Everything I say is gonna be in the final exam.
So... I can't miss a class?
Wizarding Student
Sprite almond 1
Almond Cookie
Measures of prevention and the categorization...zation of magical mishaps. This course is very important so make sure not to fall asleep and listen carefully.
Almond Cookie
Any questions so far? No? Then let us carry on.
FYI, I'm gonna check attendance twice: right at the start of class and just before the end. So don't even think of making off!
Episode 2
Almond Cookie
After the founding of this Magic City, wizards from all corners of the continent started to gather here.
The reason is simple. The famous City of Wizards is on the other side of the world. When you think of the traveling expenses... whoosh, kid! That's why.
... A-and looks like I have a call-out. Excuse me, kid.
Sprite almond 1
Almond Cookie
... All agents, report in. Copy! No need to rendezvous. Reposition to Cream District 5, on the double!
(Wow, he seems really busy...)
Wizarding Student
Almond Cookie
... Right, let's go on. At first, the Magic City seemed like Parfaedia's very own magic paradise. But soon, the problems emerged.
See, most of the wizards are inherently curious... TOO curious! And you know what such curiosity leads to? Trouble.
(So... boring. So... sleepy...)
Wizarding Student
Almond Cookie
Earthbread to Sleepyhead.
Wizarding Student
Almond Cookie
I've seen that face before... Yeah... Ya got that look of a suspect who's been stuck in interrogation for hours without coffee.
I'm beginning to think you have no idea how dangerous magic can be. No use in learning theory if you don't understand the magnitude of the problems before you.
I'm gonna assign you some field work. Pack your bags, kid. Let's find us some wizards.
Episode 3
Almond Cookie
Last time, we covered the history of our city and its wizards. How's your assignment? Awaiting your report, agent.
Wizards can be a formidable enemy. All the sparks and effects...
Wizarding Student
Almond Cookie
A good answer. Not the right one, but decent enough. Speaking from experience, the more powerful the wizard, the more panache they try to show.
And that brings us to our next topic! Since ancient times, there were four main schools of magic. These days, however, every wizard is trying to invent something new.
Here, in Parfaedia, we call these new practices "Dessert Magic".
The problem with Dessert Magic is that the more diverse it becomes, the more diverse the accidents become!
Wizarding Student
Almond Cookie
!!! Oops...
Wizarding Student
Almond Cookie
Dozing off again? I get it, kid. I'm not that fun in conversations.
No, it's just... erm...
Wizarding Student
Almond Cookie
However, in the field, a momentary weakness like that means harm. Since you're to become a wizard, your main goal is to prevent such weaknesses from happening.
Sprite almond 1
Almond Cookie
So, have you woken up? Your second breakfast is served! And the main dish is "City Security Field Practice".
Wait, wha...? HUH? Just like that?!
Wizarding Student
Almond Cookie
We have another accident, kid. And yes, they happen "just like that". Let's move out.
Episode 4
Capricious Wizard
There you are! Quick, take a seat!
Oh?! Where's Detective Almond Cookie?
Wizarding Student
Capricious Wizard
What? On the scene, of course. There has been a rather serious accident!
Tsk tsk tsk... To waste precious municipal resources on such a sorry course. Lamentable!
He might have been a tad dull, but still a decent lecturer... Will someone come to substitute?
Wizarding Student
Capricious Wizard
Other Cookies are busy too! And I mean "very" busy!
At least someone wasn't busy to come and teach me...
Wizarding Student
Capricious Wizard
Arrogant little creature! It must have been torture for the detective to squeeze in this course into his tight schedule only to find such a rude, disrespectful, and impudent student like yourself!
Capricious Wizard
Yes, yes, I shall teach you a lesson. Let's see... Aha! Looks like you've had some field practice recently?
(That doesn't sound good...)
Wizarding Student
Capricious Wizard
You didn't assume that a couple of new streetlights would solve the problems of our city, did you? The roads! Have you improved the road infrastructure? You haven't! No wonder...
I'm sorry, but I just can't accept your last assignment as done! Almond Cookie would have found your performance simply unsatisfactory. Redo it.
Episode 5
Almond Cookie
Rested well last time, kid? Sorry, got a call on rather short notice.
I couldn't... The substitute teacher gave me a ginormous assignment!
Wizarding Student
Sprite almond 1
Almond Cookie
Huh. You were supposed to cover some theory. My mistake to entrust such a task to a wizard.
Almond Cookie
Good job, kid. Chin up: you'll get some bonus points next time.
Hooray! So will you tell me what happened with your last call?
Wizarding Student
Sprite almond 1
Almond Cookie
Nope. You'll get a new assignment. This assignment will be the essence of this class.
But your field stories can be pretty educational too...
Wizarding Student
Almond Cookie
No, no, no. We're pretty short on time, yet have much to cover, kid. No deviations or changing the curriculum!
Um... sure... Professor.
Wizarding Student
Almond Cookie
Phew, let's just get over with it.
