Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Adventurer Cookie
This article could use some work. Here's what's left to do:
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Come Together! Cuckoo Town Square is a Special Records Story released on March 27th, 2024 in the Come Together! Cuckoo Town Square update (v5.3). Episodes of the Story can be obtained through completing certain Quests in the Cuckoo Town Square game mode.

The story follows Caramel Choux Cookie Caramel Choux Cookie as her picture-perfect Town Square undergoes some troubles despite her best efforts.


Herb Cookie
This article is a work in progress and is incomplete. Please be patient and look forward to its completion!
01. Morning in the Town Square
Caramel choux default
Ahh! Nothing beats walking to work bright and early!

I wonder what will happen at the Town Square today!

Caramel choux default
If it isn't Caramel Choux Cookie, chipper as always!
Nougat default
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
Good morning, Nougat Cookie!
Nougat default
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
The Town Square boasts the most visitors in all of Crispia!

Every day here brings something new! It's oh-so-exciting!

Caramel choux happy
Oh, Caramel Choux Cookie!

Have a great day at the Town Square! He he!

Granola default
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
Good morning, Granola Cookie!

I can't wait to see your Weaving Magic today!

Granola default
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
If there is anything I can help you with, don't hesitate to reach out!

The Town Square without your spells is like a town without a square!

Caramel choux happy
Miss Caramel Choux Cookie!

May I interest you in our latest collection? Come browse when you have a minute!

Sugar coat default
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
Ah, Sugar Coat Cookie! Good morning!

Of course, of course! I'm sure your exquisite new pieces will be the talk of the town this season!

Sugar coat default
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Oh, and please, do remind me to take measures and prevent passageway obstruction in case the sidewalk in front of your establishment becomes too crowded!
Caramel choux happy
Oh, heh! Greetings, Caramel Choux Cookie!

Good morning!

Headmaster jellizard default
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
Good morning, Headmaster Jellizard!

How is the new semester? Hectic, as always?

Headmaster jellizard default
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
If your pupils require any assistance, I'm always here to help!
Granola default
Granola Cookie
Caramel Choux Cookie is always full of energy! He he.

She really must love her job, huh?

Granola default
That's right! There isn't a day Caramel Choux Cookie wouldn't check in on her way to work! That's dedication!
Nougat default
Nougat Cookie
Headmaster jellizard default
Headmaster Jellizard
Hear hear! Ever since Miss Caramel Choux Cookie was assigned as the Town Square Supervisor, the number of new enrolments at the Academy has been consistently on the rise!
Nougat default
Headmaster jellizard default
The same goes for my shop!

I have never seen as many clients with an eye for High Façon before Miss Caramel Choux Cookie was assigned to this post!

Sugar coat default
Sugar Coat Cookie
Town Square Cookies
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Ah, another busy day at the Town Square...!

I bet the mayor will be happy to hear my morning report!

Caramel choux worry
Caramel Choux Cookie
Oh! That pointy spike...
Caramel choux worry
Street urchin default
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
... Good morning, Street Urchin Cookie!
Street urchin default
Caramel choux default
... Hmpf.
Street urchin default
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
Left without a word...

And here I thought I could finally introduce myself...

Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Oops! I almost forgot about the morning report...!

Time to run to the mayor's office!

02. Report to Mayor Cuckoobeans
Caramel choux default
Ah, Mayor Cuckoobeans!

I didn't expect to see you outside...!

Caramel choux default
COO, Caramel Choux COOkie, COO! My favourite employee!

The weather today is too nice for accidents! I hope all is well at out fine Town SCOOare, mmmhm?

Mayor cuckoobeans default
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Yes, Mayor Cuckoobeans! Nothing to report, sir!

Just another sunny morning!

Mayor cuckoobeans default
Caramel choux happy
COOooh, I just love me a good nothing-to-report!

A-good job, Caramel Choux COOkie!

