Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki

Magical Days with the Cookies is a Cookie Run: Kingdom original album containing eight BGMs from various Events and game modes.


While the lengths reflect in-game, the tracks below are not extended.

A Feast with the Mala Tribe
Length: 1:11
Artist(s): Kim Suhyun
Played in: Blazing Dragon's Valley story)
Surprise! Lucky Tickets!
Length: 0:48
Artist(s): Sohn Minsoo
Holiday Cake Shop
Length: 0:59
Artist(s): Kim Suhyun
Gotta Go Fast, With Friends!
Length: 0:53
Artist(s): Sohn Minsoo
The Cake Hounds' Surprise Party
Length: 0:59
Artist(s): Uncredited
Sleeping Memories of the Old
Length: 1:06
Artist(s): Uncredited
Dusty Film
Length: 1:05
Artist(s): Sohn Minsoo
Trivia: Named "A Dust-covered Film" in the 3rd Anniversary OST
Moments Shared Together
Length: 0:51
Artist(s): Uncredited
v e
Music Hall 2023: Welcome to Cookie Run: Kingdom!Land of Little Big DreamsPilgrim's PathTainted ForestForgotten AcademyBattlefield of VictoryDark OneThe Peaceful Vanilla KingdomThe Passionate Hollyberry KingdomThe Resolute Dark Cacao KingdomWe Stand United!Tower of Sweet ChaosTropical Soda IslandsExpedition to Protect EarthbreadThe Glorious Crème RepublicLantern in the SnowA Special ConcertFestival of Dreams and WishesCity of WizardsI PromiseMy KingdomEverything You NeedPurple FeverBad and DarkWinter Cookie WonderlandThe Legend of the Duskgloom SeaMagical Days with the CookiesAt the Elementals' DomainsTriple Cone CupSugar Sweet DestinyLegend of the Red DragonAt the Rock Festival!Summer Soda Rock Festa Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.3, Vol.4Legend of TearcrownCrashing Ice Waves
2024: The Lost Golden CityGoddess of Eternal GoldIcicle Yeti's Winter SongHoliday ExpressG1ng3rbR4v3(?)'s OpurraSHun OvnBrkSecrets of the Silver KingdomTheater of LiesHeaven-Splitting LightningThe Awakening of White ApathyDark Resolution's Glorious ReturnCome Together! Cuckoo Town SquareWelcome! MyCookie
OST I PromiseMy KingdomEverything You NeedWhen The Snow Feels WarmBad and DarkI RememberGlittering DreamsTransfigureRocker's HighSweet SerenadeYeti's Perfect Morning
CookieBox I Miss YouCookie and the TreeHappy to Have YouSea Breeze Flowing Through the Stars
Other Voice of Faith