Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Everyone's wearing scary costumes!
And there's someone in a Bear Jelly mask! Look!

Halloween is a Special Records Story coinciding with the release of the Costume Gacha, Pumpkin Pie Cookie Pumpkin Pie Cookie, and the corresponding BOO! Halloween Masquerade Event in the Halloween Masquerade update (v2.3). Segments of this Story are unlocked through progression in its matching Event.

This Story tells of Strawberry Cookie Strawberry Cookie, Custard Cookie III Custard Cookie III, and Pancake Cookie Pancake Cookie's Halloween adventures in finding Costumes to wear and meeting a Pumpkin Pie Cookie mysterious individual and her oddly quiet friend in a Costume contest.


Chapter 1: Trick or Treat!
Custard Sprite 7
Custard Cookie III
Oh wow, what's this?
There are Jack-o'-lanterns everywhere!
Custard Sprite 8
And everyone is dressed up!
... Oh, I know! They're all dressed up because they're throwing me a party for being an awesome, great, and generous king! Yay!
Custard Sprite 8
Everyone's wearing scary costumes!
And there's someone in a Bear Jelly mask! Look!
Pancake Cookie
Sprite strawberry 2
Strawberry Cookie
Yeah, this time of year...
Cookies dress up as ghosts and wander the streets of the Kingdom...
Sprite strawberry 2
Hi, Strawberry Cookie!
But why does everyone walk around like that?
Sprite pancake hurray
Pancake Cookie
Sprite strawberry 2
Strawberry Cookie
They say ghosts like to play tricks on Cookies...
But if you dress up, ghosts won't know and just pass you by.
Sprite pancake hurray
Sprite strawberry 2
Awesome! That sounds so cool!
I wanna dress up too!
Pancake Cookie
Sprite strawberry 2
Strawberry Cookie
Well, we could visit the Mont Blanc Boutique...
I heard everyone got their costumes done there.
Sprite strawberry 2
SAY NO MORE! I MUST make a royal appearance as well!
Since I'm a king, I'm gonna request a truly kingly outfit: the finest and grandest of them all!
Custard Sprite 8
Custard Cookie III
Sprite strawberry 4
Strawberry Cookie
Er, sure. I can take you there if you want.
Custard Sprite 8
Chapter 2: The Halloween Ghost
Custard Sprite 7
Custard Cookie III
Hee hee! Trick or treat!
Or should I say... TRICK OR COSTUME? Ha ha!
Custard Sprite 7
Welcome, welcome! You're in the right place if you've come for clothes!
Mont Blanc Cookie
Sprite pancake
Pancake Cookie
Yay! I want the cutest and scariest costume!
Sprite pancake
And I, I want the grandest and most glorious outfit!
Something a scary king would wear, yes!
Custard Sprite 1
Custard Cookie III
Mont blanc happy
Mont Blanc Cookie
Of course, gentle-Cookies!
And what can I get the lady in strawberry goodness?
Custard Sprite 1
Mont blanc happy
Um, I'm fine, thanks. I don't need one.
Sprite strawberry 5
Strawberry Cookie
Sprite pancake sad
Pancake Cookie
Whaaat? C'mon, Strawberry Cookie!
You HAVE to join us!
Sprite strawberry 5
Sprite pancake sad
Yes! Your king wishes so!
You shall be the second scariest Cookie!
Obviously, I'm gonna be the scariest! But we can be ghost buddies!
Custard Sprite 1
Custard Cookie III
Sprite strawberry 5
Strawberry Cookie
B-but I...!
Custard Sprite 1
Sprite strawberry 5
Of course, of course!
The Halloween Ghost would be excited to meet you all!
Mont blanc happy
Mont Blanc Cookie
Pancake Cookie
The Halloween... Ghost?!
Mont blanc happy
Why yes, of course!
I heard this story when I just started out as a designer!
Mont Blanc Cookie
Mont blanc serious
Mont Blanc Cookie
On the night of Halloween, when the full moon appears on the pitch black sky with not even a single cloud to be seen... comes a very special guest.
This guest moves so silently, you can't even hear their footsteps. But you'll know they're here once you hear them knock on your door three times...
I heard that they take the form of a harmless, adorable Cookie who harbors a great dark secret...
Mont blanc serious
*Gulp* And the secret is...?
Sprite strawberry 2
Strawberry Cookie
Mont blanc serious
Mont Blanc Cookie
Sprite strawberry 2
Mont blanc serious
*Knock knock knock*
Slow Knocking Sounds
Custard Sprite 2
Custard Cookie III
It's the Halloween Ghost!
Custard Sprite 2
OH REALLY? So cool!
I'll get the door! Whee!
Pancake Cookie
Sprite strawberry 3
Strawberry Cookie
H-hey, wait...!
Sprite latte 4
Latte Cookie
Oh, how nice to see you all here—
Oh my. Why does everyone look like they've just seen a ghost?
Sprite latte 4
We... were talking about one, actually.
Will you be going to the party, Latte Cookie?
Sprite strawberry 6
Strawberry Cookie
Latte Cookie
Ha ha, why yes! I came here right before the party so that I could keep my costume a surprise...
Didn't expect to be in the spotlight just yet!
Sprite strawberry 6
I hear you...
Sprite strawberry 2
Strawberry Cookie
Mont Blanc Cookie
Wait, just before the party?
Oh dear, I should finish things up now!
Sprite strawberry 2
Here, take a look, everyone!
Go ahead, try it on!
Ahem! How do I look?
Sprite custard costume
Custard Cookie III
Pancake Costume Happy
Pancake Cookie
What about me?! Look at me!
I look waaay cuter!
Sprite custard costume
Pancake Costume Happy
Mont Blanc Cookie, thank you so much!
Strawberry Costume Shy
Strawberry Cookie
Mont blanc happy
Mont Blanc Cookie
The pleasure is all mine!
Please visit the Mont Blanc Boutique again for any of your stylish needs!
Strawberry Costume Shy
Chapter 3: A Ghost!
There you are! C'mon!

