Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Dream Express
Profile title crown15Dream Express
Adventurer Cookie
This article could use some work. Here's what's left to do:
  • Add missing sprites and background assets

Pomegranate Cookie
This section contains story spoilers. Proceed at your own risk!
01. Slumbering Moon's Dream
*Clink... clink...*
... peril.
The City of Wizards... is in great peril.
I must await the moonrise...
Until then, open my eyes I shall not.
I need your help to protect the city.
Moonlight serious
A Cookie of bravery unheard...!
Sprite gingerbrave happy
Hey, everyone!
This road will lead us straight to the City of Wizards!
Sprite gingerbrave admire
That's one GIANT rock!
Sprite gingerbrave admire
Rock? This is not a rock.
Come on! It's a wizard statue, don't you see?!
Sprite wizard 9
Sprite strawberry 5
S—so thrilling...!
Sprite wizard 9
Sprite strawberry 5
No no no, this is only the beginning!
See? Over there! Under the moon!
Sprite wizard 8
Wizard Cookie
Sprite strawberry 4
Strawberry Cookie
Wow... The crescent moon is so big and pretty tonight..!
Sprite wizard 8
Sprite strawberry 4
NO! Below it!
We are gazing upon the fabled... the magnificent...!
Sprite wizard 4
Wizard Cookie
Sprite gingerbrave admire
WHOAH...! Stunning!
Sprite wizard 4
Sprite gingerbrave admire
It looks a bit... lonely, don't you think...?
Sprite strawberry 2
Strawberry Cookie
Sprite gingerbrave motivated
Now that we see our goal, let's run!
The faster we get there, the better!
Sprite strawberry 2
Sprite gingerbrave hurray
C'mon, let's find Moonlight Cookie!
Sprite gingerbrave hurray
After a few moments...
Sprite gingerbrave exhausted
Ugh... Why am I so tired...
Sprite gingerbrave exhausted
I'm absolutely positive we've passed this magic rune before...!
Sprite wizard 5
Wizard Cookie
Sprite strawberry 1
Strawberry Cookie
We must be running in circles...
Sprite wizard 5
Sprite strawberry 1
How much time has passed?! It makes zero sense!
Unless... a protective incantation prevents us from
reaching the city!
Sprite wizard 9
Wizard Cookie
Sprite strawberry 6
Strawberry Cookie
But how will we meet moonlight Cookie
if we can't even get inside...?
Sprite wizard 9
Sprite strawberry 6
No, this won't do! Without Moonlight Cookie's help
we won't be able to defeat Dark Enchantress Cookie...!
Sprite gingerbrave sweat
Sprite wizard 5
Wizard Cookie
They won't let us inside? Won't let ME inside?!
That's... that's unheard of!
Sprite gingerbrave sweat
Sprite wizard 9
Wizard Cookie
Hm, I wonder... What exactly is going on here?
Sprite wizard 9
GingerBrave, Wizard Cookie... I...
Sprite strawberry 1
Strawberry Cookie
I must've walked too much...
Suddenly, I feel... so... sleepy...
Sprite strawberry 6
Strawberry Cookie
Collasping Sound
S—Strawberry Cookie?!
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
Sprite wizard 2
Wizard Cookie
Strawberry Cookie fell asleep...?
What's... going...
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
Sprite wizard 1
Wizard Cookie
My eyelids are... so heavy... too heavy...
Collasping Sound
Huh...? Strawberry Cookie? Wizard Cookie?!
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
C'mon! Stop fooling around!
What's going on...?
Sprite gingerbrave angry
Sprite gingerbrave sweat
What... Why am I... so... tired...?
Sprite gingerbrave sad
Sleepy... Sleep...
Collasping Sound
02. A Special Station
Wizard Cookie
... GingerBrave! GINGERBRAVE!
Wake up!
Strawberry Cookie, come over here and give me a hand!
Strawberry Cookie
M—maybe he'll wake up if I hit him with my lollipop...!
Wizard Cookie
Good thinking!
And if that doesn't help, my magic lightning will surely do the job!
Sprite gingerbrave feared
Sprite wizard 3
Wizard Cookie
I was about to start chanting, you know!
Sprite wizard 3
You what...?
What is this place? A... train station?
Sprite gingerbrave curious
Sprite strawberry 2
Strawberry Cookie
When we woke up, we were just... here.
Sprite gingerbrave curious
Sprite strawberry 2
WHOAH...! Would you look at that!
So many platforms and signs!
Sprite gingerbrave admire
And trains...!
We can go anywhere!
Sprite gingerbrave hurray
Sprite strawberry 4
Strawberry Cookie
Look over there...! They have snacks too...!
Sprite gingerbrave hurray
Sprite strawberry 4
Wonder Nap Lollipops, Ever—Wake Gummies!
Buy one, get one for free!
Snack Merchant Sprite Default
Snack Merchant
Sprite gingerbrave default
I've never tried sweets like that!
Can I have one?!
Snack Merchant Sprite Default
Sprite gingerbrave default
This is gonna be the best trip ever!
