Wiki Cookie Run: Kingdom tiếng Việt
Wiki Cookie Run: Kingdom tiếng Việt
Wiki Cookie Run: Kingdom tiếng Việt
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Bạn có thể giúp Wiki Cookie Run: Kingdom tiếng Việt bằng cách bổ sung thông tin và nội dung còn thiếu.

Only the worthy may enter the Golden Paradise!

Burnt Cheese Cookie (Tiếng Hàn: 바스크치즈맛 쿠키, basuku-chiju-mat kuki) là một Quý Hiếm phát hành vào Cập nhật Thành phố vàng đã mất (v4.11) bên cạnhGolden Cheese Cookie Golden Cheese Cookie. Anh ấy là của Chargeclass Dẫn đầu loại và vị trí của anh ta được ưu tiên cho Frontpos Đầu.

Mô tả trong Game[]

To gain entry to the Ever-Gleaming Golden Paradise, you must pass the trials of the Gatekeeper—Burnt Cheese Cookie. Eternally devoted to the Goddess of the Golden City, this Cookie has warded off countless trespassers at the gates of the Golden Cheese Kingdom. Though many have tried, none have managed to proceed past Burnt Cheese Cookie's fearsome jackals and the gatekeeper himself, clad in his jackal mask. When asked, "Why do you work tirelessly day and night?" He is reminded of the sacred vow he made to Her Radiance—to protect her kingdom from darkness. So, once again, Burnt Cheese Cookie heads to the gates to serve and protect, to fulfill his duties.

Mô tả Soulstone[]

Burnt Cheese Cookie's Soulstone
This stone holds a piece of Burnt Cheese Cookie's soul. It emanates a resolute glow, filled with the unwavering determination to guard against intruders.

Kĩ năng[]

Keeper of the Gates (Người giữ cổng)
Base Cooldown 10 giây
Biểu tượng Kĩ năng của Keeper of the Gates (Người giữ cổng) Summons giant boulders from beneath the earth, dealing DMG to nearby enemies and granting Earth-type CRIT(sct) buff for all allies. Afterwards, the boulders explode, dealing DMG and Stunning enemies. Burnt Cheese Cookie grants the Keeper of the Gates and the Curse Protection buffs to himself and the ally Cookie with the highest ATK, absorbing part of the damage they take with DMG Focus and making them Immune to Debuffs. Burnt Cheese Cookie and Golden Cheese Cookie's DMG Resist increases when entering a battle together. If Golden Cheese Cookie becomes enclosed in her Sarcophagus during battle, Burnt Cheese Cookie's ATK and ATK SPD will temporarily increase, and his Cooldown will reset. The Keeper of the Gates and Curse Protection buffs will be applied to Golden Cheese Cookie enclosed in her Sarcophagus first. While using his skill, Burnt Cheese Cookie will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects.
Cấp Tối Đa ►
  • Boulder DMG: Nguyên tố Đất155.3% of ATK
  • Boulder Explosion DMG: Nguyên tố Đất381.9% of ATK
  • Boulder DMG Status Stun Stun: 2 sec
  • Earth-type CRIT DMG: +22.5% for 12 sec; stacks up to x1
  • Status Keeper of the Gates : absorbs 50.0% of DMG the ally with the highest ATK receives and provides Debuff Immunity for 12 sec
  • Status Curse Protection : removes itself upon acquiring a Curse debuff; activates x1
  • ATK: +130.0% for 16 sec
  • ATK Speed: +30.0% for 16 sec
  • Loyal Follower: Status DmgDown DMG Resist +30.0%
◄ Cấp 1
  • Boulder DMG: Nguyên tố Đất292.4% of ATK
  • Boulder Explosion DMG: Nguyên tố Đất719.4% of ATK
  • Boulder DMG Status Stun Stun: 2 sec
  • Earth-type CRIT DMG: +22.5% for 12 sec; stacks up to x1
  • Status Keeper of the Gates : absorbs 50.0% of DMG the ally with the highest ATK receives and provides Debuff Immunity for 12 sec
  • Status Curse Protection : removes itself upon acquiring a Curse debuff; activates x1
  • ATK: +130.0% for 16 sec
  • ATK Speed: +30.0% for 16 sec
  • Loyal Follower: Status DmgDown DMG Resist +30.0%
Ghi chú hỗ trợ
Ghi chú hỗ trợ
  • Curse Protection has the same duration as the Keeper of the Gates buff.
  • If Golden Cheese Cookie is defeated for the first time, grants himself Status Gatekeeper's Fury and increases his ATK and ATK SPD for 16 seconds.

