Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki

Bark! Bark!

Cake Hounds (Korean: 케이크 들개, keiku dulgae, "Wild Cake Dog") are a species of Cake Monster exclusive to Cookie Run: Kingdom and released at its launch. They serve as both non-playable characters and enemies in differing situations. Occasionally, they make minor appearances in Story segments.

In battle, they are tanks for back-liner enemies in most Episodes.


Cake Hounds behave in a way very similar to real-life puppies, being adorably enthusiastic and full of energy. However, being both wild animals and Cake Monsters, they can also be overly feisty and violent. Though mostly appearing in the wild, they can rarely appear as pet-like companions to Cookies. Cake Hounds tend to be highly resilient, loyal, and almost blindly obedient, generally traveling in groups in the wild and attaching themselves firmly to individuals they trust in domestication.

Cake Hounds have sugar icing fur and a tongue that is nearly always sticking out of their mouths. It is unclear whether the eyes of Cake Hounds being placed on a single side of their triangular bodies is simply a stylistic choice or if this is a deliberate feature of their anatomy. It is possible that Cake Hounds are young versions of Cake Wolves, as they travel alongside the Wolves particularly often as well as act and appear similarly to them (albeit in a more youthful, naïve manner).


Hounds come with different appearances and abilities depending on their breed. All breeds of Cake Hound are most likely derived from slices of types of shortcake.

  • Cream Cake Hound* (standard)
  • Choco Cake Hound
  • Pomegranate Cake Hound
  • Cake Hound Spirit
  • Tropical Cake Hound*
  • Blueberry Cake Hound (and other Berry variants)
  • Ancient Cake Hound (extinct)
  • Licorice Cake Hound
  • Milk Cake Hound*
  • Rice Cake Hounds
  • Valley Cake Hound
  • Dumpling Cake Hound
  • Steamed Cake Hound
*Conjectural name.

Cream Cake Hound[]

The original Cake Hound, this variety has white frosting with strawberry ears and is based off of sliced cream cakes. Cream Cake Hounds can be found all throughout the game but most notably in Episode 1, Land of Little Big Dreams and Episode 2, Dragon Hill.

Choco Cake Hound[]

This Hound is simply the chocolate version of the original Cake Hound with chocolate frosting topped by the same strawberry ears featured in Cream Cake Hounds. Choco Cake Hounds can be found wherever Cream Cake Hounds appear.

Pomegranate Cake Hound[]

A pomegranate-themed variation of Cake Hound. This type has crimson frosting with four pomegranate seeds as ears and may be based off of sliced pomegranate mousse cakes. Pomegranate Cake Hounds can be found in Episode 5, Tainted Forest and Episode 6, Ancient Altar.

Licorice Cake Hound[]

This sickly-grey Cake Hound variation Cake Hounds can apply Status InjuryStatus Undispellable Debuff Injury and has black licorice sludge slathered over its upper half with bright blue pupils. Licorice Cake Hounds can be found in Episode 13, Snow on the Black Wall.

Decor Cake Hounds[]

Notable Cake Hounds[]

Crowned Cake Hound[]

Crowned Cake Hound

Crowned Cake Hound

The Crowned Cake Hound is an otherwise ordinary Cream Cake Hound that wears the titular crown of the Cookie Kingdom. It was placed upon them by Licorice Cookie Licorice Cookie so they could run away and keep it from GingerBrave GingerBrave and company. This Hound also appears as the game's "connecting" graphic.

The Crowned Hound is infamous for quickly becoming irrelevant to the World Exploration storyline and never being mentioned again, though the One Year of Cookie Run: Kingdom Event seems to pay homage to its forgotten status in its Happy Anniversary! Episode.

Its most recent role it plays is the target of Clotted Cream Cookie Clotted Cream Cookie and Financier Cookie Financier Cookie's pursuit in the Master Mode storyline, Scattered Light.



Red Velvet Cookie Red Velvet Cookie and presumably Chiffon

Chiffon is the "Alpha Cake Hound of the Cake Legion" (a self-given title) and the Cream Hound companion of Red Velvet Cookie Red Velvet Cookie, though he seems to care for many more Cake Hounds than just Chiffon. Chiffon appears in Tragedy at the Tower, the Forgotten Piece of Cake special animation (presumably), and one of Red Velvet Cookie's idle animations. They are highly loyal towards Red Velvet Cookie, jumping in to protect him in Tragedy at the Tower when Pastry Cookie Pastry Cookie was close to crumbling him, and Red Velvet Cookie is dedicated to doting on Chiffon, embracing them often and feeding them candy cane bones.

Notably, Chiffon narrates nearly the entirety of the Report of One Fine Day Off Costume Set in which they conduct a very serious reconnaissance mission (i.e., a regular walk on the town) and take note of all the suspicious figures lurking about (i.e., normal Cookies). Alongside their comrades Sprinkle and Ganache, the Alpha Hound bravely completes their mission—despite the intermittent cuddle attacks—only to be lightly scolded by Red Velvet Cookie for presenting to him such an unnecessary mission report.

