Mangosteen Octopirate (as well as their variant, Overly Ripe Mangsteen Octopirate) is a regular enemy that appears in the Tropical Soda Islands. It serves as a basic ranged attacker.
Mangosteen Octopirates spawn at the back of waves in groups of two to three. Their basic attack fires a water shot that strikes the nearest target from a medium distance away, dealing damage.
Overly Ripe Mangosteen Octopirates perform the same behaviour, but spend a moment to suction air before firing an ink shot instead. Ink shots deal damage and leave ink puddles on the ground beneath their targets, which deal damage over time.
In the Summer Soda Rock Festa Special Episode, these roles are reversed—Mangosteen Octopirates fire ink shots that leave ink puddles, while Overly Ripe Mangosteen Octopirates fire water shots. However, Mangosteen Octopirates will only create ink puddles under targets inside their attack range.
- Mangosteen Octopirates are basic ranged enemies without any particular strengths. Area-of-effect abilities should be able to quickly defeat them, especially before they can pressure the team's frontline.
- Ink puddles created by these enemies can stack in place, and may deal more damage than a team can heal. Cookies that can easily push enemies back, such as
Purple Yam Cookie or
Milky Way Cookie, can allow the team to move away from these ink puddles.