Mayor cuckoobeans default
Mayor Cuckoobeans
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
It's all thanks to the years for your tireless work, Mayor Cuckoobeans!
Mayor cuckoobeans default
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Please know that it's truly an honor to work in such a beloved place steeped in rich history, sir!
Caramel choux happy
COO COO COO! I like to say that we wouldn't;t have a Town SCOOare without all the visitors! And that's precisely why we should pay close attention to each and every one of their needs!
Mayor cuckoobeans default
Mayor Cuckoobeans
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Yes, Mayor Cuckoobeans! I shall do my best to make each visitor pleased with our Town Square! Because I love it so much!
Mayor cuckoobeans default
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie

Sir, have you heard about the Sugar Coat Cookie's latest collection?

Caramel choux default
Ahhh! A new COOllection, you say? About time!

I'll have you know I'm in the market for a new top hat and shoes! Coo!

Mayor cuckoobeans happy
Mayor Cuckoobeans
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
With your permission, sir, I should go and check the Petition Board!
Mayor cuckoobeans happy
Smarty jelly worm overworld
Smarty Jelly Worm
Welcome, Caramel Choux Cookie.

You've come to check the petition board again!

Smarty jelly worm overworld
Well, it's the easiest place to check all the complaints and requests in the Town Square!
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
Let's see...

Ah, Granola Cookie requested to gather scraps!

Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Let's see what other requests we've gotten!
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
03. Granola Cookie's Request
Caramel choux happy
Good day, Granola Cookie!

We have received your petition! How can ii be of service to you today?

Caramel choux happy
He he! I've been wishing for Caramel Choux Cookie to come, and here she is, standing right in front of me! Yay!
Granola happy
I require all sorts of trinkets, gadgets, and doodads for my experiments! As many as possible! I'm gonna make some thingamajigs and such, you know! Heh!
Granola default
Granola Cookie
Fortunately, the Square has been filled with trash these days!

So it won't be a difficult task at all!

Caramel choux curious
Caramel Choux Cookie
The Town Square... f-f-filled with trash...?

But it seemed squeaky clean just this morning...?!

Granola default
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
Is it because of the sudden influx of new visitors...?

As the official Town Square Supervisor, I must take care of this problem!

Caramel choux default

By the way, have you heard-

Granola default
Granola Cookie
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
I'm going to devise a concrete plan to reduce littler while cleaning up! Thank you for letting me know, Granola Cookie. You are such a responsible citizen!
Granola default
Granola default
Granola Cookie
He heh! Caramel Choux Cookie wouldn't even let me finish...!

I guess there is no stopping her when it comes to Town Square-related matters.

Someone's been littering all over the place lately...

But since it helps my experiments, I don't mind! He he he he!

Hyeh hyeh hyeh! More trash, more trash!
Trash here, trash there, TRASH EVERYWHERE!

Hyeh hyeh hyeh hyeh!

Oh yeah!

They'll stop coming to OUR Square once it looks like a junkyard!

Caramel choux curious
Caramel Choux Cookie
Hm?! I've collected everything Granola Cookie asked for and more, but the Town Square is still filled with trash...
Caramel choux curious
Look, that's Caramel Choux Cookie!
Fresh pointy punk default
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
... Good day to you! Welcome to the Town Square...!

What's your name?

Fresh pointy punk default
Caramel choux default
Alright, gang! Just like we practiced...!
Bold pointy punk default
Reckless pointy punk default
Bold pointy punk default
Pointy Punks
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Oh, "Pointy Punks"! What a lovely name!

I'm Caramel Choux Cookie, pleased to meet you!

Caramel choux happy
Eh, she's like, not afraid of us, like at all?!
Fresh pointy punk embarrassed
Fresh Pointy Punk
Bold pointy punk default
Bold Pointy Punk
Oh yeah?

Then why don't we show her what we're really made of?!