Cảm hứng nhân vật[]

Nhìn bề ngoài, Burnt Cheese Cookie dường như được lấy cảm hứng từ Anubis của thần học Ai Cập cổ đại, một vị thần thường được miêu tả là một con người nam tính với cái đầu của một con chó rừng. Mặc dù không nhất thiết phải là người gác cổng như Burnt Cheese Cookie, Anubis được coi là người báo trước cho thế giới ngầm và những người đã qua đời; điều này có lẽ được phản ánh trong nhiệm vụ bảo vệ của Burnt Cheese Cookie.

Như đã thấy qua sự kết hợp giữa tên tiếng Anh và tiếng Hàn của anh ấy, Burnt Cheese Cookie được dựa trên loại bánh pho mát basque cháy. Trong tên tiếng Pháp của mình, anh ấy được đặt theo tên của tourteau fromagé, một loại bánh pho mát riêng biệt cũng có đặc điểm là phần trên bị cháy.


  • Burnt Cheese Cookie's design was modified very shortly—no more than a few hours—after his release in Cookie Run: Kingdom. In his initial design, the charm attached to his collar inadvertently resembled the symbol of the Elder Futhark rune Othala (ᛟ), which, when depicted with serifs like in Burnt Cheese Cookie's design, is often used to represent the Nazi Party. Burnt Cheese Cookie's charm was modified into a simple diamond shape similar to the rune Ingwaz (ᛜ).
  • According to his loading screen trivia, "Burnt Cheese Cookie spends his days off purchasing treats for his jackals and snakes!"
  • Burnt Cheese Cookie's original Korean name (바스크치즈맛 쿠키, basuku-chiju-mat kuki) translates to Basque Cheese Cookie in English.
  • Burnt Cheese Cookie shares his Korean voice actor, Park Min-gi, with Sugary Dark Cacao Watcher.
  • Burnt Cheese Cookie's internal name is "cookie0587."
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Cookie Chơi được
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Hiếm Princess Cookie Princess CookieKnight Cookie Knight CookieCherry Cookie Cherry CookieAlchemist Cookie Alchemist CookieAdventurer Cookie Adventurer CookieBlackberry Cookie Blackberry CookieGumball Cookie Gumball CookieOnion Cookie Onion CookiePancake Cookie Pancake CookieAvocado Cookie Avocado CookieCarrot Cookie Carrot CookieClover Cookie Clover CookieCustard Cookie III Custard Cookie IIIDevil Cookie Devil Cookie
Alt=Special Cookies Sonic Cookie Sonic CookieTails Cookie Tails CookieRM Cookie RM CookieJin Cookie Jin CookieSUGA Cookie SUGA Cookiej-hope Cookie j-hope CookieJimin Cookie Jimin CookieV Cookie V CookieJung Kook Cookie Jung Kook CookieSnapdragon Cookie Snapdragon CookieIcicle Yeti Cookie Icicle Yeti CookieCream Ferret Cookie Cream Ferret Cookie
MyCookie MyCookie
Quý Hiếm
Snow Sugar Cookie Snow Sugar CookieVampire Cookie Vampire CookieTiger Lily Cookie Tiger Lily CookieWerewolf Cookie Werewolf CookieMint Choco Cookie Mint Choco CookieHerb Cookie Herb CookieDark Choco Cookie Dark Choco CookieSparkling Cookie Sparkling CookieChili Pepper Cookie Chili Pepper CookiePomegranate Cookie Pomegranate CookiePurple Yam Cookie Purple Yam CookieMilk Cookie Milk CookiePoison Mushroom Cookie Poison Mushroom CookieLicorice Cookie Licorice CookieMadeleine Cookie Madeleine CookieEspresso