The party just started!

...And the best-dressed Cookie will be announced at the end of the party! Until then, Please enjoy yourselves!

And dont forget to have fun!

Sparkling Cookie
Strawberry Cookie
I didn't know this was going to be a contest...
S-speaking of which,you two look great!
But i look cooler! Whee!
Look at me fly! Whoosh!
Pancake Cookie
Sprite custard costume
Custard Cookie III
Woah,look at that Cookie dressed up as a gigantic pumpkin!
Sprite custard costume
Wow, you're right!
It's so big, so scary, but SO CUTE!
Pancake Costume Happy
Pancake Cookie
Strawberry Costume Shy
Strawberry Cookie
Uh, um... Huh?
Oh, I guess I'm on my own now...
Pancake Costume Happy
Strawberry Costume Shy
...Your costume is very cute! He he!
Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Strawberry Cookie
ACK! Oh...sorry. You startled me!
Wh-who are you?
... I'm Pumpkin Pie Cookie.
Do you not like parties?
Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Strawberry Cookie
U-um, I'm not particularly fond of crowded places...
Then what are you fond of?
I like pretty clothes and my friend Pompon!
Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Strawberry Cookie
W-what am I fond of?
That's so out of the blue...
But thinking of your favorite thing makes you happy, doesn't it?
And i want every Cookie I meet to be happy.
Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Strawberry Cookie
I-in that case... uh...
I...enjoy playing new games in my room...
I also like cooking for myself... Nothing grand, but still...
How about hanging out with other Cookies?
I love parties where I can meet other Cookies and have fun!
Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Strawberry Cookie
I don't... hate it.
Actually, I guess I do enjoy it to some degree...
Mmhm, yes, good answer!
Then... why don't you play with me today?
Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Strawberry Cookie
O-okay! Yeah! I'd love to!
Strawberry Costume Shy
Huh, I can't believe I just said that.
Strawberry Costume Shy
He he, Pompon is gonna be thrilled!
Come join us here!
Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Chapter 4: Best-dressed
Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Oh, Pompon!
Strawberry Cookie will be joining us!
Alright, Strawberry Cookie!
Are you here to show off your moves as well?
Sprite custard costume
Custard Cookie III
Hey! I was waiting in line to dance with Pompon!
Sprite custard costume
Yeah! Me and GingerBrave were waiting as well!
That's not very fair, Strawberry Cookie!
Pancake Cookie
Strawberry Cookie
Oh wow, there are so many cookies that want to hang out with Pompon...!
Come on, let's all dance together!
Pompon can do anything. No worries!
Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Sprite custard costume
Custard Cookie III
She's right! Pompon, you're such a good dancer!
Isn't it hard to move in that gigantic pumpkin costume?
Sprite custard costume
Wait, I get it! That's not a gigantic costume!
Pompon's just a really big Cookie!
Pancake Costume Happy

Pancake Cookie

Strawberry Cookie
I wonder why Pompon doesn't say anything...
Pancake Costume Happy
Y'know, big Cookies are just too crispy and hard for hugs.
But you're different, Ponpon! You're so FLUFFY! He he!
Pancake Costume Happy

Pancake Cookie

Strawberry Cookie
Pancake Costume Happy
Strawberry Costume Shy

Strawberry Cookie

Just who—no. What exactly is Pompon?!
Strawberry Cookie
I... I should ask.
Alright, let's go ask Pumpkin Pie Cookie...
Hey, Pumpkin Pie Cookie!
I was just wonderin'...
Oh, you just missed her!
She just left with Pompon!
Pancake Cookie
Yeah, she said someone was looking for her!
Whoosh! And she was gone!
Whoosh...? Gone...?
Strawberry Cookie
Sparkling Cookie
Mic check, one-two, one-two... Ladies and gentlemen! I hope you're all having a good time! And now, the moment you have all been waiting for!
"Who are the best-dressed Cookies"!?
Ha ha, the judges want you all to know that it was incredibly difficult to choose the winner—everyone looked absolutely dazzling in their great costumes!
Let's get started, shall we?
I'll start from number five and move up! The fifth place goes to...
Wa ha ha! I know I'm gonna take first place!
Sprite custard costume
Custard Cookie III
Pancake Cookie
Do you get Acorn Jellies if you win first place?
Sprite custard costume
Wow, i had so much fun with Pompon I didn't even realize how much time has passed...
Hey, shh! They're gonna anounce who came in third!
Strawberry Cookie
Sparkling Cookie
... And who's gonna win the third place?
None other than the brilliant, radiant, BEDAZZLING...
Madeleine Cookie! Always know the way to a Cookie's heart, don't ya!
Come on up here!
Ha ha! Perhaps everyone has taken a "shine" to myself!
Hope I will continue to "illuminate" this lovely kingdom!