Fresh pointy punk embarrassed
Bold pointy punk default
Reckless pointy punk default
Reckless Pointy Punk
Pointy Punks
Caramel choux curious
Caramel Choux Cookie
Caramel choux curious
Gang, we've like, totally made her angry!
Fresh pointy punk happy
Fresh Pointy Punks
Reckless pointy punk happy
Reckless Pointy Punk
Hyeh hyeh hyeh! C'mon, VENT IT OUT!
Fresh pointy punk happy
Reckless pointy punk happy
Oh yeah! Time to sit back and watch the show!
Bold pointy punk happy
Bold Pointy Punk
Caramel choux worry
Caramel Choux Cookie
I... I thought I took good care of the trash at the Town Square...

But it turns out that there is a severe lack of trash cans!!!

Bold pointy punk happy
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Dear visitors, on behalf of the Town Square, I apologize!

I will do all in my power to increase the number of trash cans for your convince!

Caramel choux happy
... Say what now?
Bold pointy punk embarrassed
Bold Pointy Punk
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have more petitions to process first!

Do visit the Petition Board is you have any complaints! Your feedback is extremely important to us!

Bold pointy punk embarrassed
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
... Because I want to make the Town Square the best place on Earthbread!!!
Pointy Punks
... What just happened?!
Fresh pointy punk embarrassed
Fresh Pointy Punk
She was supposed to be like, totally mad!
Fresh pointy punk embarrassed
With her around, we won't be able to get rid of all those PESKY FOLKS!
Reckless pointy punk default
Reckless Pointy Punk
Bold pointy punk default
Bold Pointy Punk
Yeah... Welp! What can you do!

Let's stick to the plan, gang!

Reckless pointy punk default
04. Sugar Coat Cookie's Request
Caramel choux happy
Sugar Coat Cookie, help has arrived!
Caramel choux happy
Ah, thank you, Caramel Choux Cookie!
Sugar coat default
You are the only Cookie who can help me!

See, we have a mountain of orders piled up and the materials are on the verge of dwindling.

Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
Was your salon extra busy today?

... That is to say, it is always full of clients, of course!

Sugar coat default
Caramel choux default
Not only have we had a new collection released, but more and more clients are visiting in need of new attires. Oddly enough, they all claim to have their clothes caught on something sharp in the square.
Sugar coat worry
Sugar Coat Cookie
Caramel choux worry
Caramel Choux Cookie
Sharp objects lying around the Town Square?!

Oh, no! I must do something before someone gets hurt...!

Sugar coat worry
Caramel choux worry
Oh...! You're always one step ahead, Caramel Choux Cookie!

With you here, our Town Square is in reliable hands!

Sugar coat default
Sugar Coat Cookie
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Of course! My only goal is to keep our beautiful Town Square a place where anyone can make happy memories!
Sugar coat default
Caramel choux happy
Yes! My clients coming from far away always tell me how much they love visiting this place.
Sugar coat happy
Sugar Coat Cookie
And yet... it seems like a lot of them were unfortunate to tear their best clothes somewhere by the fountain.

Would you be so kind as to look into that...?

Sugar coat default
Sugar Coat Cookie
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Right away! I shall take a look after I collect all the materials you require! Thank you for telling me, Sugar Coat Cookie!
Sugar coat default
Bold pointy punk happy
Bold Pointy Punk
Oh yeah! And here I thought trashing the streets was the best way to go!

Turns out there's an easier option- just follow these simpletons around!

Bold pointy punk happy
Hyeh hyeh hyeh! The look on their faces was priceless when they found all those holes in their rags!


Reckless pointy punk happy
Reckless Pointy Punk
Fresh pointy punk happy
Fresh Pointy Punk

The Square is like, totally packed today! Prickling 'em is gonna be easier than stealing candy from a baby!

