Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki

Once [the meter is] full, the Cookie will be Frozen. When the Frozen status wears off or is dispelled, the Cookie will take true damage proportional to their Max HP. [...] Targets immune to Freeze will become Chilled instead. Once they become susceptible to Freeze again, the Chill status will change to Freeze.
— Descriptions of certain Tower of Frozen Waves stages

Crystalline Radiance is a stage effect first featured in Tower of Frozen Waves.


Once the Freeze stage effect gauge Freeze meter is filled, triggers on the following effects on the unit depending on the Stage Effect:

  • Status Crystalline Radiance Crystalline Radiance: Status FreezeElement Ice Freeze for 5s (or Status ChillStatus Undispellable Debuff Chill for 100s) + 20% (+7.5% per stack) of Max HP as True DMG (capped at Freeze Periodic DMG300,000 DMG); stacks up to x10


Enemy Effect Points


Game Modes Cookie AllianceTower of Frozen WavesTrial Grounds
v e
Battle Mechanics
DamageDMG EnhanceHealingIntangibilityInterrupting effectMovement-impairing effectPassiveSafeguardedSkill (Transformation) ⬩ Summoned CreatureTactical SkillTargetingUndispellable effectVulnerability
Cookie BeascuitsCookie OrderCookie TypeMagic Candy (Crystal Jam) ⬩ Toppings
Stage Beckoning Dreams & Dream of DoomCrystalline RadianceUnderwater DomainData Corruption & Data CopySpore DispersalPaper StormAnguishPower of ApathyApathyYin and YangLand of SpiceBattlefield of FrenzyForces of AbundanceConfusionDomain of Deceit
Stats Basic: HPATKDEFCRIT (ChanceDMGResist) ⬩ Cooldown
Advanced: ATK SPDDMG ResistAmplify BuffDebuff Resist
Hidden: MOV SPDWeightRange
Elements Light Element LightPoison Element PoisonFire Element FireWater Element WaterEarth Element EarthIce Element IceElectricity Element ElectricityDarkness Element DarknessWind Element Wind
Status Effects Buffs: Current ChargeDMG FocusEarth's ProtectionImmortalityImmunityPurifyShieldTailwind
Debuffs: Amplify DebuffConsuming DarknessCurseDispelFrostInjury
Crowd Control: CharmFearFreezePolymorphShacklesSilenceSleepStunTaunt
Periodic Damage: BurnCorruptionPoisonVampiric BiteZap