Madeleine Cookie

Sparkling Cookie
And in second place...
is our favorite teacher with always a smile on her face!
Looks like she took her time to prepare for our little exam here... and absolutely NAILED IT! It's Latte Cookie!
Aww, thanks everyone! I'm so glad you all like my new look!
But don't worry, I'll be back to my usual self tomorrow! He he.

Latte Cookie

Sparkling Cookie
Now... it looks like we only have the first place left!
I'd like to just add that it has been an incredible honor to present this award...
For this cookie had us all floored with their snazzy moves!
Every Cookie wanted to dance with them!
Ladies and gentlemen, the best-dressed Cookie award goes to...
Pompon and Pumpkin Pie Cookie!
Strawberry Cookie
Ooh, Pumpkin Pie Cookie must've left to get prepared...
Heh. I almost thought she was a ghost or something...
Thanks, everyone! Pompon just wanted to say that it was a total blast hanging out with you all!
And of course, I had so much fun dancing with you all as well!
Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Sparkling Cookie
That's it, folks!
We're going to end the party with our best-dressed Cookie's dance!
Pompon, please dazzle us with your dance moves once again!
Thank you, everyone! Hope you all had a fantastic night!
Chapter 5: Friends Forever?
Custard Sprite 1

Custard Cookie III

Strawberry Cookie! Good morning!
Custard Sprite 1
Yeah... mornin'... Sprite strawberry 2

Strawberry Cookie

Custard Sprite 1

Custard Cookie III

Hmm, is everything okay? You tell me anything!
I'm your king, and it is my royal duty to take care of my subjects!
Sprite strawberry 2
Custard Sprite 1
Thanks... but I'm fine, really.
I'm just tired from the party.
It's been a while since I've hung out with so many Cookies...
Sprite strawberry 2

Strawberry Cookie

Custard Sprite 1

Custard Cookie III

Oh, I see!
Yeah, that party was a blast!
Sprite strawberry 2
Custard Sprite 8

Custard Cookie III

I didn't win, but I, Custard Cookie the Third, WILL win first place next time! Mu ha ha!
Custard Sprite 3

Custard Cookie III

Be prepared, world! And... and... Huh.
Who won first place again?
Custard Sprite 3
What? It's Pompon.
You know, the Cookie that danced with everyone and wore a huge suit.
Sprite strawberry 2

Strawberry Cookie

Custard Sprite 3

Custard Cookie III

Hmm... I... guess there was such a Cookie...
Sprite strawberry 2
Custard Sprite 3
... Hello!
Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Custard Sprite 1

Custard Cookie III

Oh, how could I forget?!
Pompon! So big, so fluffy, and SO COOL!
Custard Sprite 1
Were you talking about Pompon?
Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Sprite strawberry 4

Strawberry Cookie

Yeah... we were talking about how much fun we had last night.
Oh, is Pompon not with you today?
Sprite strawberry 4
Yeah, where are they?
I really wanted to ask them how they were able to get that Pumpkin costume!
Custard Sprite 5

Custard Cookie III

You tell me, Pumpkin Pie Cookie!
How did Pompon pull it off? Is it a Cookie we know?
Custard Sprite 1

Custard Cookie III

Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Ha ha ha... We'll just have to see, won't we?
Why don't you ask Pompon yourself later?
Custard Sprite 1
Hmph! You could just tell me now!
Oh well. Just promise me that you'll let me know first hand!
Before Pancake Cookie! Mkay?
Custard Sprite 3

Custard Cookie III

Actually, I'm gonna go ask Pompon right now! Let's go, Strawberry Cookie! Custard Sprite 1

Custard Cookie III

Sprite strawberry 3

Strawberry Cookie

Wait, right now?
A-ah... hold up!
Custard Sprite 1
Sprite strawberry 3
Custard Cookie is just full of energy, isn't he...
Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Sprite strawberry 6

Strawberry Cookie

Yup... Sometimes it's hard to keep up...
Sprite strawberry 6
Strawberry Cookieee! C'mon!
His royal highness is gonna leave! Like NOW!
Custard Sprite 1

Custard Cookie III

Sprite strawberry 2

Strawberry Cookie

I guess I gotta go...!
See you later, Pumpkin Pie Cookie!
Custard Sprite 1
Sprite strawberry 2
Yes, I'll see you around...!
Pumpkin Pie Cookie
He he... Looks like we made some nice friends, Pompon.
Do you think we can all hang out again soon...?
Yes... Yes, I know, Pompon. But maybe...
Maybe, those Cookies will like you, no matter if you are a Cookie or not...