Reckless pointy punk happy
Pointy Punks
The Square will be OURS in NO TIME!
Fresh pointy punk default
Fresh Pointy Punk
Hyeh hyeh hyeh! The Square is like, totally clearing out!
Fresh pointy punk default
Oh yeah! Shoo! Scram! Skedaddle! See ya, don't wanna be ya!
Bold pointy punk default
Bold Pointy Punk
Reckless pointy punk happy
Reckless Pointy Punk
Hyeh hyeh hyeh!

You better run off fast if you don't wanna RUIN YOUR PANTS!

Bold pointy punk default
Tsss... Tss...
Mayor cuckoobeans default
... Is this thing on?! Testing, one, COO, three!

This is Mayor Cuckoobeans speaking! Coo! Coo!

Dear visitors! To avoid overcrowding, please proceed through the SCOOare in an orderly fashion!
Mayor cuckoobeans happy
Mayor Cuckoobeans
Just follow Caramel Choux Cookie's instructions and everything will be a-OK! Cuckoobeans out!
Fresh pointy punk embarrassed
Fresh Pointy Punk
... They're like, tryin' to avoid overcrowding?!
Fresh pointy punk embarrassed
Oh yeah? "Overcrowding"?!

Then why is there nobody around us?

Bold pointy punk embarrassed
Bold Pointy Punk
Reckless pointy punk embarrassed
Reckless Pointy Punk
Bold pointy punk embarrassed
Reckless pointy punk embarrassed
I'm happy to welcome so many visitors to our Town Square today!

To ensure everyone's comfort, please proceed in an orderly fashion and keep a safe distance from other pedestrians.

Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
Oh my! Esteemed Pointy Punks, I apologize for the inconvenience!

Thank you for coming to the Town Square again!

Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Fresh pointy punk default
Fresh Pointy Punk
Lady, that's like, totally not what it seems...!
Caramel choux happy
Fresh pointy punk default
I am here on inspection duty due to the citizens' complaints about pointy objects at the Town Square!

My inspection has not been fruitful so far, so please what your step...!

Caramel choux curious
Caramel Choux Cookie
Bold pointy punk default
Bold Pointy Punk
Hyeh hyeh hyeh! Of course, silly...!

That's because...!

Caramel choux curious
Bold pointy punk default
Please follow the designated route to travel around the Town Square. where nothing will damage your belongings!
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Fresh pointy punk embarrassed
Fresh Pointy Punk
H-hold on!

We're like, totally walking in line with the rest of the crowd!

Fresh pointy punk embarrassed
Hey, she even made us keep A SAFE DISTANCE!

Our spikes can't reach anyone!

Reckless pointy punk embarrassed
Reckless Pointy Punk
Bold pointy punk embarrassed
Bold Pointy Punk
Oh yeah? That Cookie thinks she's so smart?!

I'll show her smart! Next time...!

Reckless pointy punk embarrassed
A moment later...
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
Hm? What's that on the ground?
Caramel choux curious
Caramel Choux Cookie
Someone's sunglasses...?
05. The Scheming Pointy Punks
Caramel choux worry
Hmmm... There's always a crowd in front of the Post Office, but I couldn't find anyone who might have lost their sunglasses
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
Looks like they belong to one of the Pointy Punks!
Caramel choux curious
Caramel Choux Cookie
But where did they go...?

Are they not looking for their sunglasses...?

Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
The deeper I walk into the back alleys, the darker it gets!

I must file a request to install more streetlights here.

Caramel choux default
... Gang, what do we do?!

We've like, totally failed our plans!

Fresh Pointy Punk
Bold Pointy Punk
Oh yeah... This won't do!

We must press on, for the Boss!

Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
I hear the Pointy Punks!

... Over there!