But... did I overpack?
Excited Traveler Sprite Default
Excited Traveler
Mumbling Traveler Sprite Default
Mumbling Traveler
Grumble mumble...
Wonder which dream it's gonna be... Mumble...
Excited Traveler Sprite Default
Mumbling Traveler Sprite Default
Look how many travelers there are!
I almost wish we weren't on a mission, he he...
Sprite gingerbrave happy
Sprite wizard 1
Wizard Cookie
Come back down to Earthbread, GingerBrave!
Sprite gingerbrave happy
Sprite wizard 9
Wizard Cookie
We haven't the slightest idea where we are!
Sprite wizard 9
We don't?
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
I thought you brought me here while I was asleep!
Sprite strawberry 1
Strawberry Cookie
As I said... We were just here when we...
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
Sprite strawberry 1
Look here! There are stars and moons
pictured all over the station...!
Sprite wizard 1
Wizard Cookie
This is nothing more than just an educated guess,
but I am assuming this place might have something
to do with the City of Wizards...!
Sprite wizard 9
Wizard Cookie
Sprite gingerbrave default
Sprite wizard 9
Sprite gingerbrave serious
Maybe one of these trains will get us to the City?!
Sprite gingerbrave serious
There's no way it will be THAT easy.
Sprite wizard 1
Wizard Cookie
Sprite strawberry 2
Strawberry Cookie
Why don't we ask the station attendant over there...
Sprite wizard 1
03. How to Get to the City?!
Trembling Station Attendant Sprite Default
Trembling Station Attendant
Um... Uh... H-h-h-h-hello!
A-a-a-re you t-t-t-t-rying to r-r-reach t-t-he City of W-w-w-izards?
Um.. T-t-t-thing is... Yes!
W-w-well, y-you can t-t-take that t-t-train over t-t-there!
Trembling Station Attendant Sprite Default
See! It was THAT easy!
Let's go!
Sprite gingerbrave hurray
*Choo choo*
T-t-the train is ab-b-bout to d-d-depart!
P-p-please h-h-hurry!
Trembling Station Attendant Sprite Default
Trembling Station Attendant
Sprite strawberry 4
Oh...! Thanks...!
Trembling Station Attendant Sprite Default
Trembling Station Attendant Sprite Default
Trembling Station Attendant
W-w-w-we wish you a p-p-p-pleasant t-trip!
O-o-oh dear...! I j-j-just remembered!
The C-C-City of Wizards was s-s-sealed off with t-t-the D-Dream Barrier! T-t-trains don't g-go t-t-there anymore...!
O-o-oh dear!
*Klink... klink...*
WHOAH! I've never been on a train before!
I knew I should've bought those Wonder Nap Lollipops!
Sprite gingerbrave hurray
Sprite wizard 3
Don't forget: we have a VERY important task at hand!
We must reach the City of Wizards and find Moonlight Cookie!
Sprite gingerbrave hurray
Sprite wizard 3
Sure sure! I know...!
Sprite gingerbrave hurray
Whoah ho ho! Look at that fancy Cookie!
Must be the train conductor!
Sprite gingerbrave admire
Sprite wizard 4
Never a dull moment, is there...
Sprite gingerbrave admire
Sprite wizard 4
Yawn... Looks like the train just left the station.
Right, time to get to work...!
Milky way tired
Choo choo... *Ahem, ahem*
Thank you for choosing the Sugarcloud Express...
Our train goes to... Welp, it's definitely written down somewhere so make sure to read your tickets carefully!
But first! Ticket inspections...
Please have your tickets at the ready and all...
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
Sprite gingerbrave serious
Did she say "tickets?!"
Milky way motivated
Sprite gingerbrave serious
Nobody mentioned any "tickets!"
Sprite wizard 2
Wizard Cookie
Sprite strawberry 1
Strawberry Cookie
On(sic) no... The station attendant only told us to run...
He didn't tell us about the tickets...
Sprite wizard 2
Sprite strawberry 1
Huh? You there!
The "flat" triple compartment!
Milky way annoyed
Milky Way Cookie
Ticket inspection! I need to see your tickets.
May I? Pretty please...?
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
Um... You see... We don't exactly... have tickets...
Milky way annoyed
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
Oh, come on!
Is it "really" your first time in the World of Dreams...?
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
Check your pockets, will ya?
Milky way annoyed
Milky Way Cookie
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
Milky way annoyed
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
Huh... Wow did... What?
Did you say "the World of Dreams?"
Sprite wizard 9
Wizard Cookie
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
Huh...? No wonder you look so flat!
Is it "indeed" your first train ride...?
Sprite wizard 9
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
Oh well.
Guess I'll have to explain...
04. Wizard's Way Station
Milky way tired
Let's see... Manual, manual, manual...
Hm... Weird. Can't find it.
In my own words then!
Milky way tired
I implore you... The more information, the better!
Sprite wizard 9
Milky way motivated
You are in the World of Dreams...
The realm of the Slumbering Moon.
