Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Status Injury

Injury is a debuff in Cookie Run: Kingdom.


While Injured, the unit's Max HP capacity is reduced and they cannot receive healing past the Injury amount, up to 25% Max HP (only for playable Cookies). This debuff is undispellable, can be applied through effects such as Status Immunity Immunity, and cannot be removed by almost any means, but can be slightly negated by Debuff Resist.

If there are Cookies whose attacks scale on their own Max HP (e.g. Elder Faerie Cookie Elder Faerie Cookie), their overall damage will be noticeably lowered.



Cookie Effect Duration

Dark Cacao Cookie Dark Cacao Cookie
Second hit reduces all targets' Max HP by 12.5%. 30s

Dark Cacao Cookie (Dragon Lord) Dark Cacao Cookie (Dragon Lord)
Swing of the Chocoblade
Reduces all target' Max HP (up to x2) by 20% (40%). Charge Charge and Defense Defense Cookie targets receive (up to x2) an additional 12.5% (25%) reduction.

Elder Faerie Cookie Elder Faerie Cookie
Reduces all targets' Max HP by 11%.

Espresso Cookie Espresso Cookie
Reduces all targets' Max HP by 8~10%. 20s

Sorbet Shark Cookie Sorbet Shark Cookie
Reduces Max HP of two highest Max HP targets by 12.5%. 20s
Werewolf mc skill
Lone Hunter

Werewolf Cookie Werewolf Cookie
Reduces all targets' Max HP by 1.2% twice. 17s


The duration of Injury from enemies listed here is infinite.

Enemy Effect

Regular Attack
Reduces the nearest target's Max HP by 1%.

Upon taking direct damage, reduces the attacker's Max HP by 1%.

Regular Attack
Reduces the nearest target's Max HP by 1200.

Skill 2
After 3 actions, charges and shoots an arrow that reduces the nearest target's Max HP by 3600.

Double Swipe
Reduces three nearest targets' Max HP by 5% twice.

Regular Attack
Reduces the nearest target's Max HP by 2000.
Enemy moonlight lantern
Moonlight Lantern (Elite)

Skill 3
After 4 actions, shoots 2 highest Max HP targets and reduces their Max HP by 45%.

Regular Attack
Reduces the nearest target's Max HP by 800.
Enemy pendulum clockwork doll
Pendulum Clockwork Doll (Elite)

Skill 3
After 4 actions, shoots three random targets and reduces their Max HP by 30%.

Increasing Capacity[]

Certain debuffs can increase the limit of Injury, allowing the target's Max HP capacity to be further reduced.

Cookie Effect Duration

Werewolf Cookie Werewolf Cookie
Status Fatal Wound Fatal Wound
Increases the Injury capacity limit to 40%.

Dark Cacao Cookie (Dragon Lord) Dark Cacao Cookie (Dragon Lord)
Status Fatal Wound Fatal Wound
Increases the Injury capacity limit to 50%.


Reduces the capacity of Injury debuffs instantly.

Cookie Effect

Pure Vanilla Cookie Pure Vanilla Cookie
Reduces all allies' Injury capacity by 50%.

Similar Effects[]

Effects that function similarly to the regular Injury, but cannot be reduced by Injury Alleviation.

  • Status Data Corruption Data Corruption: Max HP is reduced by 9% per second for 10 seconds. (Episode 17)
  • Status Apathy Apathy: Max HP is reduced by 1% per second for 10 seconds. (Beast-Yeast Episode 3)


Cookie Information

Werewolf Cookie Werewolf Cookie
Status Torn Scar Torn Scar
Upon reaching x2 stacks, deals damage based on the target's current Injury amount:
  • +10: 30% DMG
  • +20: 35% DMG
  • +30: 40% DMG
Passive (Royal Decree)
Immune to Injury.

Awakened King Skill icon Awakened King (Swing of the Chocoblade)
Deals Darkness Element60% extra DMG per 1% of Injury (capped at Darkness Element2,000%).
v e
Battle Mechanics
Gameplay BeascuitsCookie OrderCookie TypeDamageDMG EnhanceHealingIntangibilityInterrupting EffectsMagic Candy (Crystal Jam) ⬩ Movement-impairing EffectsPassiveSafeguardedSkill (Transformation) ⬩ Stage EffectsSummoned CreatureTactical SkillTargetingToppingsUndispellable EffectsVulnerability
Stats Basic: HPATKDEFCRIT (ChanceDMGResist) ⬩ Cooldown
Advanced: ATK SPDDMG ResistAmplify BuffDebuff Resist
Hidden: MOV SPDWeightRange
Elements Light ElementLightPoison ElementPoisonFire ElementFireWater ElementWaterEarth ElementEarthIce ElementIceElectricity ElementElectricityDarkness ElementDarknessWind ElementWind
Status Effects Buffs: Current ChargeDMG FocusImmortalityImmunityPurifyShieldTailwind
Debuffs: Amplify DebuffConsuming DarknessCurseDispelFrostInjury
Crowd Control: CharmFearFreezePolymorphShacklesSilenceSleepStunTaunt
Periodic Damage: BurnCorruptionPoisonVampiric BiteZap