Caramel choux default
The sooner we get rid of those CRUMBS-FOR-BRAINS in the Square, the better...!
Reckless pointy punk default
Reckless Pointy Punk
Caramel choux curious
Caramel Choux Cookie
"Get... rid..."? What are they talking about...?
Reckless pointy punk default
Caramel choux motivated
Caramel Choux Cookie
Caramel choux motivated
Pointy Punks
Caramel choux curious
Caramel Choux Cookie
Are you plotting to scare off the guests in the Town Square?!
Caramel choux curious
Hyeh! You wanna know the truth...?
Fresh pointy punk happy
Fresh Pointy Punk
Reckless pointy punk default
Reckless Pointy Punk
Fresh pointy punk happy
Reckless pointy punk default
Oh yeah!

We're gonna shoo away all those pesky pedestrians...!

Bold pointy punk default
Bold Pointy Punk
Pointy Punks
06. The Spiky Tornado
Pointy Punks
Caramel choux default
But the Town Square belongs to everyone...!

Please, why don't you consider other options?

Caramel choux worry
Caramel Choux Cookie
I'm sure we can meet in the middle!

Please let me know about anything that leaves to be desired about the Town Square, so we can talk this through!

Caramel choux worry
Anything...?! Hyeh! EVERYTHING!

The Town Square in its current state is unworthy of the Boss!

Reckless pointy punk happy
Reckless Pointy Punk
Fresh pointy punk happy
Fresh Pointy Punk
Hyeh hyeh...! Gang, lemme take care of her!
Reckless pointy punk happy
Fresh pointy punk happy
Ooooh yeah.... Very well... You know what I'm thinking?

It's time to roll out our most sinister plan in the name of the Boss!

Bold pointy punk happy
Bold Pointy Punk
Pointy Punks
Caramel choux worry
Caramel Choux Cookie
Don't do it!

Unattended banana peels are a safety hazard!!!

Caramel choux worry
Hyeh! That's like, totally the plan!
Fresh pointy punk default
Fresh Pointy Punk
Reckless pointy punk default
Reckless Pointy Punk
Nobody likes slippin' on banana peels!

They're gonna think twice before coming to the Square again!

Fresh pointy punk default
Reckless pointy punk default
Oh yeah!

We're gonna make a whole bunch of Cookies slip and fall!

Bold pointy punk happy
Bold Pointy Punk
And then, the great Street Urchin Cookie will claim what's rightfully hers! Eh hyeh hyeh hyeh!
Caramel choux worry
Caramel Choux Cookie
No, please, hold on a moment!
Bold pointy punk happy
Caramel choux worry
Now where do you think you're goin'?

You're like, totally waitin' here until the end of our operation!

Fresh pointy punk default
Fresh Pointy Punk
Caramel choux motivated
Caramel Choux Cookie
No, let me go!

You're obstructing my official duty!

Fresh pointy punk default
You there.
Caramel choux curious
Caramel Choux Cookie
Those spikes... it must be...!
Caramel choux curious
Fresh pointy punk embarrassed
Fresh Pointy Punk
Street urchin default
Fresh pointy punk embarrassed
So where's that boss of yours?

I'm gonna deal with them and put an end to... this!

Street urchin default
Eh... Street Urchin Cookie...!

We're like, totally stopping' Caramel Choux Cookie here from meddling' in your affairs!

Fresh pointy punk default
Fresh Pointy Punk
Street urchin angry
Street Urchin Cookie
Say what now?!

I've been followin' your little "operation" here for a while. Now you dare give that little Cookie a rough time in MY name?!

Fresh pointy punk default
Street urchin angry
We...! It's not... I... Waaaah!

We like, totally did this for youuuu...!

Fresh pointy punk sad
Fresh Pointy Punk
Caramel choux curious
Caramel Choux Cookie
They left in tears...!
Caramel choux curious
Street urchin default
Street Urchin Cookie
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
Thank you for helping me out, Street Urchin Cookie!
Street urchin default
Caramel choux default
Those punks were causin' trouble on MY truth lately.

They would've gotten what they deserved sooner or later anyway.