Sprite wizard 9
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
What else is there... Your humble servant here is the conductor of this very dreamy train!
Sprite wizard 2
Wizard Cookie
I've never heard anything about any "World of Dreams!"
I must know everything about it!
Sprite wizard 2
Perfectly natural to not have heard of it, my flat friend!
Milky way annoyed
Milky Way Cookie
Can you imagine what would happen if everyone learned of the world of their dreams? CHAOS! Or something to that extent...
Sprite strawberry 2
Yeah... I can see that...
Milky way annoyed
Sprite strawberry 2
And you're going to...
Let's see...
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
Huh?! Curious...
Milky way embarassed
Milky Way Cookie
You flatsters, where did you get these tickets?!
Did you rob someone...?
Milky way annoyed
Milky Way Cookie
Sprite strawberry 3
Strawberry Cookie
Did she say "flatsters...?"
Milky way annoyed
Sprite strawberry 3
Now hold on, just one moment!
We didn't even know these tickets existed!
Sprite wizard 9
Wizard Cookie
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
Right... My bad...
Sprite wizard 9
I didn't mean to come across as rude or anything...
It's just... I haven't seen this station on a ticket in a long, long time.
Milky way tired
What... is it...?
Sprite strawberry 2
Strawberry Cookie
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
Wizard's Way Station.
Sprite strawberry 2
After the opening of the City of Wizards Central Terminal, everyone forgot it existed!
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
So... I just gotta ask...
Are you sure you really "need" to go there...?
Eh... How silly of me! Of course you are!
After all, each and every ticket is a personal invitation from the Slumbering Moon.
Milky way tired
An... invitation?
Sprite strawberry 2
Strawberry Cookie
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
Yup! The World of Dreams is the Slumbering Moon's domain. And this station is, you know, your gateway there!
Sprite strawberry 2
Which means without the invitation, no one is allowed to set foot here!
Milky way motivated
The Slumbering Moon...
Why does that sound so familiar...?
Sprite wizard 3
Wizard Cookie
Sprite gingerbrave default
But who is the Slumbering Moon? Can we meet them?
Sprite wizard 3
Sprite gingerbrave default
Meet?! Pshhh!
The Slumbering Moon is very... VERY busy.
Milky way annoyed
Milky Way Cookie
Besides... eh... I don't wanna spoil the party...
But there is a bigger problem, he he...
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
You... Took the wrong train. Yup!
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
GingerBrave & Co.
... WHAT?!
Milky way motivated
05. Waiting for a Friend
Happy Cookie Overworld Sprite
Happy Cookie
I'm expecting a dear friend of mine!
When will my friend come? I've no idea!
But I'm just sure we will meet again! We made a promise, you see!
Ah, the happy minutes of anticipation!
My friend will be pleasantly surprised to see me waiting here.
I can wait as long as needed! I just hope my friend enjoys the sight of those pretty flowers and the gorgeous sunset, and doesn't slip or lose footing even once along the way!
06. Yay! A Train Trip!
Milky way motivated
... It MAAAY be completely understandable knowing how hectic a train station CAN be...
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
But what were you thinking?!
No trains go THERE from OUR station!
Milky way tired
G-good to know...!
Sprite wizard 5
Milky way booboo
Milky Way Cookie
He he... But not to worry, pals!
Sprite wizard 5
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
You have your tickets, which means that everything is according to the Slumbering Moon's plan!
And since you have your invitations and all...!
I, Milky Way Cookie the Conductor, shall do everything in my power to help you reach your destination!
Milky way motivated
Erm... But how do we get there if there is no train?
Sprite gingerbrave serious
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
Look outside the window, will ya?
Sprite gingerbrave serious
Sprite wizard 3
Wizard Cookie
There is a train... flying in the sky!
Sprite wizard 3
That one has been... hijacked by the dream voyagers. Instead of using the railroad, they're now flying it wherever they please!
Milky way default
Milky Way Cookie
Sprite gingerbrave happy
WHOAH! That's a dream come true!
Milky way default
Sprite gingerbrave happy
But... how are we supposed to board a "flying" train?!
Sprite wizard 3
Wizard Cookie
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
I was just about to show you the way!
Follow me, please.
Sprite wizard 3
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
Call it... "conductor's benefits!"
And for you it's gonna be a rare opportunity to experience an Inter-train Transfer Portal!
Milky way motivated
Wow...! Just like in my games...!
Sprite strawberry 4
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
But! There's something to take care of before we go!
Sprite strawberry 4
Milky way annoyed
Milky Way Cookie
Dear Passenger! The one going to the last station! Yes, you!
Milky way annoyed
Huh? Me?
Excited Traveler Sprite Default
Excited Traveler
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
I'm honored to appoint you the new train conductor for the day!
Excited Traveler Sprite Default
Milky way tired
Say what?!
Excited Traveler Sprite Default
Excited Traveler
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
What a rare chance! And you are a winner!
Good luck! I believe in you...!
Excited Traveler Sprite Default
Milky way booboo
Milky Way Cookie
As for you, my dear friends, it's time to depart!