Cookie Espresso CookieRye Cookie Rye CookieKumiho Cookie Kumiho CookieLatte Cookie Latte CookieCream Puff Cookie Cream Puff CookieAlmond Cookie Almond CookieBlack Raisin Cookie Black Raisin CookieStrawberry Crepe Cookie Strawberry Crepe CookieFig Cookie Fig CookiePastry Cookie Pastry CookieRed Velvet Cookie Red Velvet CookieMango Cookie Mango CookieLilac Cookie Lilac CookieSquid Ink Cookie Squid Ink CookieSorbet Shark Cookie Sorbet Shark CookieParfait Cookie Parfait CookieRaspberry Cookie Raspberry CookieMoon Rabbit Cookie Moon Rabbit CookieMala Sauce Cookie Mala Sauce CookieTwizzly Gummy Cookie Twizzly Gummy CookiePumpkin Pie Cookie Pumpkin Pie CookieCotton Cookie Cotton CookieCocoa Cookie Cocoa CookieEclair Cookie Eclair CookieTea Knight Cookie Tea Knight CookieAffogato Cookie Affogato CookieCaramel Arrow Cookie Caramel Arrow CookieCherry Blossom Cookie Cherry Blossom CookieWildberry Cookie Wildberry CookieCrunchy Chip Cookie Crunchy Chip CookieFinancier Cookie Financier CookieCream Unicorn Cookie Cream Unicorn CookieCaptain Caviar Cookie Captain Caviar CookieCandy Diver Cookie Candy Diver CookieSchwarzwälder SchwarzwälderMacaron Cookie Macaron CookieCarol Cookie Carol CookiePinecone Cookie Pinecone CookieProphet Cookie Prophet CookieMilky Way Cookie Milky Way CookieBlueberry Pie Cookie Blueberry Pie CookieSpace Doughnut Space DoughnutPrune Juice Cookie Prune Juice CookieKouign-Amann Cookie Kouign-Amann CookieRoyal Margarine Cookie Royal Margarine CookieTarte Tatin Cookie Tarte Tatin CookieRockstar Cookie Rockstar CookieBlack Lemonade Cookie Black Lemonade CookiePeppermint Cookie Peppermint CookieFrilled Jellyfish Cookie Frilled Jellyfish CookieBurnt Cheese Cookie Burnt Cheese CookieFettuccine Cookie Fettuccine CookieMozzarella Cookie Mozzarella CookieOlive Cookie Olive CookieLinzer Cookie Linzer CookieCrème Brûlée Cookie Crème Brûlée CookieRebel Cookie Rebel CookieSilverbell Cookie Silverbell CookieMercurial Knight Cookie Mercurial Knight CookieMatcha Cookie Matcha CookieButter Roll Cookie Butter Roll CookieCaramel Choux Cookie Caramel Choux CookieStreet Urchin Cookie Street Urchin CookieCloud Haetae Cookie Cloud Haetae CookiePeach Blossom Cookie Peach Blossom Cookie
Siêu Quý Hiếm Clotted Cream Cookie Clotted Cream CookieOyster Cookie Oyster CookieSherbet Cookie Sherbet CookieStardust Cookie Stardust CookieCapsaicin Cookie Capsaicin CookieShining Glitter Cookie Shining Glitter CookieCrimson Coral Cookie Crimson Coral CookieElder Faerie Cookie Elder Faerie Cookie
Thần Thoại Sea Fairy Cookie Sea Fairy CookieFrost Queen Cookie Frost Queen CookieBlack Pearl Cookie Black Pearl CookieMoonlight Cookie Moonlight CookieStormbringer Cookie Stormbringer Cookie
Rồng Pitaya Dragon Cookie Pitaya Dragon Cookie
Cổ Đại Pure Vanilla Cookie Pure Vanilla CookieHollyberry Cookie Hollyberry CookieDark Cacao Cookie Dark Cacao Cookie (Dark Cacao Cookie (Dragon Lord) Dragon Lord) ⬩ Golden Cheese Cookie Golden Cheese CookieWhite Lily Cookie White Lily Cookie
Quái Thú Mystic Flour Cookie Mystic Flour Cookie