Street urchin default
Street Urchin Cookie
Caramel choux worry
Caramel Choux Cookie
Street urchin default
Caramel choux curious
Caramel Choux Cookie
Could you give another thought to the idea of turning the Town Square into your riding ground?
Caramel choux curious
Whatever are you talkin' 'bout?!
Street urchin embarrassed
Street Urchin Cookie
Caramel choux curious
Caramel Choux Cookie
The Pointy Punks said they were trying to shoo away the visitors to the Town Square on your orders...!
Street urchin embarrassed
Caramel choux curious
On MY orders...?
Street urchin embarrassed
Street Urchin Cookie
Caramel choux curious
Caramel Choux Cookie
You don't really know them, do you?

And if you didn't give them any orders...

Street urchin embarrassed
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Does this mean that you are NOT their boss, Street Urchin Cookie?
Caramel choux happy


Street urchin angry
Street Urchin Cookie
07. For the Town Square
Street urchin angry
What on Earthbread were they up to?
Street urchin angry
I think they simply look up to you, Street Urchin Cookie.
Caramel choux default
Perhaps they wanted to turn our Town Square into riding grounds to make you happy.
Street urchin angry
Street Urchin Cookie
But I never asked for this!
Caramel choux default
Street urchin default
Street Urchin Cookie
The Town Square belongs to everyone.

I'd hate to see it occupied by just one Cookie.

Street urchin default
You treasure the Town Square...?! Oh wow!

I'm so glad to hear that, the Town Square is my favorite place on all of Earthbread!

Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Street urchin default
Street Urchin Cookie
Heh. Well, I've been livin' my whole life here.

These streets are my home. So it's my job to take out the trash, so to speak.

Caramel choux happy
Well, I've noticed you scurrin' about the Square.

But next thing I know, they're disrespectin' you right under my nose!

Street urchin default
Oh, I don't think they were after me on purpose.

I just happened to stumble upon them while trying to locate the owner of a lost item.

Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
But... if we don't stop the Pointy Punks, they might end up actually hurting someone...!
Caramel choux worry
Caramel Choux Cookie
Street urchin default
Street Urchin Cookie
Caramel choux worry
Street urchin default
They don't mean any real harm, I'm sure!

Oh, if only I could get to them fast to explain the error in their ways...

Caramel choux worry
Caramel Choux Cookie
Street urchin motivated
Street Urchin Cookie
Get on.
Caramel choux worry
Street urchin motivated
Caramel choux worry
Caramel Choux Cookie
Street urchin motivated
Street Urchin Cookie
Get on the bike, quick!

Let's go get them right now.

Caramel choux worry
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Oh, this speed is exhilarating....!

I can barely open my eyes because of the wind....!

Caramel choux happy
Hold on tight!

The Black Tiger is one fast cat, indeed.

Street urchin default
Street Urchin Cookie
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
It's not easy to maneuver around in these narrow streets!

You're a skilled rider, Street Urchin Cookie!

Street urchin default
Caramel choux happy
Anyone can ride fast on an empty road.

But a real rider? They can ride fast anywhere.

Street urchin default
Street Urchin Cookie
Caramel choux curious
Caramel Choux Cookie
The Town Square...!

I hope we are not too late...!

Street urchin default
Reckless pointy punk happy
Reckless Pointy Punk
Hyeh hyeh hyeh!

Let's cover the whole place in banana peels!

Reckless pointy punk happy
Oh yeah! Run, run away!

Hyeh hyeh hyeh!

Bold pointy punk happy
Bold Pointy Punk
Street urchin angry
Street Urchin Cookie
Those punks...!
Bold pointy punk happy
Street urchin angry
The Pointy Punks...! They disappeared into the crowd...!
Caramel choux worry
Caramel Choux Cookie
08. A Ride Through the Wind
Street urchin default
Dull spikes! Should've ridden faster!
Street urchin default

Street Urchin Cookie! Ride through the Square!

Caramel choux motivated
Street urchin embarrassed
Street Urchin Cookie
... WHAT?! Through the Square?!