Choo choo!
[scene transition]
Complaining Passenger Sprite Default
Complaining Passenger
Nonsense! NONSENSE!
This window, this car... is utter NONSENSE!
Complaining Passenger Sprite Default
There is no need for harsh words...
Why don't we all calm down and count the sheep...!
Fluffy Passenger Sprite Default
Fluffy Passenger
Machinelike Passenger Sprite Default
Machinelike Passenger
One sheep... Two sheep...
Fluffy Passenger Sprite Default
Machinelike Passenger Sprite Default
Ah, the murmuring of the passengers, the chiming of the shooting stars, the rattling of the car...
It is like one great symphony of sound!
Musician Passenger Sprite Default
Musician Passenger
Sprite gingerbrave curious
WHOAH! This train is packed!
Musician Passenger Sprite Default
Sprite gingerbrave curious
I... I don't like it...
Sprite strawberry 1
Strawberry Cookie
Wizard dream 1
Wizard Cookie
Huh! What a peculiar bunch!
Sprite strawberry 1
Wizard dream 1
Wizard Cookie...! You look... different!
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
Huh... Yeah!
Looks like it's the dream train's influence!
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
This train is where the power of dreams is the strongest!
Milky way tired
Heh... I don't see much difference! What's more important is that we're finally on our way to Wizard's Way Station. Right?!
Wizard dream 2
Wizard Cookie
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
Um... Yeah... I was about to mention, he he...
Wizard dream 2
You see, we can't just "go" wherever we want...
Someone has to actually "navigate" the train!
And, I'm afraid, it will be impossible for me ALONE to make my way through this crowd to the driver's cabin!
Milky way tired
Are you trying to say that...
Wizard dream 2
Wizard Cookie
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
Simple! You'll have to help me!
Let's go!
Wizard dream 2
Milky way tired
Seriously...? Never a dull moment...
Wizard dream 2
Wizard Cookie
07. Time for a Break!
Sprite strawberry 2
Where am I...?
Sprite strawberry 2
It's so silent...
Sprite wizard 3
Sprite gingerbrave admire
Like the Tropical Soda Islands!
Sprite wizard 3
Sprite gingerbrave admire
Actually, it feels... more peaceful...
Sprite strawberry 4
Strawberry Cookie
Sprite wizard 3
Wizard Cookie
Shh! Look over there!
Sprite strawberry 4
Sugar Gnome on Vacation?
I couldn't help but wonder... Every time when I looked at the horizon from the kingdom...
I wanted to know what it felt like to just float around the sweet ocean... What does it feel like to not have a giant to-build list hovering over your head...?
Now I know...
It's as if... I'M DREAMING!
I want to stay in this peaceful paradise forever!
Kingdom, don't look for me! DON'T!!!
Sprite wizard 3
Wizard Cookie
Sprite wizard 3
Sprite strawberry 1
Strawberry Cookie
Sprite gingerbrave sad
Do you think we asked for too much?
Sprite strawberry 1
Sprite gingerbrave sad
When we get back to the kingdom, let's get some Sugar Soda for the Sugar Gnomes...
I think they're supposed to help with meltdowns...!
Sprite strawberry 4
Strawberry Cookie
08. Shh! Don't Say "Dream"
Pointy, Round, Wide Hat Passenger Default Sprite
Pointy Hat Passenger
Have you heard? Apparently, many planets are veering off their orbits these days!
Pointy, Round, Wide Hat Passenger Default Sprite
Wide Hat Passenger
Oh dread...!
How can anyone enjoy his travels with everything that's happening?!
Pointy, Round, Wide Hat Passenger Default Sprite
Round Hat Passenger
This phenomenon is not limited to just the planets!
Rogue trains, loose dreams, absolute madness all around!
Pointy, Round, Wide Hat Passenger Default Sprite
What's going on here?
Wizard dream 2
Sprite strawberry 4
I feel... lighter...
Are we in space...?!
Wizard dream 2
Sprite strawberry 4
Hey, wait? Where did the portal go?!
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
Wizard dream 2
Wizard Cookie
The portal!
Who closed the portal?!
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
Wizard dream 2
No need to panic! We have to get to the driver's cabin anyway!
Don't let all those little details distract you!
Milky way tired
Wizard dream 1
Wizard Cookie
That's... highly suspicious!
Milky way tired
Wizard dream 1
Are we inside or outside the train?!
Everyone stay put and don't drift away!!!
Sprite gingerbrave default
Wait WHOAH?! A Meat Jelly cloud!
Sprite gingerbrave admire
Wizard dream 1
Wizard Cookie
Looks like a magically-created creature to me!
Sprite gingerbrave admire
Wizard dream 1
He he...! It's like riding a roller coaster...!
I almost don't wanna wake up..!
Sprite strawberry 4
Strawberry Cookie
Pointy, Round, Wide Hat Passenger Default Sprite
Pointy Hat Passenger
Sprite strawberry 4
Pointy, Round, Wide Hat Passenger Default Sprite
Wide Hat Passenger
Pointy, Round, Wide Hat Passenger Default Sprite
Round Hat Passenger
Pointy, Round, Wide Hat Passenger Default Sprite
Huh? Why is everyone staring at Strawberry Cookie all of a sudden?
