Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki

Movement-impairing effects are a form of crowd control that involves forcefully moving a unit into a specific direction, or prevents them from moving at all, which may prevent them from using their skill. In some situations, moved targets can cause skills to miss based on its range.

Most bosses are immune to being movement-impaired. Certain skills can even ignore a target's immunity to these effects.


The target is moved in a direction away from the attacker.


Also known as Airborne. The target is moved in a direction above the attacker. Some Airborne effects will also move targets slightly backwards.

Strong Flying effects interrupt and incapacitate targets while active, while weak Flying effects do not.




The target is moved in a direction towards the attack itself.


The target cannot move.

Cookie Effect Duration
Gingerbrave skill
Brave Dash

GingerBrave GingerBrave
All targets. 0.5s
Alchemist skill
Unstable Formula

Alchemist Cookie Alchemist Cookie
Reagent Explosion
All targets.
Blackberry Cookie Blackberry Cookie
Any target hit by ghosts summoned from regular or skill attacks. 0.5s
Chili pepper skill
Cheap Shot

Chili Pepper Cookie Chili Pepper Cookie
All targets for the multi-hits and final hit. 1.8s/0.7s
Dark cacao skill
Solemn Judgment

Dark Cacao Cookie Dark Cacao Cookie
All targets for the first hit and second hit. 1.5s/0.5
Espresso skill

Espresso Cookie Espresso Cookie
All targets for the multi-hits. 0.2s
Gumball skill

Gumball Cookie Gumball Cookie
Any target hit by the 3 bubble gum charges. 0.7s
Hollyberry skill
Oath on the Shield

Hollyberry Cookie Hollyberry Cookie
All targets for the multihits. 0.5s
Latte skill
Care for a Latte?

Latte Cookie Latte Cookie
Latte Glyph
All targets for the first hit.
Muscle skill
Muscle King Power

Muscle Cookie Muscle Cookie
All targets for the second hit. 1.5s
Ninja skill
Swift Strike

Ninja Cookie Ninja Cookie
All targets. 0.7s
Onion skill
Unstoppable Tears

Onion Cookie Onion Cookie
All targets. 0.7s
Princess skill
Royal Swing

Princess Cookie Princess Cookie
All targets. 0.7s
Regular Attack
Stormbringer Cookie Stormbringer Cookie
Chain Lightning
Any target hit by the chain attack.
Tiger lily skill
Tiger Rider
(Butter Tiger)

Tiger Lily Cookie Tiger Lily Cookie
All targets hit by regular attacks. 0.5s
Vampire skill

Vampire Cookie Vampire Cookie
Rearmost target right before they take damage. 0.8s


A stronger variant of Immobilization that affects targets with Status Immunity Immunity.

Cookie Effect Duration
Stormbringer Cookie Stormbringer Cookie
Stormbringer's Punishment
All targets.

Gravity Reversed[]

The target temporarily floats in the air from the attack. This effect is not considered a Status Effect nor a debuff and cannot be Purified. Like the other Movement-impairing types, it can be ignored if skills are resistant to interruptions.


Enemy Method Effect Duration
Enemy choco planet
Choco Planet
Gravity Reversed
Gravity Reversed
Two random targets.
Enemy m. cursor
M. Cursor
Common skill explosion 1
In Use
All targets.
Enemy smoked cheese cookie
Smoked Cheese Cookie
Common skill area attack
Desert Sandstorm
All targets.

Resists movement-impairment[]

For more info, see Weight

Less affected[]

Immune to Pull effects[]

Immune to most effects[]

Completely Immune[]

Ignores movement-impairment resistance[]

v e
Battle Mechanics
DamageDMG EnhanceHealingIntangibilityInterrupting effectMovement-impairing effectPassiveSafeguardedSkill (Transformation) ⬩ Summoned CreatureTactical SkillTargetingUndispellable effectVulnerability
Cookie BeascuitsCookie OrderCookie TypeMagic Candy (Crystal Jam) ⬩ Toppings
Stage Beckoning Dreams & Dream of DoomCrystalline RadianceUnderwater DomainData Corruption & Data CopySpore DispersalPaper StormAnguishPower of ApathyApathyYin and YangLand of SpiceBattlefield of FrenzyForces of AbundanceConfusionDomain of Deceit
Stats Basic: HPATKDEFCRIT (ChanceDMGResist) ⬩ Cooldown
Advanced: ATK SPDDMG ResistAmplify BuffDebuff Resist
Hidden: MOV SPDWeightRange
Elements Light Element LightPoison Element PoisonFire Element FireWater Element WaterEarth Element EarthIce Element IceElectricity Element ElectricityDarkness Element DarknessWind Element Wind
Status Effects Buffs: Current ChargeDMG FocusEarth's ProtectionImmortalityImmunityPurifyShieldTailwind
Debuffs: Amplify DebuffConsuming DarknessCurseDispelFrostInjury
Crowd Control: CharmFearFreezePolymorphShacklesSilenceSleepStunTaunt
Periodic Damage: BurnCorruptionPoisonVampiric BiteZap