We're gonna run over the crowd!!!

Caramel choux motivated
Street urchin embarrassed
I trust in your skill!

If you can maneuver those streets, you can swerve in and out of the crowd just fine!

Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
Street urchin embarrassed
Street Urchin Cookie
... You...!
Caramel choux default
Street urchin default
Street Urchin Cookie
Heh, as you wish.

You better hold on tight, then!

Nougat default
Do I hear Street Urchin Cookie's bike...?
Street urchin angry
Street Urchin Cookie
Street urchin angry


Caramel choux motivated
Caramel Choux Cookie
Sugar coat worry
Is that... Caramel Choux Cookie on the bike?!
Caramel choux motivated
Sugar coat worry
He he! What an unexpected duo!
Granola happy
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
Granola happy
Caramel choux default
Did you say "pointy"?

They just passed by the fountain at the center of the Square

Headmaster jellizard default
Street urchin angry
Street Urchin Cookie
To the fountain we go!
Headmaster jellizard default
Street urchin angry
Caramel choux motivated
Caramel Choux Cookie
Caramel choux motivated
Caramel Choux Cookie


Caramel choux motivated
Hyeh hyeh hyeh!

I wanna see them slip on my little "gift"!

Reckless pointy punk default
Reckless Pointy Punk
Caramel choux curious
Caramel Choux Cookie
AHA! Over there, Street Urchin Cookie!

I see the Pointy Punks!

Reckless pointy punk default
Caramel choux curious


Street urchin angry
Street Urchin Cookie
Reckless pointy punk embarrassed
Reckless Pointy Punk
GAH! It's none other than Street Urchin Cookie!
Street urchin angry
Reckless pointy punk embarrassed
Street urchin angry
Street Urchin Cookie
Reckless pointy punk embarrassed
Reckless Pointy Punk
Ack! Alright, alright!

Here, take the bag!

Street urchin angry
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
The bag is secured!

This is incredible! Where did you get so many banana peels?

Caramel choux default
Eww... I ate so many bananas... for nothing...
Reckless pointy punk embarrassed
Reckless Pointy Punk
Street urchin angry
Street Urchin Cookie
Zip it!

Now where's the last one of you?!

Street urchin embarrassed
Street Urchin Cookie
This place is just too crowded!
Caramel choux curious
Caramel Choux Cookie
Where could they be...
Bold pointy punk happy
Oh yeah!

We're gonna make a whole batch of Cookies slip and fall!

Caramel choux worry
Caramel Choux Cookie
The more... the better...


Caramel choux motivated
Caramel Choux Cookie
Street Urchin Cookie! To the Post Office!
They will be at the Post Office! It's the busiest place in Town Square! Besides, the Mailtriever Pups should be returning from their deliveries any minute now...!
Caramel choux motivated
Guess that's where we're gonna be headin'!


Street urchin default
Street Urchin Cookie
Caramel choux motivated
Caramel Choux Cookie


Street urchin angry
Street Urchin Cookie
09. A Place Welcome to All
Bold pointy punk embarrassed
Bold Pointy Punk
...! Street Urchin Cookie...!
Caramel choux happy
Caramel choux happy
Street urchin angry
The Town Square belongs to everyone.

We will not try to occupy the Town Square again...

Street urchin angry
Street Urchin Cookie
Say what? I can't hear you!
Street urchin angry
Street Urchin Cookie, enough!

I'm sure they've learned their lesson. I think we can let them go since they caused no damage.

Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
Bold pointy punk default
Bold Pointy Punk
As you say, Boss Street Urchin Cookie!

Gang, shout after me: "The Town Square! Belongs...!"

Caramel choux default
Bold pointy punk default
Street urchin angry
Street Urchin Cookie
Pointy Punks
Street urchin default
Street Urchin Cookie
You three...

What's gotten into you?