Sprite gingerbrave feared
Sprite strawberry 3
Strawberry Cookie
Was... was it something I said...?!
Sprite gingerbrave feared
Sprite strawberry 3
The numbers!!! Have you seen THE NUMBERS?!
Lottery Passenger Default Sprite
Lottery Passenger
Wizard dream 1
Wizard Cookie
You startled me!
Are you talking to us?
Lottery Passenger Default Sprite
Wizard dream 1
Of course I'm talking to you!
I want to know if you saw the numbers here! ANY NUMBERS!
Lottery Passenger Default Sprite
Lottery Passenger
Sprite gingerbrave serious
Ehmm... I don't think I have!
Why are you asking?
Lottery Passenger Default Sprite
Sprite gingerbrave serious
Oh now(sic)... No luck again... Again and again!
And here I thought I'd get the winning numbers this time!
Lottery Passenger Default Sprite
Lottery Passenger
Lottery Passenger Default Sprite
Lottery Passenger
It's the moonlight!
It shines so bright, I can't see any numbers!
Pointy, Round, Wide Hat Passenger Default Sprite
Pointy Hat Passenger
And have you heard?
The entire City has been covered with the Dream Barrier!
Pointy, Round, Wide Hat Passenger Default Sprite
Wide Hat Passenger
Oh dread...!
That's why the moonlight is so bright these days!
Pointy, Round, Wide Hat Passenger Default Sprite
Round Hat Passenger
The City is doomed...
Pointy, Round, Wide Hat Passenger Default Sprite
The Dream... Barrier?
Sprite gingerbrave serious
Wizard dream 1
Wizard Cookie
No doubt they're talking about the City of Wizards!
It seems the situation there is even worse than I expected!
Sprite gingerbrave serious
Wizard dream 1
We need to get to the next car!
Sprite gingerbrave angry
09. Star Voyage Dining Car
Sprite gingerbrave default
Look! More passengers!
Sprite gingerbrave default
From the times of old, the peach has been associated with a child's good health. Ergo, seeing a peach in the shape of a pig's face is a good omen!
Logical Scholar, Enthusiastic Scholar Passenger Sprite Default
Logical Scholar Passenger
Nonsense! Do you not know that a pig's face can mean nothing else but the dreaer's desire for wealth and richers?
Logical Scholar, Enthusiastic Scholar Passenger Sprite Default
Enthusiastic Scholar Passenger
A peach in that shape is absolutely and positively a sign of financial luck!
No, no, and no!
It doesn't matter what shape it's in!
A peach, when peeled, is still a regular peach!
Logical Scholar, Enthusiastic Scholar Passenger Sprite Default
Logical Scholar Passenger
Sprite strawberry 2
Looks like they are debating on how to interpret a dream...
Logical Scholar, Enthusiastic Scholar Passenger Sprite Default
Sprite strawberry 2
And with such enthusiasm!
Wizard dream 2
Milky way tired
Look how far we've got together!
Wizard dream 2
Milky way motivated
Everyone, come here!
I bet you're gonna like this car!
[scene transition]
Food Cart Vendor Sprite Default
Snacks! Getcha snacks!
Would you like a snack? We have everything!
Food Cart Vendor Sprite Default
Looks like this is the dining car...
Sprite strawberry 2
Strawberry Cookie
Food Cart Vendor Sprite Default
Food Cart Vendor
A bottle of SomniSoda for an everlasting slumber?
Or, perhaps, a pack of Starflour Crisps?
Sprite strawberry 2
Food Cart Vendor Sprite Default
Starflour Crisps? Sounds yummy!
Sprite gingerbrave default
Speaking of yummy...! I just realized how hungry I am!
Let's all grab a bite.
Sprite gingerbrave happy
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
Sounds like a plan!
There's an empty table oooover there!
Sprite gingerbrave happy
Milky way embarassed
Milky Way Cookie
Wizard dream 1
Wizard Cookie
Let me get this straight...
A planet just... crashed into the middle of a train car?!
Wizard dream 1
Gaaaah! G-get up!
We all must evacuaaaate!
Food Cart Vendor Sprite Default
Food Cart Vendor
Milky way embarassed
Milky Way Cookie
Ouch...!!! Normally, the Slumbering Moon makes sure such incidents never happen!
Food Cart Vendor Sprite Default
What... what's the matter...?!
Milky way booboo
Milky Way Cookie
Choo choo! All passengers!
Calm down! Do NOT panic!
Milky way booboo
We can help you with that!
Let's get to work, Cookies!
Sprite gingerbrave angry
[scene transition]
Sprite strawberry 5
Strawberry Cookie
... Is it over?
Sprite strawberry 5
Nothing is impossible with the might of Magic on our side! He he.
Wizard dream 2
Wizard Cookie
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
Good job, everyone!
Wizard dream 2
Milky way tired
Huh... Look!
