Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Ancient Heroes
After the chaos of iron and flame subsided, many creatures baked by the Witches scattered across the world. Among them were the Five.

The Ancient Heroes, often referred to as the Five, are a group of ageless Cookies graced with Soul Jam of the purest kind. Guardians of peace, they face off against the harbinger of chaos Dark Enchantress Cookie Dark Enchantress Cookie at the beginning of the game during the Final Battle. Each except White Lily Cookie White Lily Cookie is stated to have once ruled over a Kingdom of their own. They were defeated by Dark Enchantress Cookie and their Soul Jams were shattered, setting off the events of World Exploration.

Ancient Cookies are obtainable through all Cookie Gachas with a 0.054% chance of being pulled, and have a higher chance of being pulled through the Nether-Gacha, a special Event that runs during an Ancient Cookie's release update. However, Ancient Cookie Soulstones cannot be stocked by any shop except for the Medal Shop, nor can they be randomly generated by Landmarks. They are very rarely rewarded by limited-time Events and Choice Chests.

Certain Ancient Cookies can be Awakened, unlocking a more powerful form with a new skill and increased stats. Ancient Cookies can only be Awoken by collecting their Soulprisms, which can be earned from the Nether-Gacha, the Gacha of Fate or the Rainbow Shell Gallery.

Ancient SoulstoneList of Ancient CookiesAncient Soulstone


  • While the Ancient Cookies are unaffected by the passage of time, Pitaya Dragon Cookie Pitaya Dragon Cookie has stated that they made their Dragonsworn contract with White Lily Cookie White Lily Cookie thousands of years ago, implying that the Ancient Cookies are over thousands of years old.
  • Each Ancient Cookie's gacha animation is longer than the one previously released before them. Pure Vanilla Cookie has the shortest gacha animation out of the five Ancient Heroes, while White Lily Cookie has the longest.

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Cookie Rarities
Common Cookies
Rare Cookies
Special Cookies
Epic Cookies
Super Epic Cookies
Super Epic
Dragon Cookies
Legendary Cookies
Ancient Cookies
Beast Cookies

(Guest Cookies Guest)