Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki

Bomber Cookies are Cookies found in the Middle Middle and Rear Rear positions. An exception to this is Pinecone Cookie Pinecone Cookie, who is prioritized to the Front Front position. They are effective in dealing with large groups of enemies as both their skill and normal attacks can deal significant amounts of damage in a large area, striking multiple enemies at once.

In Kingdom Arena, Bomber Cookies are very effective since the opposing team is almost always clumped together, making their skills much more effective. There are currently 14 Cookies of this type.

Epic SoulstoneList of Bomber CookiesEpic Soulstone

v e
Cookie Types
Ambush AmbushBomber BomberCharge ChargeDefense DefenseHealing HealingMagic MagicRanged RangedSupport Support

All items (14)