Sprite strawberry 2
Strawberry Cookie
Wizard dream 2
Wizard Cookie
A cabin below a cabin...?
Sprite strawberry 2
Wizard dream 2
Looks like the planet crash revealed a secret level of the train...!
Sprite strawberry 2
Strawberry Cookie
Sprite gingerbrave motivated
We might find some answers down there!
Let's go!
Sprite strawberry 2
*Ring ring!*
Excited Traveler Sprite Default
Once—Excited Traveler
Excited Traveler Sprite Default
Aurora candy default
Aurora speaking. Sugarcloud Express, report.
Has there been a malfunction?
We have detected a concerning deviation from the schedule.
Please take measures to return to normal parameters.
Excited Traveler Sprite Default
Once—Excited Traveler
Aurora candy default
Oh... I'm so sorry... I've no idea what I'm supposed to do...!
You see, the conductor suddenly disappeared...!
*sniffling and sniffling*
Excited Traveler Sprite Default
Aurora candy angry
Picky Conductor
... What?!
10. Star Voyage Cinema Car
Sprite strawberry 2
This car looks different...
Sprite strawberry 2
Look at this ginormous screen!
Is this... a cinema?!
Sprite gingerbrave happy
Wizard dream 1
Shhhh! Quiet! A movie is going on!
Sprite gingerbrave happy
Theater Narrator
The Witches and the secrets of their Cookie Baking.
How much do we know about it?
The Witches of Old discovered the wonders of Life Powder.
They started experimenting with a plethora of ingredients to bake Cookies as diverse as Life itself.
Neither measurements nor tools were used.
For the Witches stood by creativity unbound by rules!
Theater Narrator
But there were those who did not approve of such methods.
The Wizards.
Wielding their innate curiosity and advanced intelligence, armed with crystal-clear methodology and vision...
The Wizards approached creation systematically, and on principles of science and logic.
Using solely the finest, purest of ingredients, they sought Perfection. For the Wizards, Perfection was the final and ultimate form of the Cookies.
The Wizards wanted to unravel the secrets from the depths of the mind.
The Wizards wanted to reveal the hidden truths woven into the fabric of ancient magics.
The Wizards wanted to chart the worlds sprawling before the dreamers when they close their eyes.
In their magical conservatories, libraries, and clock towers, their perfect creations remain to these days, imbued with dreams, stars, and sweet delights.
Yet, even the Wizards' minds, great as they were, could not fathom the concealed risks of perfectionism.
And just like light cannot exist without darkness, there was a minute flaw in the paradigm once deemed absolute.
11. The Nature of Existence
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
Sprite strawberry 5
Something isn't right...
W???za??? Cookie? Is everyone there?!
St???ber???? Cookie? Wizard Cookie..? Is that you...?
Gin?????rave? I can't really tell! I can't hear your voice!
???? Cookie? Um...
Cookie? How are we talking when we can't hear each other?
Car?rot? All you need is text and a speech bubble to communicate.
Sound is overrated. It is what it is!
Cookie? A carrot is talking...!
Car?rot? Talking, speaking, words, they're all the same!
Words are just text formed with 0s and 1s.
Oi, Glass Half Empty! Say something!
Glass Half Empty Ugh, now I'm stuck with Glass Half Empty.
I'm Glass Half Full.
Glass Half Full There we go.
Car?rot? Where is this place and who are we?
Well, this place is everywhere and nowhere. And this...
Maybe it's some sort of curse?
Glass Half Full I like that. Let's go with that.
Then what's that round shape with a head and limbs?
Cookie? What?! It's obviously a Cookie.
Glass Half Full Do you really think so?
It's clearly Something in the Middle of Rendering.
How is that a Cookie?
Car?rot? That's right. See this text here?
The writers are writing as we speak. Or think?
Cookie? Wait, what exactly is this place?
Car?rot? This is where you 'start.'
Glass Half Full The world begins here. A gray area, consisted of 0s and 1s.
And then developers and some more developers come together, giving life and creating stories.
All for someone that will enjoy this world...
That's right, for you.
Car?rot? So keep on reading. Keep on enjoying.
Because you're part of this universe!
12. So What? It's a Dream
Wizard dream 1
Cookies... were created by the Wizards...?
Wizard dream 1
Is this all... true...?
Sprite strawberry 2
Sprite gingerbrave happy
We won't learn the truth until we reach the City of Wizards!
Sprite strawberry 2
Sprite gingerbrave happy
How much longer to the driver's cabin?!
Wizard dream 1
Wizard Cookie
Milky way annoyed
Someone's about to lose his temper!
Wizard dream 1
Milky way annoyed
That someone's Wizard Cookie!
Sprite gingerbrave hurray
Wizard dream 1
Wizard Cookie
Ugh... WHY are you replying to that?!
Sprite gingerbrave hurray
Wizard dream 1
Not to worry, my friends, not to worry!
It's right in the next car!
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
A-and here we are!
Ladies and gentlemen, the driver's cabin!