  • Chiffon's original name in Korean is Alphonse (알폰스/alponsu). A Tweet from the Kingdom Twitter page refers to the Cake Hound present in the Forgotten Piece of Cake as Alphonse, though it's unknown whether this is a mistranslation and the Hound is really Chiffon or if there is another entirely different Hound named Alphonse.

Sprinkle and Ganache[]

Sprinkle and Ganache are two Cake Hounds of unknown breeds who accompany Chiffon in Report of One Fine Day Off to complete their undoubtedly important mission.

Interestingly, these two are referred to as Henry and Raymond in past versions of the Costume Set Story. These are the original names of these Cake Hounds in Korean (헨리, henli and 레이몬드, leimondu); therefore this likely indicates a mis-localization by the game's localization team as named Cake Monsters always have their names changed to something dessert-related in English (example: Charles [찰스, chalsu] in Korean being Schwarzwälder Schwarzwälder in English).


Carter is the main Cream Cake Hound associated with Madeleine Cookie Madeleine Cookie in the official Madeleine Cookie's Cake Crusade Twitter fan art event. This event is the cause for the popular phenomenon in which Madeleine Cookie is depicted as the pet owner of Carter and/or other Hounds in fan works.


  • In the original Korean name for the Cake Hound (케이크 들개, keiku dulgae), the term 들개 (dulgae) refers to a stray or wild dog rather than simply a domestic dog or hound. In this, the Korean name more accurately translates into English as Wild Cake Dog or Cake Wild Dog.
  • The voice of the Crowned Cake Hound, Desmond Chiam, also voices Werewolf Cookie Werewolf Cookie.
  • The Cream Cake Hound's Taiwanese voice actress, Luo Yiwen, also provides the voices of Mont Blanc Cookie, Cranberry Cookie, Institute Student, Capricious Wizard, Shadow Assassin, and Red Velvet Cookie Red Velvet Cookie's child self as shown in Tragedy at the Tower.
v e
World Exploration: Crispia[Expand]
Ep. 17 & 18 ShellyMiner CheesebirdManager CheesebirdAssistant CheesebirdSupercar CookiesMarzipan CookiesParty CookiesGolden Cheese Kingdom Citizen CookiesGolden Cheese Kingdom Host CookieSmoked Cheese CookieHigh Priest CheesenbirdServant CookiesExcited Little CookieWeary Cheesebird ScholarCookie with Odd WingsHurried CheesebirdLight of AbundanceDizzy CookieConfused CookieAudience CheesebirdSystem Console
Ep. 15 & 16 Snack MerchantExcited TravelerMumbling TravelerTrembling Station AttendantHappy CookieComplaining PassengerFluffy PassengerMachinelike PassengerMusician PassengerThree-headed PassengerLottery PassengerScholar PassengersFood Cart VendorAurora Candy CookieCar?rot?Glass Half FullMechanical StarsSugar Glass CookieThe WizardsDr. Evilglaze
Ep. 13 & 14 Young Cookie from the MountainsGatekeeper CookieFrozen Peak ProwlerYoung Milk Villager CookieOld Milk Villager CookieCube Choco CookieSecond WatcherPeanut Butter Choco CookieSugary Dark Cacao WatcherMysterious PriestLicorice OozeBittersweet Dark Cacao WatcherLiving Licorice AbyssCautious Dark Cacao WarriorSwift Dark Cacao WarriorAffogato Cookie's DisciplesLight of Resolution
Ep. 11 & 12 Jungleberry CookieRoyal Berry CookieJungle MonsterUnnamed HuntressLight of PassionFerryman CookieGrandberry MerchantsGrandberry BrawlersCranberry CookieBlueberry CookieRaspberry Mousse CookieBumbleberry CookieHost CookieMonster Shop MerchantRoyal GardenerShady Noble
Ep. 9 & 10 Light of TruthVillager Cookie 1Villager Cookie 2Villager Cookie 3Villager Cookie 4Villager Cookie 5Raisin CrowsVanilla Cone LegionnaireHealer CookieEsterházyPriest CookieSoldier CookiesVanillian CookiesPremier Custard Cream CookieFreshly-baked CookieCakeberus
Ep. 5, 6, 7, 8 Priestess CookiesCookievorous PlantLaughing FlowerSugar SwanIce Cream GhostThe FerrymanGatekeeper GhostLost GhostNightmare-ridden LibrarianNightmare ArchivistRegretful ApprenticeRegretful AlchemistBlueberry Cream KingLabyrinth TacticianBachalomoth the Dreamer