Sprite almond 1
Almond Cookie
Here. These are new bounty posters that were issued today. We've apprehended these... criminals multiple times, yet somehow they always manage to slip away.
Almond Cookie
Fortunately, they aren't very strong opponents. Defeat them once, and they won't show up for a day.
Take them down. That's your homework, kid.
Sprite almond 1
Almond Cookie
... And I have another call-out. Hooray... Good luck, agent!
Episode 6
(Yeah... Doesn't seem like a particularly easy task. Maybe it'll get me some extra credit and Almond Cookie will take me on a mission one day!)
Wizarding Student
(Huh... Was that... Almond Cookie?)
Wizarding Student
Sprite almond 4
You won't escape this time, pal!
Gah! Look out...! Professor Almond Cookie! What's going on?
Wizarding Student
Sprite almond 4
Almond Cookie
Agent Kid, huh...? We got a bit of a runaway situation here! Everything is more or less under control, but I'd advise you to take cover anyway.
Can I help...?
Wizarding Student
Sprite almond 4
Almond Cookie
You're just a student, kid... Just let me do my job, and you'll be A-OK!
Magical Emergency Handling
Detective! We're taking damage! All three of our agents have been incapacitated with sticky cream!
Sprite almond 4
Almond Cookie
What? Get the Icing Squad to help them out and give me a status report, pronto!
Magical Emergency Handling
Roger that! Icing Squad, disengage and assist the wounded! Status report: the fugitives have been located in Cherry District 6...!
Tracking the fugitives' movements... Sir! It looks like they're trying to hide in an abandoned area!
We'll need someone, anyone, to help secure the line at this alley! We need to cut off any escape routes!
Sprite almond 1
Almond Cookie
You're not suggesting we mobilize civilian volunteers into the area? What if it's a trap?
Magical Emergency Handling
No, sir. It looks like the fugitives are panicking and they don't have a plan. I doubt it's a trap! Awaiting your orders, sir!
Almond Cookie
Just another day at work...
Kid! Get over here! Did you hear all that? Here's the full situation.
We're dealing with a group of wizards dissatisfied with M.E.H's... traditional methods. There're two Cookies in question but it's likely they've made contact with their accomplices.
I don't think that you're in any danger, kid, but be careful anyway. I'll go to Cherry 5, while you head for Cream 3 and block the road.
Sprite almond 4
Almond Cookie
Remember: do not let a momentary weakness compromise the operation! And absolutely no playing hero! Is that clear? Good luck, agent Kid!
Episode 7
They came out of nowhere! Phew!
Wizarding Student
Sprite almond 4
Almond Cookie
You scared me, professor!
Wizarding Student
Sprite almond 1
Almond Cookie
... You seem to be OK. Thanks to your help, we managed to capture not only the runaways but their accomplices as well.

Almond Cookie
Excuse me for a moment. … Almond Cookie. Yes. No casualties. Operation concluded.
Yes. Yes... Roger that! All agents, return to HQ. I'll be expecting the reports by the morning.
Phew, never a dull moment...
Wizarding Student
Almond Cookie
Do you understand the importance of our class now?
Yeah, but... How can I alone make the world change?
Wizarding Student
Sprite almond 1
Almond Cookie
Patience, kid. Leave the changing of the world to the grown-ups. Your mission right now is to make sure you don't get into trouble.
Almond Cookie
And to do so, let's get right to today's topic.
"Magic Incident Categories." Jot this down! I know you've been through a lot today, but try to stay focused.
Episode 8
Almond Cookie
Good morning, kid! Hope you got some good shuteye after our last class. Our department has prepared a little gift for ya. Here!
Oh... thanks! The experience was a reward on its own!
Wizarding Student
Almond Cookie
Glad that you think that way! We try to avoid situations like that. I want you to keep that in mind.
Our schedule has been quite a mess, huh? But this class will be held by the letter of our curriculum!
(And here I thought that my last field practice would be enough...)
Wizarding Student
Almond Cookie
Just keep our previous lessons in mind, and we'll burn through it in no time.
Now, I won't say it'll be easy. Out there, you must be on alert at all times.
Sprite almond 1
Almond Cookie
Good luck, agent!
Wizarding Student
Episode 9
Almond Cookie
You're here! Got your results, kid.
Sprite almond 1
Almond Cookie
City security: passed. Road infrastructure: passed. Bounties: passed. Field practice: passed. Now the real question is... How have you contributed to ensuring the safety of our citizens?
(I, for the life of me, can't read Almond Cookie's expression. Did I pass the course or not?)
Wizarding Student
Almond Cookie
Course passed, kid.
Sprite almond 1
Almond Cookie
Not that I didn't believe in your capabilities, kid. In our line of work, you learn to always expect the worst. But it seems like my fears were unwarranted.
Sprite almond 3
Almond Cookie
Well done, agent! No additional paperwork required on your part.
Almond Cookie
Hope you make some decent memories in our Magic City. But make sure to stay out of trouble or you'll have to deal with me and my crew at Magical Emergency Handling. Dismissed!