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
Closed Door
Milky way motivated
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
Closed Door
*Rattle rattle...*
Milky way tired
... Of course! We need the key!
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
Wizard dream 2
Wizard Cookie
Milky way tired
Wizard dream 2
He he he... But everything's under control!
We can use the ladder and enter from the roof.
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
And let's hurry up: I have a bad feeling about the City of Wizards...
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
Wizard dream 2
Wizard Cookie
If you have a bad feeling, try to think about how bad OUR feelings are!
Milky way motivated
13. Star Voyage Station
Milky way tired
PHEW! Here we are...!
Milky way tired
I'm positively exhausted...
Wizard dream 2
Sprite strawberry 4
At least we're in one piece...
Wizard dream 2
Sprite strawberry 4
Now! Insert your tickets here... Like this!
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
Recalculating route...
Milky way tired
New destination set!
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
Sprite gingerbrave happy
Are you sure we can reach the City now?
Milky way tired
Sprite gingerbrave happy
Of course, of course!
Aw crumbs...! I almost forgot...!
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
Ominous Sounds
You forgot?! You forgot WHAT?!
Wizard dream 2
Wizard Cookie
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
Since we had no other choice but to force-reset the destination point manually...
Wizard dream 2
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
The contingency protocols have been enacted!
He he...
Milky way annoyed
Milky Way Cookie
See? Those blinking thingamajigs that look like they're gonna attack... WE can't just leave them be, so...
I'll be counting on your help once again!
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
Meanwhile, I'll stay here and keep doing my best to ensure your safe arrival at Wizard's Way Station...!
Milky way motivated
In what universe is this "safe"...
Wizard dream 2
Wizard Cookie
Ominous Sounds
Oh, OUCH! They're attacking!
Get ready, everyone!
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
Sprite strawberry 5
Strawberry Cookie
Shoo! Go away!
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
Sprite strawberry 5
Nah, let 'em come!
I'll show them my strongest spells!
Wizard dream 2
Wizard Cookie
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
I knew I could count on you...!
Guess I'll leave you to it!
Wizard dream 2
Milky way booboo
Milky Way Cookie
Choo choo! We are departing!
Next station is... Wizard's Way Station!
I repeat: Wizard's Way Station!
14. The Cookie Who Did Their Duty
Milky way motivated
Alright, let's accelerate a bit!
We're almost there! Choo choo!
Milky way motivated
Sprite gingerbrave angry
Sprite strawberry 5
Sprite gingerbrave angry
Ominous Sounds
Ouch...! Oh no!
Milky way embarassed
Milky Way Cookie
Sprite strawberry 3
Something's going on in the driver's cabin...
Milky way embarassed
Sprite strawberry 3
Milky Way Cookie, are you alright?!
Sprite gingerbrave worry
Aurora candy default
Picky Conductor
There you are! Milky Way Cookie!
What were you thinking?! You left your train!
Your responsibility! Explain your actions at once!
Sprite gingerbrave worry
Aurora candy default
Oh, Aurora Candy Cookie! What a surprise!
Sowwy! I guess... He heh... I'm a bit busy at the moment, you see...
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
Aurora candy default
Aurora Candy Cookie
Busy? You are busy now?!
Busy creating more work for me?!
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
I realize you aren't exactly... an exemplar of diligence, but to commit such a blatant violation of the code...!
Aurora candy angry
Aurora Candy Cookie
Rules! Law! Is what keeps this disorderly world from falling apart! I bet you don't even have your copy of the Conductor's Manual at the ready!
Cracking Sound
Aurora Candy Cookie
In turbulent times such as these, unlawful behavior is utterly unruly, unacceptable, and unforgivable!
Huh..? Huuuh?
Aurora Candy Cookie?!
Milky way embarassed
Milky Way Cookie
Aurora Candy Cookie
Milky Way Cookie!
You've left me no other choice but to teach you a lesson... in DISCIPLINE!
Milky way embarassed
Are... Are you for real?!
I..! I can explain...!
Milky way embarassed
Milky Way Cookie
Aw crumbs...!
Another problem to take care of...!
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
Friends...! I need your help!
Milky way embarassed
Milky Way Cookie
Sprite gingerbrave angry
That's what we're best at!
Milky way embarassed
Sprite gingerbrave angry
Milky Way Cookie! Hide behind us...!
Sprite strawberry 2
Strawberry Cookie
Wizard dream 2
Go ahead! Taste my lightning magic!
Sprite strawberry 2
[scene transition]
Wizard dream 2
Wizard Cookie
Phew! Is it over...?
Wizard dream 2
Are we finally safe?!
Sprite gingerbrave sweat
Sprite strawberry 5
Strawberry Cookie
... Don't jinx it...!
Sprite gingerbrave sweat
Sprite strawberry 5
Bravo! Good job and all...!
Nothing will stop us now!
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
Aurora candy exhausted
Aurora Candy Cookie
Just you... wait, Milky... Way Cookie...
Milky way motivated
Aurora candy exhausted
Okay, just hear me out!
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
I might've overdone it this time—a 'lil bit!
