Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki

All attacks will increase the Confusion meter. Once full, it will trigger Distortion.
On Hard, the meter will increase with each passing second.
Distortion will decrease your team's ATK and make them receive extra damage proportional to their Max HP with each hit received. Shadow Milk Cookie & Candy Apple Cookie's ATK will increase and they will be healed with each hit received.
— Descriptions of certain Spire of Shadows stages

Confusion is a stage effect featured in Spire of Shadows.


The Confusion stage effect gauge Confusion meter fills up by 1 point when an ally deals or receives damage. Additionally on Hard mode, the meter fills up by 1 point each second (although this effect has a Cooldown of 4 seconds, so it is more accurately every 4 seconds). Once the meter reaches 10 points, it will trigger Distortion, giving the following effects:

  • Status Distortion BuffStatus Undispellable Buff Distortion (Shadow Milk Cookie Shadow Milk Cookie and Candy Apple Cookie Candy Apple Cookie): ATK +55%, receives Status Healing Healing equal to 5% of ATK when dealing DMG (Cooldown of 4 sec); lasts for 15 sec
  • Status Distortion DebuffStatus Undispellable Debuff Distortion (Other allies): ATK -25%, receives True DMG 1.25% of Max HP when dealing DMG (Cooldown of 4 sec); lasts for 15 sec

If Status Distortion DebuffStatus Undispellable Debuff Distortion expires, 5 points will be added to the meter for all allies near the victim.


To slow meter gain as much as possible, use Cookies whose skills have a lesser amount of hits. If the effect is already triggered, use Status Shield HP Shields to block most of the True DMG being inflicted on your Cookies. Additionally, Other-Realm Manifestation Other-Realm Manifestation will reset the Confusion gauge and purify any current Status Distortion DebuffStatus Undispellable Debuff Distortion debuffs.


Beast-Yeast Certain stages of Spire of Shadows
v e
Battle Mechanics
DamageDMG EnhanceHealingIntangibilityInterrupting effectMovement-impairing effectPassiveSafeguardedSkill (Transformation) ⬩ Summoned CreatureTactical SkillTargetingUndispellable effectVulnerability
Cookie BeascuitsCookie OrderCookie TypeMagic Candy (Crystal Jam) ⬩ Toppings
Stage Beckoning Dreams & Dream of DoomCrystalline RadianceUnderwater DomainData Corruption & Data CopySpore DispersalPaper StormAnguishPower of ApathyApathyYin and YangLand of SpiceBattlefield of FrenzyForces of AbundanceConfusionDomain of Deceit
Stats Basic: HPATKDEFCRIT (ChanceDMGResist) ⬩ Cooldown
Advanced: ATK SPDDMG ResistAmplify BuffDebuff Resist
Hidden: MOV SPDWeightRange
Elements Light ElementLightPoison ElementPoisonFire ElementFireWater ElementWaterEarth ElementEarthIce ElementIceElectricity ElementElectricityDarkness ElementDarknessWind ElementWind
Status Effects Buffs: Current ChargeDMG FocusEarth's ProtectionImmortalityImmunityPurifyShieldTailwind
Debuffs: Amplify DebuffConsuming DarknessCurseDampen BuffDispelFrostInjury
Crowd Control: CharmFearFreezePolymorphShacklesSilenceSleepStunTaunt
Periodic Damage: BurnCorruptionPoisonVampiric BiteZap