Ep. 1, 2, 3, 4 Cake HoundCrowned Cake HoundArtisan Bear JellyBear Jelly VillagerBear Jelly PrinceCute Bear JellyJolly Bear JellyJelly WormyBat-CatGinkgoblinPilgrim Village TraderOld PilgrimYoung PilgrimOdd PilgrimPilgrim Village ElderFlunked PilgrimDrunkard PilgrimFlashy PilgrimGinkgoblin BossBrown Sugar Guardian Golem
World Exploration: Beast-Yeast[Expand]
Special Records & Episodes[Expand]
The Flower City Cookievorous PlantCobalt CookieAce Pilot CookieRich Merchant CookieSweet Osmanthus CookieElder Osmanthus CookiePlant Hunter CookieCustomer CookieIced Tea CookieRed Osmanthus Cookie Cookie Wearing a HatMessenger PigeonCaravan Leader CookieTengshe CookieCapybara
Song of the Night Sea White Coral CookieShadow of a StarTalkative SailorClueless SailorResting SailorEating SailorStarlight Mermaids
Heaven-Splitting Lightning Praying CookiesOld Villager CookieBlack and White DragonWind Deity CookieRain Deity CookieCloud Deity Cookie
The Cookie Laboratorium Researcher CookiesDough MonsterInquisitive ResearcherSmart ResearcherUltimate Cookie
Cuckoo Town Square Headmaster JellizardSugar Coat CookieNougat CookieGranola CookieMayor CuckoobeansSmarty Jelly WormMailtriever PupPointy Punks
Holiday Express Cheddar Cheese Cookie Cheddar Cheese CookieMacaroni Cookie Macaroni CookieRoyal Bear Jelly Royal Bear JellyOld Jolly Old JollyTrain Attendant CookieChef Cookie
Icicle Yeti's Winter Song Snowfall VillagerYoung Snowfall VillagerSnow KingFrost CookieSnowflake Cookie
A Mermaid's Tale White Pearl Cookie White Pearl CookieTearcrown Elite SoldiersAbalone CookieLord OysterBored Little MermaidRestless Little Mermaid
Summer Soda Rock Festa Coconut ProtagonistDurian StaffCoconut StaffCOCONUTSMangostingShacka RockaBassist CookieGnome BandWERETOFLOW
Legend of the Red Dragon Weapon Merchant CookiePrune Juice Cookie Prune Juice CookieFood Merchant CookieYoung Adventurer CookieDragon City CookieCautious Adventurer CookieBrave Adventurer CookieWandering Bard CookieElderly CookieGrandma CookieQuestionable Adventurer CookieInnkeeper CookieChef Twin CookieBartender Twin CookieEager Adventurer CookieScholarly Adventurer CookieSkittish Adventurer CookieButtercream Wyvern
Triple Cone Cup Scovillia HeadmasterLil Pepper CookieScovillia Student FanSpicy Scovillia StudentHot Scovillia StudentFlaming Hot WingCrème Knights PreceptorHonorable Paladin TraineeSerious Paladin TraineeParfaedia PrincipalBerry Parfaedia StudentCitrus Parfaedia StudentGelato Trio CookieMirror KnightDessert Magic ProfessorLabyrinth Candy Golem
Might of the Ancients Sick CookieDistressed CookieHollyberrianStrange CookieBig Cheesebird
Cookie Odyssey Custard CookieVanilla Sugar CookieMulled Juice CookieBaumkuchen CookieMille-feuille CookieCanelé CookieSablé CookieLight Cream CookieGrand Madeleine CookieMadeleine Cookie's AuntiesArchbishop Cream CookieOyster Cookie's EnvoyCookies in White MasksSeaweed CookieLandlord CookieMissionary CookieOrphan CookiesRepublic Sailor Cookie 1Republic Sailor Cookie 2Custard SoldiersCréme Republic Merchant CookiesMudshake SmugglersPearl LegionDesperate PiratesRookie Cookie
Blazing Dragon's Valley Wild Strawberry CookiePeeled Carrot CookieToothpaste CookieHalf-Avocado CookieSpicy Mala WarriorHot Mala WarriorCroissant Cookie
Parfaedia Institute StudentBooksellerCapricious WizardStrict ProfessorConstable Whiskers
Tropical Soda Islands Stink-Eye TortucaYogurt Cream CookieDurianeersWatermelonianSea MonsterCoconutianDurianianDuck RingButter TigerMangorca
Tragedy at the Tower Reverend Mother CookieShadow Sister CookieChiffonThe Witches
Kingdom Sugar GnomeMaestro Sugar GnomeBlueberry BirdTrain AttendantBubblegum BirdTrader ToucUnripe Kiwi BirdMont Blanc CookieMaster OwlMerchant SquirrelCatnip CookieMilk Foam Cat
Cookie Stories CookiesnapDJ CookieSandwich Shop OwnerReporter CookieKind VillagerChestnut CookieCream CookieConductor Cookie
Other Crimson Moon AcoliteTearcrown CookieDerek DaChocoMarcus MadeleineSerena FaireHerbert HooRachel RaspberryLily White
Unreleased Playables Dark Enchantress Cookie Dark Enchantress CookieFire Spirit Cookie Fire Spirit CookieMillennial Tree Cookie Millennial Tree Cookie