But as I said: I can explain "everything!"
So... Please, don't get mad at me, will ya?
You can lecture as much as you want... but after I'm back?
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
Aurora candy exhausted
Aurora Candy Cookie
Milky way motivated
Aurora candy exhausted
Phew... Now with that out of the way...!
Thanks, y'all! And your timing couldn't be better!
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
Sprite gingerbrave serious
Milky way tired
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
Yeah! Don't you see?
We're about to arrive at Wizard's Way Station!
Milky way tired
I can't believe it...
Wizard dream 2
Wizard Cookie
Sprite gingerbrave hurray
YAY! To Moonlight Cookie, then!
Wizard dream 2
Sprite gingerbrave hurray
B-but how do we get off...?
Can you stop this train..?!
Sprite strawberry 1
Strawberry Cookie
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
Ohooo! A good, very good question, Strawberry Cookie!
Sprite strawberry 1
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
To fully stop this train, either it or the station must get smashed!
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
What? WHAT?!
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
What what?
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
Jump down! And fast!
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
Wizard dream 1
Wizard Cookie
Wait! I'll try to come up with a slow-falling spell or something!
Milky way motivated
Wizard dream 1
I-I... I don't think I can do it...!!!
Sprite strawberry 1
Strawberry Cookie
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
Oh, come on! What can be easier!
Let me help you...!
Sprite strawberry 1
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
Sprite gingerbrave embarrassed
M-Milky Way Cookie...!
Sprite strawberry 3
Strawberry Cookie
Wizard dream 1
Wizard Cookie
You can't just KICK Cookies!
Sprite strawberry 3
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
There's nothing to worry about!
The World of Dreams is very kind to travelers!
Milky way tired
Milky Way Cookie
And also...!
Milky way serious
Milky Way Cookie
Thanks to you, I realized there was something wrong!
Now I'd like to help you and all...
But there's a limit to what I can do!
Look at me: I didn't even know there was a problem, ha ha!
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
I've no idea what you're looking for... but good luck, I guess!
Milky way motivated
Milky Way Cookie
The Slumbering Moon, Moonlight Cookie will help you!
Huh..! I didn't even feel anything!
Sprite gingerbrave serious
Wizard Cookie
Get up!
Sprite gingerbrave serious
Sprite gingerbrave curious
Narrator To create the perfect Cookie, all "imperfections" were cast aside.
The remnants seeped into space, inevitably gravitating toward each other.
Time passed and this amorphous entity gained shape, self-awareness.
And thus began a journey through the cosmos.
"Who am I? Who created me?"
In the silence of the cosmic void, only the stars shimmered in response.
"We do not know you. Yet we saw how you came into being. We heard your questions."
"We know. We know where you came from.
The distant star."
"A city, perfect like a polished diamond.
The place where dreams become reality and memories shine true."
Narrator Indeed, that star and others whispered about was splendid in its perfection...
Without any purpose or aim, the tiny speck grew a tail to swim through the darkness of space.
Beckoned by the mesmerizing lights of the birthplace.
A birthplace that chose to forget, chose to abandon with deliberation.
CRK Promo Art Mystery Cookie
Narrator Yet, fate is a fickle mystery... Unknowingly, seeking answers would ultimately extinguish these lights of grandeur.
At what cost would the truth unveil itself in the City of Wizards?
Only the Wizards could tell...


  • The Happy Cookie in Chapter 5, "Waiting for a Friend", may be a reference to Hachikō the dog. The dog would wait at Shibuya Station every day in order to meet with his owner after his commute, which continued until the owner died on May 21, 1925 while at work. Hachikō would continue returning to the station nevertheless, waiting for his late owner's return before passing away nearly ten years later on March 8, 1935.
  • This is the first World Exploration episode where both Chili Pepper Cookie Chili Pepper Cookie and Custard Cookie III Custard Cookie III are absent from the story.

v e
World Exploration Episodes
Crispia Map ep01 obj03 Land of Little Big DreamsMap ep02 obj19 Dragon HillMap ep03 obj25 Pilgrim's PathMap ep04 obj27 Hero's GateMap ep05 obj09 Tainted ForestMap ep06 common totem Ancient AltarMap ep07 obj17 Forgotten AcademyChapter 8 cutscene item 1 Hall of EnlightenmentMap ep09 obj26 Castle in the SkyEp10 tower of the wise Timeless KingdomEp11 shop2 Grandberry MarketEp11 obj11 Hollyberry PalaceCoffee tribe village Snow on the Black WallEp14 tower Citadel of the Frozen CliffEp15 train04 Dream Express Ep16 house04 Eternal City of WizardsEp17 pond01 The Lost Golden CityEp18 staute1 Goddess of Eternal Gold
Beast-Yeast By episode 1 icon Secrets of the Silver Kingdom By episode 2 icon Theater of Lies By episode 3 icon The Awakening of White Apathy By episode 4 icon Dark Resolution's Glorious Return By episode 5 icon Shadow of the Destroyer By episode 6 icon Wings of Eternity