Street urchin default
Everyone kept calling' us "tiny" and "cute" and what-not!

We like, totally wanted to become like you, Boss! Brooding and cool, uh-huh!

Fresh pointy punk default
Fresh Pointy Punk
Reckless pointy punk default
Reckless Pointy Punk
But all those folks in the Square seemed like they wouldn't care about your coolness at all!
Fresh pointy punk default
Reckless pointy punk default
Oh yeah! So we decided to shoo them away and dedicate the Square to you alone! Hyah!
Bold pointy punk happy
Bold Pointy Punk
Street urchin default
Street Urchin Cookie
Then... You're wrong!
Bold pointy punk happy
Pointy Punks
Street urchin angry
Street Urchin Cookie
I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for the Town Square!
It took me in and accepted me for who I am...

even when I was at my lowest.

That's when I decided- to grow stronger, to make sure everyone is acceptable, and to protect the Town Square!
Street urchin angry
Street Urchin Cookie...

All this time, you've been watching over our Town Square!

Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Street urchin default
Street Urchin Cookie
If y'all really wanna be like me...

Then protect those who are weaker than you! That's how I became the Spiky Tornado!

Caramel choux happy
Pointy Punks
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Wonderful! I will also do everything in my power to make the Town Square an enjoyable place for you, Pointy Punks!
Do not hesitate to provide your invaluable feedback!

Together, we can build a better space for everyone!

10. New Morning in the Town Square
The Next Morning
Nougat default
Ah, Caramel Choux Cookie!

Heading to work?

Nougat default

Good morning, Nougat Cookie!

Caramel choux happy
Granola default
Thanks for taking care of everything yesterday, Caramel Choux Cookie!
Caramel choux happy
Granola default
Don't mention it! I was just doing my job!

If you have a task for me, let me know at any time!

Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Sugar coat default
Good morning, Caramel Choux Cookie!

Thanks to you, our business is going as smooth as sugar glaze!

Caramel choux happy
Sugar coat default
Oh, I'm so happy to hear that!

Supporting local businesses is one of our top priorities!

Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Headmaster jellizard default
Caramel Choux Cookie...!

Our students made it to school safely, all thanks to you!

Caramel choux happy
Headmaster jellizard default
Ah, headmaster Jellizard!

I'm glad to hear that none of your pupils slipped on a banana peel!

Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Phew! Yesterday was an eventful day indeed!
Caramel choux happy
Hey! If it isn't Caramel Choux Cookie...!
Fresh pointy punk default
Fresh Pointy Punk
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Ah! Pointy Punks! Do you need any help?
Fresh pointy punk default
Caramel choux happy
We... Um... Er...
Fresh pointy punk default
Fresh Pointy Punk
Reckless pointy punk default
Reckless Pointy Punk
Listen, eh...

Call on us if you need ANYTHING!

Fresh pointy punk default
Fresh pointy punk default
Fresh Pointy Punk
Hey, gang! I totally see a piece of trash over there!
Fresh pointy punk default
Reckless pointy punk default
Reckless Pointy Punk
Bold pointy punk default
Bold Pointy Punk
Oh yeah? Not if I can help it!
Reckless pointy punk default
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
Ah, it's so nice to see the Pointy Punks turned into model citizens! With their help, the Town Square will become even better!
Caramel choux curious
Caramel Choux Cookie
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Street Urchin Cookie! Hello!
Caramel choux happy
... Heh.
Street urchin default
Street urchin happy
Street Urchin Cookie
Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Thank you for everything!

Have a wonderful day!

Street urchin happy
Caramel choux default
Caramel Choux Cookie
Ah, what a beautiful morning in the Town Square!
There's something new happening every day!

I suppose that is what. makes this place so special!

How I wish I could share my love for the Town Square with everyone!

Truly, there is no better place on all of Earthbread!

Caramel choux happy
Caramel Choux Cookie
Welcome, dear guests!

Welcome to the Town Square!
